Hmm, now that is a thought, how many day/places a year are both visible? Anyway as a former atheist myself those thoughts are not unfamiliar to me until I found that the Bible really deserves to be called the Word of God. So just want to put out there is a third option that is completely natural/physical just not understood, witnessed, modeled, or known by modern science. ESV Rev 16:17 The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and a loud voice came out of the temple, from the throne, saying, “It is done!” And there were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as there had never been since man was on the earth, so great was that earthquake. THE WORMWOOD PROPHECY That's less than 1 in 10,000 people based on the expected world population of 8 billion people in 2026. Yet, the first church in Jerusalem accomplished exactly this as the Book of Acts records. You’d still see it in years, slightly less so. Is that why President Trump sanctioned a colossal increase to planetary defense? Part 1 (I did exactly that to understand finally what the Good News of the Kingdom he taught was about.). Really excellent material here, Tim, thank you! The Antichrist comes to power with an offer of establishing security and peace in a chaotic lawless post-Wormwood dystopia. If Wormwood is a rogue planet coming as early as 2026, how do I explain zero verifiable sightings? Death on a massive scale ensues. Through Thomas Horn's brand-new revelatory book and exclusive three-part audio CD series, you will discover that the Wormwood star could be an asteroid, which scientists believe is headed on a collision course with planet Earth in 2029. Thank you for all you do, The biggest obstacle to this generation's development of faith like that is in how we're too busy and too distracted. As you can imagine, the gravitational effects of a sizable planet moving close to the inner solar system would spell big trouble for planet Earth. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter. The star is called “Wormwood,” and, as with the judgments in vv 7–9, a third of the waters that it strikes are turned into wormwood, and many people die from drinking the water. takes place after that tribulation, the great tribulation. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter. "It took me a good deal of time to break into the system, and when I did, I wished ... NASA discovered and excitedly disclosed having found Planet X. Mos . If I were writing the movie, I'd have it discovered decades early, with a small but always increasing probability of impact but then by the time anyone finally wakes up enough to take the threat early it is too late and we all die. Not only is this pivotal prophetic object conspicuously missing from the end time timeline of my peers, it's also missing in another significant way. Their family knew them well enough to recognize them as righteous men who had God working with them in their lives. For instance, we both understand after the great tribulation the 7th angel blows the trumpet, other angels gather the raptured on heaven, and the bowls of the wrath are poured on the earth. ESV Rev 11:15 Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven […] And the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped God […] “The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth.” Then God’s temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen within his temple. Hi Tim, If Wormwood is a rogue planet coming as early as 2026, how do I explain zero verifiable sightings? I’ll just say I used to think a lunar and solar eclipse at the same time was not what was intended by the text, too. He bases his position on conversations with a friend at NASA and information gathered by physicist Nathan Myhrvold, both of whom believe that the data support the outcome that Apophis will impact Earth. The resulting spirit is a unique violet hue that transforms into a … You may say today reading this that you definitely want to be in Judea. I suspect that the Laodicean churches are the ones who will argue that Elijah is a kook or what not due to lack of discernment and faithlessness. The Moon is only 233,000 miles from us. That's a planet generally smaller than Mars. Earth has The Wormwood Prophecy: NASA, Donald Trump, and a Cosmic Cover-up of End-Time Proportions - Kindle edition by Horn, Thomas. They proved it was possible to actually do what Jesus said and be like him. Tom says his NASA friend was originially quoted in The Wormwood Prophecy until someone at the agency learned of it, threatened him, and demanded he have the quote removed. Those outside their house didn't have enough respect or trust in Noah and Lot to upset their life on the unlikely chance they were right about an unprecedented destruction about to rain down. Watchers had no idea this was coming until the last episode and it was a shocker! We always have a screen or other electronic device with stimulating information and amusement beckoning us. Praise be to God for speaking His truth to those who will listen and confirming what He says. There is NOTHING in this book about any of that! Reality TV’s Ben Higgins shares why he was “alone in plain sight” on “The Bachelor.” “The name of the star is Wormwood. That question comes to light when you understand Wormwood is not some small comet which we need depend upon a national space agency like NASA to spot for us. After the earth shook a Roman soldier said it best, “Surely this was the Son of God!” I wonder how the Pharisees were reacting to the darkness and the earthquake? Nothing about Donald Trump other than mentioning his forming of the Space Force. Related to this, I had an interesting conversation on Facebook with a supporter that started with the following question: Tim, do you think NASA can see Wormwood coming but is not saying anything? Once the believers are in the safe place contact with the outside world will be over. On July 15, 2020 I was woken up with two different words: Clark and Wormwood. Now imagine not only the internet is down there is also no electricity, no clean water and food. Burned wedding photos lead to threats of violence in a marriage that seems beyond repair. Finally let’s be clear about this, the parallel alignment of all the narratives doesn’t mean they start or end at the exact same time. Like those times, I don't expect anyone to come to Judea who does not have rare radical faith themselves or they live with someone who does who they respect because of their loving, peaceful walk (Luke 1:79; Rom 3:17; Isaiah 59:8). Nibiru, Planet X, Nemesis, The Destroyer, Wormwood, Hercolubus, Comet Typhon - Expected in Year 2021 Is Nibiru real? Wormwood can fit with what Science has demonstrated repeatedly about dwarf planets yet is sent just in time from the other dimension according to the precedent of the fire thrown down to earth from Heaven at the 7th seal (Rev 8:1). But it also helps us to produce something even better to get out to many more down the road. See my dreams on what he plans to do with all those marked people. I’ve been thinking about this idea that Yah will suddenly bring Wormwood into our space from another dimension or place. Evidence to the contrary kept mounting and forced me to let go of that unsubstantiated “what if” which is not really much better than “they can see it but…conspiracy” that most others believe in the Planet-X/Nibiru/Wormwood space. “The Wormwood Prophecy,” by Thomas Horn, is God-given to alert all about Apophis, an asteroid named by NASA after an ancient demon already en route to planet earth! Makes sense to me as the world goes from complacency to utter panic overnight. This would make Wormwood a COMET (made of ice – not a typical stone asteroid) coming out of the outer solar system. Also a comet impacting the earth would not change earth’s orbit enough to effect a 360 day year. If this article blessed you and you want to bless back, you can... (NOTE: For instant access to the special Supporter content, please use the buttons over here instead.). The front cover says "NASA, Donald Trump, and a Cosmic Cover-Up of End-Time Proportions." You then can see that Jesus' global famine, pestilence is right there in the first four trumpets since famine and pestilence will follow all the death, destruction and blockage of sunlight needed for crops. Your question probably has a different answer than you think so I’m replying: these things I’m teaching are hard mysteries that require a very rare perspective, understanding and wisdom to accept. Being like Jesus may sound unattainable, ridiculous or insulting to Jesus. It began years before. That would be a viable solution as you have proposed. The great city was split into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and God remembered Babylon the great, to make her drain the cup of the wine of the fury of his wrath. Although it is not identified or named until Revelation 8, it is responsible for the global disruptions of Revelation 6 and 7, too. Is that why President Trump sanctioned a colossal increase to … The name of this star is Wormwood. It's simply too hard to make sense of literally unless you specialize in it like I did many years ago. See what happens when she reaches... A cowboy confronts his reckless behaviors and decides it’s time for a change. This timetable of sighting is confirmed by esteemed Caltech astronomer, Mike Brown, the man who "killed Pluto." Is NASA hiding it, is it unusually dark, supernaturally cloaked or something else entirely? Zak, it’s impossible for the seals, trumpets, and bowls to be parallel events as the 7 bowl angels only come out at the 7th trumpet (Rev 15:1) and the 7 trumpet angels only come out at the 7th seal (Rev 8:6). Self doubt definitely sets in. To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above. 1st Hour.mp3 Let us consider the possibility of a "star" turning the waters bitter on Earth. I believe the Bible, and out of respect for Dr. Brown, I’ll take him at his carefully worded note to you. Who is this “madman” that you speak of AND what are the “theories” that have been disproven by (as you seem to state) “everyone”? "But NASA has also said that there is an invisible planet that is so far from the sun it can't get a reflection, but all of the gravitational pull shaking and affecting the planets [means] it has to be there, matter of fact." An unusual infrared light emission from a nearby neutron star detected by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope could indicate new features never before seen. Artemisia absinthium (wormwood) “Is the Vatican Observatory searching for the star called Wormwood from the Book of Revelation?” This question was asked during the Q&A session that followed a talk about the V.O. Any thoughts? Also motes how it could deflect or catapult other NEOs like Sedna into new orbits. If people had some substantial warning, not every class of society would be so panicked. As to the 3 major hits of Wormwood… just look to the videos we obtained of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 that struck Jupiter in 1994. Where you have found the evidence you have applied to your information. I did not include the church among those who don’t listen to Elijah. - And the name of the star is called Wormwood. WORMWOOD WARNING: Asteroid Apophis—The God Of Chaos—Will “Definitely Strike Earth” In Less Than 10 Years From Now November 21, 2019 by SkyWatch Editor A ‘GOD OF CHAOS’ Apophis asteroid enthusiast has warned that if the asteroid was ever to impact Earth it could send the planet back to the time of dinosaurs. Nevertheless, the 3 narratives intersect here: ESV Mat 24:29 Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. Wow…you know I had this believe that somehow the Antichrist would use the internet and technology to control people as the bible described and rule the world during his 3 yr reign. I don’t expect to be here Is that why President Trump sanctioned a colossal increase to planetary defense? 8:10-11). A third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water, because it had been made bitter. Using television and the Internet, CBN is proclaiming the Good News in 149 countries and territories, with programs and content in 67 languages. Heaven is in another dimension where only spirits can go, the so-called spiritual plane beyond the physical plane. Just by text alone you can perfectly cut between verses and start another narrative, or you can follow one narrative. It's so important that more of the seven seals, and seven trumpets and seven bowls are dedicated to it than any other end time event outside the wrath of God which is all seven bowls. Is the Wormwood star from Revelation 8 already headed toward Earth? Since 2005 they have been finding objects 140m or larger. There has to be a reason malachai martin said what he said. It may exist in heaven in the embers of the altar, but that's it. Referring to the Bible accounts of Jonah and Joel, amongst others which warn people to repent, Tom points out there is certainly precedence for God demonstrating mercy over judgment. I have seen this exact scenario in a TV series about 10 years ago. The most recent such experience took place in early 2019: Tom woke from a terrifying dream state, having seen a massive asteroid hurtling toward Earth, and hordes of people crying out for deliverance. Thursday, April 30, 2015 NRA says: Islamic extremists have seized control of U.S. cities Islamic extremists have seized control of cities like Dearborn, … Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. All of it is pretrib, or before the Great Tribulation (5th - 7th trumpet) or any chance of a rapture including the fanciful, pretrib rapture. Are NASA and high-level government officials aware of an asteroid that Does the Bible predict an asteroid…or something else? Those details of the appearances of the two angel groups are there to help us avoid the trap of not seeing all as 21 serial events rather than 7 parallel events x 3. 11 The name of the star is called Wormwood; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the waters, because they were made bitter.”. For example, just the other day I saw someone wearing an Apple Watch, proof of how the disruptive, mind-captivating input knows no bounds. So your only chance is that it is so small that it is not seen until ~weeks (~months; insert favorite time here) before it hits. Do you think that you are Elijah and that your wife could be the second witness? Find out what's changed to convince me about 2026 and what you can do about it... would not really fit the group of faithful there, earlier than I thought he would to protect us from the falling meteorites, Judea where even the falling meteorites won't touch us, a part of the camp of the faithful saints that will be forming there, what the Good News of the Kingdom he taught was about, Consider joining today and letting us help you grow your faith for escaping Wormwood with your family,, general location of safety is indicated in the Bible, Another great example of this is the second/physical resurrection, something even many of my fans cannot agree with me on, 70th week which only comes out to 6.5 years, Antichrist comes to power with an offer of establishing security and peace, See my dreams on what he plans to do with all those marked people, Why Jesus Can’t Come Back in 2021—But 2020 Began The Last Decade, Why I’m Convinced The End Begins in 2026—And What You Can Do About It, Rains enough meteorites and asteroids to impact and burn the. Go and see for yourself and note how the 14 angels would have to appear all together before the seals for your interpretation to be correct. If you want to be safe from Wormwood, of course your best bet will be to go to Judea where even the falling meteorites won't touch us—although of course there will be survivors outside Judea, you know, the ones who later get marked by the Beast. Thanks for sharing and thanks for continuing to prompt us as a family to become excellent now—we so appreciate that kind of encouragement! Yes, obviously, Satan takes advantage of the "end of the world" to compel humanity when they desperately need a savior, to receive his: the Antichrist. By Tom Olago November 28, 2016. The earth will disclose the blood shed upon her; she will conceal her slain no longer.” Sounds like “shelter in place.” Also it tells us the LORD is right behind it. NASA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other government agencies engaged last month in a planetary … Tim, Your explanation of the wormwood star is literally amazing and very informative, right now I am doing my first in depth study on the Book of Revelation, nothing to be published, but a study on my own part and to use if ever the Lord leads me to teach a class about Revelation, I have been in the ministry now for over 40 years and I must say your teachings sound very biblically sound, Thank You and God Bless! If Wormwood is a rogue planet coming as early as 2026, how do I explain zero verifiable sightings? What would he then use if all these are destroyed? He makes the world run smoothly again by restoring security and food with the mark mind control. Will my husband be willing to go? Mem, no, it’s not binary, it’s just that the third option you propose “It’s out there and scientists don’t know everything, so it can sneak up” is one I used to teach for years and had to abandon. I don’t believe there would be any way to “prove” that this object exists in another dimension but we can determine how “unlikely” it would be for a planet-sized object to sneak up on us without us knowing it–That seems logical don’t you think? My faith in the Bible is because of evidence not despite evidence. (Rev 8:6-11) I’m talking about Wormwood. How do you think Noah and Lot were able to convince their immediate family to come with them? I HAVE JUST REALISED HOW WORMWOOD IS AN ASTEROID = STAR . Tim John, “no way?” Just like there’s no way an object of that size could sneak up on Earth? For instance, in Rev. Does it take Nibiru 3,607 years to complete one orbital journey?