The top five were Michigan (4), Pennsylvania (3.7), Maryland (3.3), South Carolina (3.1) and Wisconsin (2.9). Wisconsin's nine-day gun deer hunt runs Nov. 21-29. Harvest is influenced by game population levels, hunter effort, hunting regulations, weather conditions and pelt prices. In 2015, 47% of the harvest was made up of bucks. Deer-harvest statistics for 2018/2019, as of March, show 84,000 deer, of which 49,000 were bucks. Enjoy it, but practice social distancing and masking as well as the usual safety procedures. Turkey-harvest statistics for 2018/2019, as of March, show 1,300 birds, of which 120 were jakes. 1 big-game animal, with an annual harvest of roughly 6 million animals. Wisconsin’s new electronic registration system for deer hunting will provide updated statistics virtually in real time, the Department of Natural Resources said Thursday. Wolves are also responsible for more than 31% of the white-tailed deer (15,280) killed in the 17 counties that comprise Wisconsin’s “North Woods.” Courtesy of Wisconsin Wolf Facts, 2019. According to QDMA, the top states with antlered buck harvest were Texas (506,809), Michigan (226,656), Pennsylvania (163,750), Wisconsin (158,812) and Georgia (139,424). Firearms (rifle/shotgun) hunters accounted for 66 percent of the total deer harvest. Archers took 23 percent of the total harvest, and this statistic has grown from 15 percent in 2000. Hunters bought 548,000 licenses in 2018. 2019: Wolves kill more deer than do gun-deer hunters in four Wisconsin counties. This detailed information provides a unique opportunity to get an inside look at how the department manages Wisconsin’s wildlife. Year in and year out, the whitetail deer reigns as America’s No. Harvest statistics • Wisconsin Deer Metrics System: harvest and population data, deer health information and deer impact measurements • Wisconsin Big Game and Turkey Harvest Summary [PDF] • Current harvest data: this season's deer harvest, updated weekly throughout the hunting season • Weapon Use by Wisconsin Deer Hunters 2014-2017 [PDF] The most up-to-date information is provided on deer harvest figures, population trends, deer impacts on agriculture and forest resources, deer herd health and deer hunter dynamics. Freezers are Being Filled Early. Chronic wasting disease in Wisconsin deer: 2018 [PDF] Alabama’s deer and turkey hunters must report their harvests within 48 hours of each kill. Hunters registered 211,430 deer for the 2018 Wisconsin gun deer season, up 7% from 2017, according to preliminary data released Tuesday by the Department of Natural Resources. Historical harvest estimates are indices of harvest trends. Thus, caution should be used in interpreting trends in harvest estimates as indices of population trends. 2018: Wisconsin’s wolf population is estimated at 978 animals. Figures from 2015 as reported in the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s 2017 Industry Intelligence Report put the tally at 5,801,978. Wisconsin DNR releases deer hunt harvest totals, license sales information The year-to-date sales for all deer licenses are up 3.5% from the same time last year. More than a quarter (26 percent) of the total deer harvest was in the freezer before opening day of the primary firearms season. When compared to the top states for antlered buck harvest per square mile, the list didn’t change much.