Please what do I do. The problem is she’s at daycare from 6:30-3:00 pm. Roxanne Voehl, MA, CCC-SLP When your baby starts eating more solids, they naturally need less calories from milk. It’s a lot like when adults are sick. But while using it, I fed her with a bottle in public or while visiting people as it was so messy to nurse with. We had trouble getting our daughter to drink from a bottle, but she never refused it. Each reason makes complete sense and something parents may not realize or think about at the time. If the syringe feeding is working and she’s gaining weight well and having enough diapers and it works okay for your daughter, she can certainly keep doing this. Because of this, it can be alarming when your baby suddenly refuses to drink a bottle and you don’t know why. what happened when your Pediatrician finally listened? Required fields are marked *. He doesn’t eat much semisolids during daytime too… he is 9.5kgs… born 2.1kgs…. DISCLOSURE: Piece of Cake Parenting is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program. In terms of bottle refusal, you’re in a little different situation than most of the readers here because your baby hasn’t taken a bottle yet. I have cried so many times because it’s been 3 weeks like this. <3. I was scared of him not taking a bottle and that’s the reason I introduced it to him this early. We feel he is teething which is why he is rejecting the bottle. He’s having 3oz very 3 to 4 hours he also refuse solids he won’t open his mouth at all or if I get to put the food on his mouth he would spit out. Oh mama! I’m praying so hard it’s just a phase and possibly a growth spurt?? Her doc thinks it’s reflux and suggested rice cereal in the bottle but I can’t wrap my head around that since she eats fine otherwise, doesn’t arch, isn’t fussy otherwise Thanks! Last week my LO refused to take a bottle. Formula allergies are not uncommon in the baby with reflux. Rehabilitation and Therapy | Since last week, she’s struggling with bottle and dribbles out whatever milk she takes in. He is also teething but was teething before the hospital visit so i’m worried that he associates the bottle with taking medicine now. He was born at 28weeks. A common cause to consider is a feeding aversion. In these situations, he is much more interested in looking around than drinking from his bottle. In the meantime, if your baby is drinking out of an open cup, straw, or sippy cup, you can try to give milk or water that way to give extra fluids while you can. Both formula (goat) as well as natural breast milk. My two months old baby just started refusing bottle-fed, maybe she’s tired of the formula and she wants only breast milk and that has been a concern. I exclusively breastfeed her when she is with me. Oh my goodness! If they completely refuse milk, stop having wet/dirty diapers, or seem lethargic, they may be dehydrated. Also my baby will only take fresh milk, Yay!!! Unless they were born early, most babies are ready by then. Since this is more complicated, I’d definitely talk to your doctor more to discuss different options. I’m guessing he’s missing you and enjoys this time together! I breastfeed throughout the evening. I’d keep offering the bottle according to your normal schedule. Is this a relatively knew thing with your daughter or has it been a struggle for a while? . My baby is going to be 5 months old this Friday! I’d also connect with your doctor and let them know that she is drinking less and has had a cough so they can determine if they’d like to see her. If you pump, you could have excess lipase in your milk which makes a big difference in the taste and many babies don't like it. I recommend checking out the bottle guide to see if anything jumps out at you and then send me an email so we can brainstorm together. Your email address will not be published. You want to avoid doing it too late, for the reasons mentioned above. Click here! Go into a quiet, private location and enjoy one-on-one time together. Do you think it was due to the pacifier? She would allow us to put the bottle in and get a few good sucks and then let go. If these happen, I’d call your medical provider to touch base. This can be concerning for moms, but it is completely normal. But, i don’t see any other way. Typically, if you keep offering a bottle, your baby will get over the hump before you know it. Listen to you gut and just check in with the doctor if that helps you to feel better. Most parents switch formulas frequently when their baby has reflux, hoping to find one that the baby will tolerate. My little boy at 8 months old, has just been in hospital for 10 days receiving medicine everyday. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. , I recommend checking out the Bottle Refusal Guide that I have linked above. But I’m at my wits end with this situation. If she’s congested, try to keep her head elevated as much as possible and give her a bottle at a more elevated angle (like you do with paced bottle feeding and to avoid acid reflux). He eats yogurt . Even after sleeping all night when he should be most hungry in the morning he just clamps his mouth shut. As long as he’s staying on his growth curve and having wet and dirty diapers and if your doctor feels good about things, you should be good as well. If baby doesn’t want to nurse that much, I’d also try to power pump once per day for a week or so if you’re schedule allows to see if that helps to boost up your supply again. In the meantime, you can add in extra nursing sessions if you are breastfeeding, offer a cup with milk, water, or juice, make milk popsicles, or give foods with a higher water content. Check out where you can connect with one of them in these communities and beyond. He started getting his molars around this time and it always seemed too painful to drink out of the bottle, but once they popped through he was back to normal. (Your Baby Should See A Doctor) 1.3 Symptom #3: Your baby has projectile vomiting (Your Baby Needs Immediate Attention) 1.4 Symptom #4: Your baby refuses to feed & looks like they’re not gaining weight. Good luck to you and your family!! It can add in an extra layer of difficulty if you have to give meds and your baby isn’t a fan. I’m concerned because she’s so tiny and that is a LONG time to go without eating. We are mix feeding. It shares so many tips and ideas of things you can try. Good luck! I’m working on catching up on emails and will respond there too tonight or tomorrow. She associates food time with this special bonding time and will often want to cuddle and nurse rather than take a bottle. What to do. I signed up for your baby bottle survival guide. Often, your baby will drink just enough throughout the day to top off his hunger and then wait to squeeze in lots of nursing sessions once you’re together again in the evening. Many moms will notice that their baby seems to drink from a bottle less often at daycare then he nurses at home. She has severe reflux ever since she was born. But just a week ago, he started refusing bottles and only wants to nurse. He doesn’t even want to put the bottle in his mouth. Content is for informational purposes only and does not constitue medical advice. That makes me so happy! He drinks maybe 2 oz in 7/8 hours but takes the bottle at night. Prior to this happening she was drinking her bottles and loving it ! I actually recommend nursing as much as you possibly can. Also she has developed a dry cough the last month or so. Sometimes it takes a little time for the teeth to pop through! She just wanted to nurse all day. Oh my goodness! If she’s able to take in milk from a spoon, syringe, or cup, that’s great because it can help to make sure that she’s staying hydrated. Use these 7 steps to help your breastfed baby love bottle feeding just as much as the breast. If she suddenly has a big decrease in wet diapers, call your doctor because dehydration can be really serious.