Facebook's looking to make it easier for users to manage what people can find out about them via their Facebook profiles with an updated, simplified 'Manage Activity' process, which enables bulk archiving or deletion of those questionable updates and images from your past. Download and share. Unsurprisingly, alcohol is also intrinsic to domestic violence; while estimates fluctuate widely, the general consensus is that perpetrators are believed to be intoxicated in well over half of domestic abusive cases in the US. It's one thing for him to be idly surfing Facebook at 3 a.m.—but if he's trying desperately to hide it from you when you happen to wake up, you have to wonder why. – You may be wondering why you woke up this morning to find friends, families, celebrities, corporations and other individuals posting black squares on their social media accounts. Blackout to imagine a world without women and victims of all genders; harder still, blackout to imagine a world without partner and sexual violence at all. Facebook is an incredibly popular social media platform that helps people stay in touch, share news, and express themselves. JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – You may be wondering why you woke up this morning to find friends, families, celebrities, corporations and other individuals posting black squares on their social media accounts. ; Male users (19.3%) and female users (13.2%) between the ages of 25 and 34 years are the biggest demographic group on Facebook. And I found out the cause. Two, the actual purpose of posting a black image in the first place. Protests are still raging around the country. several activists and influencers have pointed out, mental health advocate and Black Lives Matter activist Kenidra Woods, music artist Kehlani explained on her Instagram story, gained traction from the work of music executives Jamila Thomas and Brianna Agyemang, to mean a pause on posting about personal things. Facebook tells TechCrunch that “starting today… Yesterday, a chain letter made its way through the Facebook DM’s in a coordinated effort to draw attention to domestic abuse. How a Pro-Trump Network Is Building a Fake Empire on Facebook and Getting Away with It Hundreds of fake account admins and 1,929 Facebook advertising violations … As has long been the case, women could expect to live longer — 80.5 years, compared with 75.1 for men. It didn’t take me long to learn other Facebook users had the same issue with a black screen. Find out why the app keeps crashing and when the black screen issues will be fixed. If you need help with WJXT’s or WCWJ's FCC public inspection file, call (904) 393-9801. Facebook Demographics. Not that she doesn’t hold Kavanaugh accountable for allegations. Share it. "When you check the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag, it's no longer videos, helpful information, resources, documentation of the injustice, it's rows of black screens," music artist Kehlani explained on her Instagram story. ; Around seven-in-ten U.S. adults (69%) use Facebook. Why should we kill each other? The same effort has been made at least once before, but this blackout happens to dovetail with a conversation about the link between blackout drinking and violence toward women, prompted by allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. Pass it only to women ... It’s for a project against domestic abuse. You have nothing to show for it and get nothing for it. It's one thing for him to be idly surfing Facebook at 3 a.m.—but if he's trying desperately to hide it from you when you happen to wake up, you have to wonder why. !” A video scroll of the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag on Instagram proves her point: It’s row after row of black squares, with very few posts of note in between. Subscribe for 2 years and get an extra 1-month, 1-year-, or 2-year plan added to your cart at checkout. Why are Facebook and Twitter users changing their profile photos to all black? It's also been used in the Philippines to protest a cybercrime bill, and a few months ago in Malta in observance of a political assassination. I get the point of this theoretically, but in my heart I believe it does not serve me or anyone else to willingly be invisible. And one of the most common ways to keep track of all of this is by monitoring or searching tags. A black profile and cover photo have been said to be part of a social media campaign against domestic violence. You can't fix this. The protest is happening across several social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr, with thousands of users updating their profile pictures and avatars to simple black … we need to spread info and be as loud as ever.". There are two issues here: One, the actual tags used on Blackout Tuesday posts. As the movement grew, the notion filtered down to individuals and brands who have vowed to not post any content on June 2nd in deference to the situation. Change your social media profiles to show your support of the movement. Add a piece of history to your Facebook profile! Here’s why this is happening. It's a common way for people to monitor a situation or interest. It's also been used in the Philippines to protest a cybercrime bill, and a few months ago in Malta in observance of a political assassination. Every human has a God-given freedom to choose. She graduated from the University of North Florida with a degree in communications. Facebook is considered one of today’s most popular social networks, and not without reason. Facebook Messenger is a great way to keep up with friends and family, but it can also be a method for scammers to defraud you, so be aware. On Tuesday, Instagram users across the United States began reporting issues with the app crashing. Two, the actual purpose of posting a black image in the first place. Visibility for different groups and activist projects are key right now. Download one of these National Archives themed Cover Photos to use on your own Facebook timeline. The official Facebook page for Today… When you post an image with a tag on, say… It didn’t take me long to learn other Facebook users had the same issue with a black screen. On Saturday, the New York Times ran a piece by Sarah Hepola, who wrote the memoir Blackout: Remembering the Things I Drank to Forget. “You can ask Christine Blasey Ford about that. You can visit our various Facebook pages by clicking on the links below. It reads: Tomorrow [note: today, Sunday, September 30th] female blackout from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Its a movement to show what the world might be like without women. Facebook today officially rolled out its sweeping desktop redesign that offers dark mode, tabbed home screen and a cleaner profile. There are two issues here: One, the actual tags used on Blackout Tuesday posts. wkimball @ gizmodo. You can't fix this. However, there's concern that while what amounts to a virtual moment of silence may be a powerful reminder to some, it comes at a time when the voices of black activists and advocates are needed the most. The black squares you see swapped in for your friends' Facebook profile pictures aren't a sign of poor internet connection. When women are in a blackout, things are done to them.”. Facebook is considered one of today’s most popular social networks, and not without reason. I hope I didn’t hurt her. Some individuals are using the hashtag “#BlackLivesMatter” on Blackout Tuesday. On Tuesday, Donald Trump told reporters that Deborah Ramirez, who has accused Kavanaugh of exposing his penis in her face during a college drinking game, was “totally inebriated and all messed up,” implying that she misremembered the event. “We use hashtag to keep ppl updated. 14K likes. Go to your Activity Log from the very right menu by clicking on the little downward triangle and click on it. It is no joke. Facebook today officially rolled out its sweeping desktop redesign that offers dark mode, tabbed home screen and a cleaner profile. And since people have been including the #BlackLivesMAtter tag, in the words of activist Feminista Jones, the protests have been erased from Instagram. PLS stop using the hashtag for black images! Most users are familiar with its privacy settings and feel secure that the information they post is being seen only by trusted friends and family members. Aurora says his grieving process is done. This movement has spread on social media, where organizations, brands and individuals are posting solemn messages featuring stark black backgrounds. Women Are Turning Their Facebook Profiles Black Today in Protest of Domestic Abuse Amidst a National Conversation About Blackouts and Sexual Violence You can check these 6 ways to see who viewed my Facebook profile. She writes: But I have known men who drank too much, and I have loved them, and this is a fear that beats in their private hearts. pamela lee, Aug 23, 2015. Say NO TO POLITICAL VIOLENCE NOW! After that, I realized that Facebook is just a black hole where your time goes. While these posts may be well-intended, several activists and influencers have pointed out that posting a blank black image with a bunch of tags clogs up critical channels of information and updates.