VERY VERY VERY faint line within 3 min time (blink and you'd miss it) then within 10 mins it was ever so slightly darker, def something there - but a proper squinter - I've included a photo (the lighter line). I am very greatful for the BFP and trying not to be paranoid. Faint positive test after miscarriage was getting lighter but now getting darker (22 Posts) Add message | Report. Hi, I'm so confused and would love to get some advice on anyone who has experienced this. After the 10 mins it now looks like this? Some women use a home pregnancy test even before a missed period. (The darker photo) I'm 99.9% sure the line is pink. OP, if you plan to start TTC, I recommend getting wondfo's from amazon. Took an FRER this morning. I realize that HPTs are not intended to be read after the allotted 10 minute test time. I took one a day until the day my period was missed, and the lines for the first few tests I took were pretty light, then after my missed period they started to get much darker… Just don’t freak yourself out if you start early and don’t get a positive! Ssmm Fri 26-Jun-20 16:52:25. They will either get darker or they won't. There's no harm in using them as long as you know it's possible they aren't accurate. Thanks for any comments. I test with a first response on 15dpo and although I can't confirm a line. I know you shouldn't read tests after the time window but my question is if this morning what I saw was an evap line then would it have gotten darker in colour over time? If you have done a pregnancy test earlier and got a faint positive line and after one week of the missed period you are testing again and getting a dark positive line, this means you are pregnant. Share. I am 17 dpo today. negative test today. After one week of the missed period, you get a very accurate result. It was faint but it was there. A faint positive on a pregnancy test is still a positive; it just means that you are earlier in the pregnancy and have lower levels of hormones. You may see online forums filled with photos of pregnancy tests asking for help from people to read them. I was wondering, for any of you that started out with a faint line how long did it take to get darker? It showed up after two minutes and before the ten minute limit. pregnant or not? I have had a faint line for the past two days, but it gets darker right around the 3-5 minute window. The best time to test is at least seven to 10 days after ovulation, or at least three days after your missed period. Hello. im trying to get pregnant and my period is due in 2 days but im being impatient and hopeful, i have taken about 5 pregnancy tests in the last 3 days and they have all had a very faint positive lines after about 15 minutes, whereas a week or two ago there was none, am i pregnant An evaporation line on a pregnancy test is a faint, non-colored line that may appear if a person uses the test incorrectly. (To make sure it gets darker) Second thing, blue dye test are awful for putting out false positives (evap lines) even within the time frame. Anything other than a blank is considered to be positive, even if it's a very faint line. i took a lot of tests over the time and they kept getting darker. So this morning I took a clearblue ultra early test before work and I'm pretty sure I saw a faint line. A couple things: first, no the lines won't necessarily darken. If you aren't far enough along then it will be faint. Obstetrics and Gynecology 29 years experience. A faint positive test line can also appear if you take a pregnancy test shortly after implantation when your hCG level is low, or if your urine is diluted. I've read stories of 6/7 month pregnant women taking pregnancy tests just for fun or because a friend did and their tests came up negative. Extremely faint BFP, positive stories please? I got my first VERY faint positive 5 days after a 5 day FET transfer. I've come back from work and looked at the test and the line is darker blue and prominent. If you are positive of your ovulation date than I wouldn't get my hopes up. If you were testing very early and then tested after your period was due you might see a difference, but the line isn't going to get darker and darker and darker. A person who gets a faint positive home pregnancy test result should wait a few days and then repeat the test. if you were to look at the test now, 2 days later you would absolutely say it was a positive. Well im back again after a short time seems im pregnant again in first cycle since miscarriage. 1 doctor answer • 2 doctors weighed in. I am taking prometrium so I can't say AF is late as it won't come until I go off the meds. Disappearing faint positive: so hears the story. This video was made to see everyone opinions, does the pregnancy test line get darker as the hcg levels increase? I OBSESSED over testing and it was very disheartening. If you test early, your hCG levels may be still be low and you’ll see a faint positive line. Very faint positive pregnancy test result: A Very faint positive pregnancy test can be an evaporation line. I took a blue dye hpt yesterday and a faint positive. Levels of hCG in your body will increase over the course of your pregnancy. Says not pregnant but two lines? But ideally, you need to duplicate the pregnancy test if you get a very faint positive pregnancy test. See your Doctor: You … faint positive on pregnancy test 5 minutes after taken. or too early? Once I got a faint positive, I tested every day, making sure the line was still there, and that I was actually pregnant. If you get a faint positive line, repeat the test after a few days. I got a faint BFp last night, took another one today, another faint line. I am going to pick up an early response test tonight. You should test every day or 2 days to see the progression in the line. Testing earlier than that can result in a false negative or a faint positive reading. Any positive line, no matter how faint, means your result is pregnant. Any positive line, no matter how faint, means your result is pregnant. A true pregnant women will see the test line getting darker … My faint positives on blue dye tests ended up being a chemical. I'm scared we celebrated too early. Just know that when you find a faint test line, you need to do another test after a couple of days to see whether the test line is getting darker. Of course I test. If it's positive it's positive. But, if it's a pink line that developed long after the time is up, there's also a chance it is an evaporation line, though if it's a solid pink line (even if faint) that is less likely. 4 faint positives on FRER not getting darker..worried Hi everyone, I got my first very faint BFP on FRER 4 days ago, have tested every day for the past 4 days with FMU, but the line isn't getting darker at all as the days go on. Dr had given me jnstructions not to test until cd35, which is not until next weekend. I started getting very faint positives at 11 dpo and about 5 days before my period would have come. My previous negatives didn't have any line even after 24 hours. My AF isnt due until tomorrow. A pink line, however faint, usually means positive. Try holding your pregnancy test up to a white sheet of paper or the wall to get a better perspective. With a chemical pregnancy you will see a faint test line, but it will not get darker. Sorry to be harsh but at 15dpo you should have more than 25-50hcg. If the test is positive a second time, they … Missing your period is one of the easiest signs of pregnancy, but getting that positive on a pregnancy test is the only way to know for sure.You can get an accurate reading on some pregnancy tests as early as 6 days before your intended period and a faint … on implanon. If you test early, your hCG levels may be still be low and you’ll see a faint positive line. Faint positives not getting any darker: OMG I have a Skinny Faint Positive!!! So, it wasn't an evaporation line, but it wasn't a viable pregnancy either. As long as it’s a FET you should be good to test at home. Dr. Bruce Pierce answered. We didn't officially start trying again but didn't take precautions either and 2 weeks after that i took another rest after feeling unwell and it was a really faint positive. a faint positive is a positive! i went to the dr. last monday and had my levels drawn and they were really low and then again on wednesday and they barely went up. then on the 13th i started bleeding and bled for 3 days. Cheap, reliable, and highly sensitive. A darker line may indicate either that you’re further along in your pregnancy or in rare cases, that it is a multiple pregnancy. This morning its a very very faint bfp, at around 12 days since I had my last smiley face, so asume 12dpo. im kinda going through this now. Is this because my urine dried up a little or was it just an evaporation line to begin with? i took a test on the 11th and it was positive. so I have taken a few other tests...but they are all negative. However, if a faint line shows up after the time window on the directions or when it is dry, can be invalid. If it is still a faint line, you can try the next day. I took a hpt and i saw a very very very faint line right around the ten minute time limit. only it wasn't too faint. Don't know exact dates as not had a period since my … I hope I am wrong and you get a darker line tomorrow but about 10 -20 minutes later the line got significantly darker. I have had 2 chemical pregnancies before and the line was faint and just didn't get any darker. So I just looked at it again today and the positive line is a little darker. VERY VERY faint positive , but period aches: Extremely faint lines on pregnancy test: Faint positive now light bleeding [emoji20] anyone have this and ended up gettin: Digital Pregnancy test. Faint positive pregnancy test result: A faint positive pregnancy test result is indicating that your pregnancy is at an early stage. i am so confused right now... i have been taking hpts for about a week and am getting very faint positives the lines are there before the time limit but the first two that i took the lines disapeared but the last ones the line has gotten more visible after the time limt was up but there not clear or grey they are defintely blue so are they evap lines or bfp pregnancy tests detect a horomone that pregnant women make, hcg.. Levels of hCG in your body will increase over the course of your pregnancy. Did anyone's stay faint?