Eventually, the soul ray or influence becomes the dominating factor, and the rays of the lower bodies become the sub-rays of this controlling ray. Esoteric Astrology is a specialized branch of astrology directed towards spiritual growth in this incarnation. There are also certain tendencies inherent in each ray that can be obstacles on one's path. The seven rays present seven paths to individual or personal Christhood. Pt 2: Soul Origins & 7 Rays of Light - 'Image of God', Soul Memory Vibrations, Keepers of the Rays . The science of Rayology can help us to more deeply understand ourselves, and others, in a very practical way. Showing how to calculate the Soul Ray, Personality Ray & Sub Rays . Seven Soul Ray Esoteric Astrology. In the ancient Esoteric Philosophy, these divisions of divine light are referred to as “The Seven Rays”, and , according to esoteric literature, every human soul is founded upon one of them. The Seven Rays are universal frequencies that help your personality and soul to do your service in this life. This Ray embodies the building and relating qualities and is the blending and inclusive energy that leads to true understanding. He not only gave me kind permission to use the ~Portals~ ones but also created several ones specially for this site. But, as I am sure you already know, determining one’s ray is not possible from any quiz. An individual with a Seventh Ray Soul is the true magician. Pt 1: Soul Origins & 7 Rays of Light - Trinity, Creation Energy, Soul Birth, Source Expressions . Actually, there is no single ray, because the 3 bodies, the lower soul and the Higher one have their corresponding rays which are, usually, different. Order 90 minutes for $195. This last sentence is of basic importance, for it indicates the true relation of the personality to the ego or soul. Brahma The third aspect of the Hindu trinity – Siva (father/ray 1- will), Krishna (son/ray 2 – love) and Brahma (mother/ray 3 – intelligence) Buddhi Universal soul or mind. My sincere thanks to the visionary artist David Camp for the wonderful pictures used on these Ray Interpretations. It is the 4 th plane of perception of pure intuition, and is the state that all humanity is evolving toward. Certain attributes and influences are distinctive in each ray. He or she is naturally able create positive change in the world. Pt 3: Soul Origins & 7 Rays of Light - 'In-Between' Place, Crystalline Grids, Great Central Sun This is achieved through the power of the spoken or written word, and the ability to build outer forms that can anchor profound spiritual principles. Seven masters have mastered identity by walking these paths, defined as the seven archetypes of Christhood. Every human soul is on one of the seven rays that stream out from the seven "stars" of the Great Bear. These particular ascended masters are called the chohans of the rays, which means lords of the rays. 7. Its strength is through persistence and it radiates the spirit of relationship and the attractive quality of Love. Your Soul Ray. “The Seventh Ray’s main function is to work for the infusion of the energies of spirit with the substance of matter…. I believe that it serves as a good introduction to this vast topic of the 7 rays. It is the working of the Seventh Ray which aids in the fusion of the Soul and the personality, and the resulting reorientation of an individual’s life purpose and direction. Each ray has its own color and its own note.