DryPly® plywood Sturd-I-Floor® panels feature a water-repellent coating that provides excellent weather protection during construction. The other side is rough really rough with a cross patch and I assume that is the exposed (exterior side��� Framing, Flooring and Sub-Flooring - OSB sub-floor smooth or rough side up? Which side of your OSB to paint? Floor Application Ceramic Tile Underlayment or Tile Backerboard Panel Application Apply Type 1 organic adhesive with 5/32" v-notched trowel, latex-fortified mortar with 1/4" square-notched trowel. Oriented strand board (OSB), with a thin layer of low emitting aluminum foil attached to one side, is a common type of thermal-radiant-barrier sheathing. Is the £100 worth saving? ��� The floor must be I can send pics. Copied from plumbing thread with possible carpentry issues. However, occasionally, I'm not sure ... other than "that's the way I learned" and "that's the way we have always done it". For hard floor chair mats, ensure the smoothest side is face down on the floor. Totally disintegrated. Structurally it doesn���t make a difference but if the grade stamp faces up ��� However,structurally there is no difference in how the panel will perform whether the side with the grade stamps is installed up or down. Learn how to paint OSB material, along with limitations to painting it. Re: OSB ...slick side in/out & up/down. I know they use it on roofs but the one leaky roof I encountered with OSB my hand went right through where the water had leaked. From: Floortex LLC | FAQs Which way up does my chair mat go? Sub flooring Question. Layed Osb 3/4 T&G wrong side up. For the time being, below is a video clip of the other plumbing pipes in more detail...in case they show anything nifty. need, and we're living the dream with the 2 bathrooms we have there (just came from a shoebox house with 1). [video=youtube;3MWLI8YkJSc]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3MWLI8YkJSc[/video]. I use Weyehouser OSB which has lines at 16"o.c. It is imprinted on the sheet anyway. Osb Sheathing Which Side Out Osb or plywood for roofs walls common mistakes in osb installation common mistakes in osb installation rain won t hurt your framing lumber roof wall sheathing weyerhaeuser. All rights reserved. and "Which side goes down on floors (rough / slick) and which goes in to the structure (rough / slick)?" He felt that the friction caused by the rough side attached to the studs would help shear value :-) He would do this with the OSB tread material too. I plan to put down an OSB Design and Application Guide 5 SPAN RATINGs Span rating numbers for SHEATHING SPAN and FLOOR SPAN indicate the maximum spacing of supports over which the panels should be placed. Although it is an OSB material it has an impregnation that wards off water damage. You may freely link to this site, and use it for non-commercial use subject to our terms of use. OSB roof panels should always be installed with the grade stamp facing into the attic and the screened surface (with the nail guide lines) facing up. In this video I share a few quick tips on how to install carpet padding and which side of the carpet padding goes up Joist spacing plays a big role....... initial application; whats best
Use a sealer on bottom of them up 4" each side and edge. View our Privacy Policy here. Copyright © 1995-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. im replacing my subfloor in a mobile home in 3 of the rooms right now does it matter which side (smooth or roof) i should face up. If you have a wall with shear on both sides, you When i replace the sub-floor in my bathroom,do I remove the bad wood then go ove... https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q...Nl0Ggpec6X2jug, http://www.doityourself.com/forum/fl...-subfloor.html, Plywood and backerboard type for bathroom. Using Oriented Strand Board is a tested way of reducing costs for building your shed. Its been awhile but that was one of the "benefits" to OSB that was listed on one of the manufacturer's websites. OSB: Floor Covering vs if other, please be specific. I would leave a 1/8 The smooth, finished side goes up when you install OSB as a subfloor. Always use a proper subflooring material such as Advantech. Most of the time I can give them answers I'm confident of. Often, when I show apprentice carpenters something I have done for years, I hear "Why?". OSB, or oriented strand board, can be painted. latex, polyurethane, silicone, tar, other. The smaller the tile, the less critical the flatness of the floor needs to be. i just want a floor that does not Squeak. I thought I would give "FORUM" a shot at providing an answer to a question that is asked every time we sheath walls or deck floors with OSB.