I’m so confused why and why all of a sudden. give me a stomach ache and diarrhea. I get terrible bowel issues everytime. Heat amplifies the smells and taste of foods. Or could it be something else such as medications we are taking for blood sugars, cholesterol or high blood pressure. I get morning sickness from all other eggs. Oh that’s terrible! Being raised on a farm and having eggs and milk as part of our daily diet for years this has me floored. (I ate eggs less frequently but every single time it was the same). Anyways, long rambling that didn’t give much insight but I appreciated reading your post and checking out your recipes! The cleaner the eat the less they seem to bother me. (The quinoa salad too.) They never bother me, even in a soft scramble. I’m about to use that in a recipe, so I’ll be looking out for a reaction. Interesting, we have chickens so my eggs are extremely fresh. With a little salt, a little butter, and maybe a few bites of veggies or meat on the side, I was a happy camper. They are crispy and perfect for dipping. I always test them in water to make sure they don’t float. i think it may be the hen’s diet. Heaven forbid we get some bacteria I think it is the additives. We ate out a lot since I’m usually the cook in our house. :). I learned I had this problem when I was on some back medication that advised “not to be eaten on an empty stomach”. Wasn’t able to eat another bite of food all night, my T-Bone steak is in the fridge this morning. After each kid I’ve lost something i can eat. You get the eggs unwashed right from under the chickens butt, I never kept them in the fridge and most eggs we have are free ranged eggs. Thankyou so much for this article ive recently been experiencing this too on holiday with cooked eggs in omelettes! another F was added: Fair. Fortunately she has you to make sure they are good and quality carbs! In Houston, folks wait up to 4 hours for food from open Burger King. We still eat a lot of it – Pepperoni with olives and mushrooms. Hopefully they will not affect me. Had I poisoned our friends somehow? I’ve been doing this for decades. I thought it might be me staying indoor all the time (it’s been winter the whole time I was here) or dehydration. Thank you so much for this. Since then, my seasonal allergies are 100 times worse, constant runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing. Mainly they cause gastric problems, like stomach pain, diarrhea and nausea. Sorry for the delay in replying. Thank you so much for your post, very interesting reading, Iam finding that the older I get the more allergic I become, it wasn’t until I put 2+2 together that I realised that for the last few months I have been suffering from feeling nauseous and gassy, bloated and achy that I have worked it out that it is eggs, I had a dippy egg this morning feeling pretty bad all day. Let me tell you, it’s a sad thing to have to sit and watch a young lady and be utterly powerless to help her. I need to pay attention the next time I eat pickles. The cheaper they are (Aldi .50/dozen) the worse they make me feel! Your email address will not be published. So tough for a food lover. Another few of my go to’s have been foods I enjoyed growing up but don’t sound good to me now at the moment haha. And since I was making a large amount of pasta and meatballs, I had to send my husband to the store for a couple cartons of eggs. I struggled with that one. for the entire day. It is frustrating, but at least it looks like you identified the issue! I got hens and raised them for their eggs and I didn’t have a problem at all. this may address a lot of 40 y.o that are noticing a change in their dietary intolerances. I dont understand why I cant find an egg in Canada but Cuban eggs are fine. The only meat i can stomach lately is chicken. But my problem is with Liquid Eggs. The carb-on-carb combo on this pizza was sometimes exactly what Betsy was craving. The one we landed on was actually much simpler than the one in the above recipe. No milk, and no tomatoes. Sadly because I do like the taste and they are almost a perfect food. GF toast with butter and raw tomatoes on top at lunch works a treat at the mo’ (with maybe a VERY thin layer of cheese). Bland enough, but also has some good protein and stuff! Now, you do know you’re going to have to share that pasta recipe with us, right? Finally figured it out it was eggs. We’ll see. I never had full-on morning sickness, but I stopped cooking almost entirely and my husband took over. Some recent news from a friend told me that after YEARS of eating eggs, she met with her doctor to find that the albimum ( egg white) coats the inside of your gut. made my own fried chicken with egg wash to coat…that old feeling returned. I thought I was going crazy. I haven’t found the full eggs yet.). First, I made some cookies using eggs as an ingredient, and ate a couple. What we weren’t exactly ready for was a lingering four month slog where Bets couldn’t eat a shifting field of foods. I ate eggs for breakfast for many years without issue. Hopefully you can find some good things to eat. So, pizza sounds good, but it also makes me instantly run to the bathroom. Everything you described to a T. I know I’ve seen them in cartons in giant grocery stores but I can’t remember where or when (it was before I had this issue so I wasn’t really paying attention). So hard to figure out because it’s so different for everyone! I PUKE! Deviled eggs, boiled eggs, and eggs cooked in food still dont bother me. Just a thought. The crunchy bacon and crispy tomato and lettuce is a great combo. And my back was killing me all the time. I noticed some of the same triggers: undercooked eggs are more likely to cause it than hardboiled eggs, and I’ve pretty much had to give up eggs since. I miss them and am hoping fresh eggs will be ok. I actually made my hubby cook his own food in the garage because the smell made me so sick. For me the feeling is almost flu like symptoms achy lethargic and just down right crummy. Thank you sooo much! Chronic nausea and vomiting in patients that do not have any obvious structural … I am currently nursing an awful bout that came on a couple hours after a cafe brunch and I realised that his always happens after cafe brunches and I always think ‘it couldn’t be what I ate, I eat bread and eggs all the time’ but now it’s all making sense! So annoying as I really like them but the pain isnt worth it. Some days it was almost hour to hour. Cooked food in general has been very hard for me, but when I do eat those dishes I mostly stomach them only after they have cooled down. Once they’re about two weeks old I feed them to my family or make them into hard-boiled eggs, which don’t seem to bother me at all. A favorite! If they are not thoroughly cooked (no creamy taste) I am fine. interesting thoughts . These Baked Nuggets are one of my favorite takes on chicken nuggets. It must be a very protective layer that is stripped away and those of us who are sensitive will feel the consequences. Maybe this list of Easy Meals for Pregnant Women will help you now, or in the future. I didn’t realize that the way it’s cooked might matter until recently when my mom pointed out that I’m good with her “Dutch Baby” pancakes (thin, fried) and fried eggs, but scrambled or poached can be a problem. Some days I feel like I’m losing my mind and can hardly put the words together I’m trying to say. Oh my gosh, I’m almost in tears reading all of this! I have never in my 53 years been allergic to eggs. Ha! My doctors told me I was going to have a hard time getting pregnant, since I was 42 by then, so I started taking fertility drugs. Good to know it’s not just me. I’ve never tried them but I should. Im 16 and my brother is 14, we are very close and out parents are on a holiday for the next 2 months which leaves me and my brother at home. I normally love cooking, so not having my faves has been rough emotionally and practically speaking. I have four kids and I’ve gotten new allergies with each pregnancy. Because I can eat eggs without getting sick! Thanks for the ideas, I’m going to try some potato soup later. Perhaps I’ll give it a test run with some really fresh pastured eggs… never tried that yet. My brother thought maybe he just needed to cook the eggs more well done if they’re fried and that didn’t work either so I’m thinking you’re right and the eggs need to be super fresh. Try to find a recipe on my site that doesn’t include any cooked vegetables. I absolutely love that you did this for your wife! I’m so thankful for your info and everyone’s comments. Also, I was allergy tested and tested no reaction to eggs! Never got sick, though. This is actually a good rule for cooking in general, but many times I think Betsy wasn’t against the food exactly, but the texture of the dish. Ugh. I can agree that fresher eggs help with the problem. Not just better, but good. Nausea.. stomach cramps. This is the same issue I was having. I love my hard-boiled eggs. What I have discovered is WHAT I eat with eggs can make the difference (potatoes usually mark them safe) and the amount- I made a small cake with 6 eggs & it bothered me- changed to 4 eggs & it’s ok.) I am non-dairy & always suspected it could be milk in a restaurant- why I stopped ordering scrambled, but my cake used almond milk & still bothered me. I’m fine! Wow! These eggs will not float either. Doctor said its an elimination process – how fun. I had no idea that what I’ve been going through is normal. At the time I thought..hmmmm I wonder if that is air inside making it stand up? But few months ago I moved to Canada – and started experiencing this very bad headache that comes with nausea that lasts for hours up to a whole day… it happens once a week or two. I have many environmental allergies so I just added it to my list of ‘allergies’ I used to love eggs and could not figure out why those baked, highly cooked foods didn’t bother me. My mother has chickens and I never got sick on her eggs but almost every store bought egg makes me sick. I just found this today. Pathology samples, testing for all sorts of things including coeliac and other autoimmune diseases. But I hope they work for you!! I thought I was the only one!! I miss eggs cus I love eggs! Despite how I was feeling, I kept to my usual Might Taco breakfast schedule (I mean, it wasn’t going to make my stomach worse). Haha Last night we didn’t have any eggs and I woke without a headache and allergy symptoms. Someone once told me it had something to do with proteins in either the yolk or whites, and how they break down while cooking. But i think i got the egg mystery figured out. Interesting article! Once the bloom is removed, anythinh those eggs are exposed to are going to draw it in through the pores ofvthe shell. Salty things make me have heartburn but citrus stuff like oranges don’t. I do think that some changes in genetics/ DNA/ genes can happen with age and life changes such as stress. I know this is an older post but I have issues with eggs “sometimes” usually hard boiled ones, causes me cramping and upper abdominal stomach pains. Designed by good ole Neversink. The carton I have in my fridge now says “308” (just look for a 3-digit number without any letters or anything else). I may have cracked the code on why some eggs leave me feeling nauseous and achy, while others leave me feeling fine. Until i eat something that’s when i can settle. The egg sub products are mostly soy based so you may have to watch or try that Your email address will not be published. It was at this time I started to think it was food related and started slowly eliminating things from my diet. Thankfully I have learned that for me the only way to kick the terrible feeling is with a nap. I really miss eggs. I too thought it was wheat and cut it out but it was still happening. I’m so glad I read your post….now maybe I can start feeling human again!! I’ll keep baking but I bake for others so no worries for me. But one thing I know doesn’t play a part for me is medication. I couldnt stomach really any meat and still to this day cannot and im 16 weeks. I’ve been allergic to garlic since I was 13 – it’s awful. I quit eating them for a long time, but then found I could have them occasionally, though even this is risky and unpredictable… About two or three years ago I started eating egg beaters for breakfast and have been fine… The last few months I’ve been eating egg whites without issue, but today I’m a bit achy… When it happens, I switch to unsweetened oatmeal in the morning, and it fixes the problem almost immediately. Maybe a liquid egg substitute, like Egg Beaters? overall No. But only after its cooked will it smell, if at all. Once again thank you for sharing your experience ! We’re all a big happy nauseous family. Scrambled eggs are the worst of the worst. I have a similar issue with eggs. I’ve just eaten scrambled eggs and nearly threw up. But, this mashed potato pizza (and pizza in general) was generally something Betsy could eat as long as didn’t have a ton of vegetables on it. Is there some place where you can get really fresh eggs to test the theory out? This very much is a thing. It seems to more “pure” the egg did is, the worse it hits me. I miss eggs desperately sometimes! . Most factory egg chickens are fed soy based meal from China- very bad for us I had the exwct same symptoms on Sunday after having pancakes for breakfast. Thank you for this article. I had oatmeal in the morning, right when I woke up and tried to lightly and regularly snack (protein as much as possible). Even mixed up into cake or food.. but when i eat WHiTE eggs.. i am totally fine!!!! Thank you ! This list was updated on January 7th, 2020 to include a bunch of new recipe ideas! Oh wow… that’s some intense weight loss! Wrap in plastic wrap and let sit out for between 30 minutes and 3 hours. Great article. I don’t know why this is. What I also noticed, was that the strength of the back ache has been increasing every time until I was so ill a few weeks back, I could barely move. Thanks for the comment! I will try eating a really fresh egg and see how it works. This may also be why many of us can easily eat very, very fresh farm eggs and not have a reaction. But that doesn’t fully make sense since I can eat mayo like a champ, and cookie dough has never made me sick (i don’t do that often but sometimes it’s hard to resist). For some reason white eggs give me gas, I know there is no difference but still. The first trimester I couldn’t eat any sausage and generally smells just bothered me. I didn’t stop having “morning” (all day every day oh my god when is this going to stop for the love of god) sickness until the 7th month, then I finally started being able to eat and gaining back what I had lost. BUT if I ever eat a fresh farm egg (eg at my dads farm) no problem at all. And others can learn from what highly sensitive people are reacting to, because chances are, your body is affected by those things as well, just not as obviously. I eat 3 or 4 eggs every single day and I would be so sad without them. Your email address will not be published. Any suggestions on heartburn relief are great as usually it doesn’t start this early. Ate farm fresh eggs at my grandparents farm for years and no problems. I buy a dozen eggs from pastured hens each week, and I use the leftovers from the week before for hard-boiled eggs or baking. Today I tried another brand of eggs, free range/organic, and the brain fog and fatigue soon followed. That’s an interesting theory, but it definitely doesn’t apply to me. I have some ideas to try now… but in regards to genetics/ DNA/ genes… the mutation could have been “turned on” so to speak when you reached 40… weirdest thing is that is when my problem started too, This reminds me of a meme I saw on Facebook today: “Welcome to your forties! So i gave up my wonderful (moderately expensive) Nellies eggs which never make me sick and tried a (very expensive) local pastured eggs from whole foods. Crap. otherwise it’s been very veggie and fruit heavy. Sometimes Betsy was craving STEAK and this is a great quick option for a meat-heavy meal. I, too, was very sick with my little one until about 6.5 months. Next I’m going to try fresh eggs. Hi Megan, Thanks for sharing ☺️. My experience during the the second pregnancy has been very different from the first one. I have become unable to eat eggs I fix at home, unfortunately. I’m absolutely fine if I eat them hard boiled, poached etc. Hey Sarah! Good luck!! Oh man, sounds like you have it worse than I do – it never made me throw up!! I’ve noticed lately how whenever I eat fried eggs (medium well I think it’s called lol) I get an upset stomach to where it almost stops me from going about my day. Were the amoebas that had hitch-hiked back home with me after a trip to South America in 1998 making a comeback tour? Thank you for this post. OMG i am so sick.. So why now? I’m going to go for the quinoa salad next. I’m going to use the info in this article to look at my own situation more carefully. Dear Amy, Thanks ever so much for this post. Might check out my vegetarian section for inspiration! I wonder if the McDonald’s sausage egg and cheese McMuffin I ate this morning and flushed down the toilet by noon is made with eggs and milk. I can eat mayo, cookies, cakes, pastas, etc with no issues. It seems to happen every time I make scrambled eggs. Congratulations! The color of the egg has nothing to do with it though, dark eggs come from dark chickens, white eggs come from white chickens, that’s it. I discovered this past Spring (2020 of course!) Unfortunately I lost today and have to deal with being sick all day. But I eat nothing but cereal now..special k with banana’s and mix two different kinds of special k…they all are very good…with a lil honey too…I so want an omelet… But won’t dare… So thanks for the tips… Bagels, toast, mashed potatoes… and yet I didn’t gain an ounce. So glad you could figure it out! This is me as well. Not fun. Oh wow! Just a word of warning as you enter the home stretch: I wasn’t sick at all until the third trimester and then the sickness and aversions caught up with a vengeance. My only advice is that when I was having a carby day and couldn’t stomach the thought of meat or fish, one of the ways I could get protein into me was to make rice pudding without a lot of sugar and “hide” an egg or two in it. We landed on oats as a cure. I found out this week that I have a gallstone, following a painful attack. Thankyou for writing this. Thanks a lot for penning this down. I hate ordering eggs in restaurants now because I’m not even sure what to ask! In fact, my experience would suggest the opposite, since McDonald’s eggs never bother my stomach at all. Some additional notes where I differ a bit from your experiences: – I have found it strange that I don’t seem to be sensitive to eggs much at all when they’re mixed in with other ingredients. This needs scientific investigation. I thought I was crazy. When my son was 4 months old I gave up eggs because the pain wasn’t worth it. I made the mistake of trying again tonight when i read a book that insisted free rqmge eggs fed all vegetarian feed were bad for you. A few times a year I have what I used to refer to as my ‘random awful gut pain and swelling’. Fortunately I don’t throw up, just feel sick. At this moment I am running back and forth to the bathroom for episodes and have an achy back almost like early back labor. I’m so glad I found this article! Registered Dietitian here! Traces of pesticides or other chemicals can be in the eggs. Dont like the power egg substitutes It’s a wild ride! To scramble eggs I usually have to scramble them until almost brown. Whats making You sick, is the bacteria being pulled in if its too well cleaned. And morning sickness was actually evening sickness for me. Probably too old for my poor sensitive stomach to handle. If the age of the eggs is the issue, then the mechanism may not be sulfur but histamines. As eggs age, they develop sulfur, and I’m guessing that that’s the key here for me (and it’s only a guess—I am very much not a doctor!). Ooh, that’s a very interesting piece of the puzzle, thank you! I also didn’t have any food aversions or cravings. But that was a LONG time ago, and it hadn’t occurred to me to check and see if their methods had changed. Other markets may have them too, It’s both the feed the chickens eat and the cleaning process In fact, many women who suffer from constipation or nausea while on conventional prenatal vitamins during pregnancy see a significant improvement when switching to food … So lately, its been really hot down here so me and my brother made an agreement, that we can both go naked around the house but i told him like 3 times, NOTHING SEXUAL!. I had a small breakdown a few weeks ago because the morning sickness was so bad and like Betsy it would last all day long with mornings and nights being the worst. Breakfast is just not the same without eggs and neither is a high protein diet. Anyway, it’s truly good to hear, that many people have same problem, and the way that some have solved it. I got sick all over again. Oh good luck, I really hope that’s the answer for you!! This is me as well I can only have Member’s Mark Organic Cage Free Large Brown Eggs any other im dying in mins of eating them I have done so many test over the last 3 years and they are the only ones I just tried again a few months ago trying to fine back up eggs seeing these one sales out every week and are hard to get but still no luck I have no clue why and not sure I will ever know. For the passed 2 weeks its been very normal, me … I’ve narrowed down my Digestive problem to eggs, but I have been getting them fresh for quite a while now from a distant neighbor. We travel to Iran each year, and last year I ate *something* that gave me those bad cramps, but I’m not sure what it was. For whatever reason, mixing them into cakes and pastas and doughs causes me no trouble that I’m aware of. And I love to eat!!! I’m at 12 weeks now. I have been noticing this for the past couple of years but put it down to eating the eggs on an empty stomach or something I ate with them caused the problem. I had brunch at my father’s place and my stomach felt like cement for the next six hours. Still the same on and off nausea with them. Oh my gosh, this article answers so many of my questions. I started getting lightheaded after eating my usual breakfast of three egg whites and my symptoms progressively became worse. It’s easier for me to figure out what is affecting what. I ate eggs every day that I was there and never got sick. Thanks again for your post!! Anyhow, we eaten farm fresh eggs for years. I developed food sensitivities around around the same time as I was processing trauma. However, I’m completely fine with cookie doughs, baked goods and various other things. For myself I have found that the yolk is the issue. Thank you x. I would love to find a liquid egg product like Burger King uses, that’s the whole egg. I feel its a combo of age and chicken diet. If the homemade crust is too much, just use a store-bought pound of dough – you probably have enough to worry about anyway! Well next time I ate eggs same thing. What makes this so interesting is that I too am 40 and will be 41 in a couple months. (Literally only blueberry + banana, custom order, lol.) Eating for this pregnancy has basically been the same as any other 9 months out of my life. I can eat hard boiled eggs fine and I can eat products containing eggs but if it’s scrambled it gives me the same queasy feeling as drinking milk because I’m lactose intolerant. Yes, I’ve had this exact problem for 10 years (I’m 62), and figured out that farm-fresh eggs are the only kind I can tolerate. It’s been like playing roulette sometimes they make me sick sometimes they don’t. I did and felt much better. An Elite Cafe Media Food Publisher I’m like you…it’s takes a few days to get back to normal. One reason the egg white that come in a carton don’t make you sick is that they are pasteurized. I’m 7 weeks along and the all day sickness has been bad enough to keep me from work several times. That’s a great reminder. I knew right then, it was the eggs (insert crying face emoji here). I just wanted to give my input as the egg-thing completely puzzled me and broke my heart when it first started. Thank You! That was difficult, but he put up with my ever-changing likes and dislikes. HSPs go through life on a balance beam and trauma can make it feel like a tight rope or a thread. Those tacos and crunchy lettuce wraps sound nice! I had to pull into the nearest parking lot because I thought I was going to be sick. She suggested I try German eggs because they don’t spray them with the bleach solution they use in the states (and also don’t need to refrigerate them). We ordered pizza, made pizza, got frozen pizzas, had pizza variations like calzones, the whole shebang. I have absolutely no idea why, but red meat makes me ill as well. The ones that have sulphur smell drink water that is high in iron. Our pediatrician told us to introduce egg yolks around 7 months, and after the 3rd time, my son got really sick. I was on strict carbs diet (pasta, pizza, bread, crackers, mashed potatoes, etc.) Anyways, I don’t think I’m going to try duck or farm fresh eggs, even in Iran, because the pain just isn’t worth it for me. Thanks for the comment NIki! It sounds crazy to say I can’t eat any eggs except the most expensive, organic, pasture-wandering vegan chicken eggs. I slowly eliminated them altogether, and wasn’t getting sick anymore.