Eight fresh mature fruits of Hunteria umbellata were collected from the deciduous forest of Odorasanyin District of Ijebu-Igbo in Ogun State, Nigeria, in the month of June 2010. Aridan is highly sought after due to its high medicinal and aromatic values and as such it is used for several purposes ranging from culinary, healing, therapeutic to cosmetology. Free subscription Get the hottest stories from the largest news site in Nigeria. One of them, Femi, helped me to get the seed of a local plant, called abere in Yoruba (sorry I do not know what it is called in English), which they said brings down blood sugar levels effectively. Pls I will also lk to know the local name (yoruba, hausa or igbo) for fenugreek seeds, chirayata, astragalus herb, fennel, parsley, sage, stinging nettle, datur, fenurek and fever nut 1 Like Re: Nigerian Names Of Herbs And Plants by Kudibaby ( f ): 6:43am On Feb 19 , 2016 The seed oil is beneficial in treating atherosclerosis. From these, 3 kg of fresh seeds was harvested, rinsed in tap water and air-dried at room temperature (25 ± 1 °C) for 1 month, protected from direct heat and sunlight. The herb is called Ako Bolobolo in Yoruba, Obo in Igbo and Yanka-Dafi in Hausa The latex of wild lettuce can also be added directly to the skin to kill germs. This herb is used in treating female infertility and promotes the chance of pregnancy. It is Agbon in Yoruba, Kwakwar in Igbo, and Ake Babe in Hausa. Overall, wild lettuce has a calming effect which has been found useful in conditions like insomnia, restlessness and pain. Lawsonia inermis leaves, called henna plant laali in … Lagos spinach (Shokoyokoto) Lagos spinach is a perennial herb with a slightly bitter taste. Names of Pomegranate in various languages of the world are also given. Yoruba doctors make use of different herbs such as Calliandra Portoricensis Catamenia or Calliandra Portoricensis to provide high-quality treatment for internal heat. The inner part of the aridan fruit is characterised by tiny black-brownish seeds. Discover a great selection of Nuts & Seeds Best prices in Nigeria Enjoy cash on delivery - Order Now! How Pomegranate is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Plant materials. Hausa: K’afar Mutuwa. Gongronema latifolium leaves and stem, called madunmaro in Yoruba and utazi in Igbo. Indian Kamila (Mallotus oppositifolius) The names of this herb in the Yoruba language are Oju-eja, Jeja, Iya-Dudu or Orokoro. Igbo: Obogi. Chinese bar (Triumfetta rhomoboidea): This plant is used among Esan people of South-South Nigeria, to induce fertility and make the womb receptive to implantation of foetus. Igbo: Kpokokwa. List of various diseases cured by Pomegranate. Hunteria umbellata seeds called abere in Yoruba. Shop for Nuts & Seeds online on Jumia Nigeria. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Pomegranate. Cassia Alata known in Yoruba language as Asuwon Oyinbo andZee mays known as Agbado The plant is a small glabrous tree measuring 2–5 ft. in girth and 25–40 ft. high, which grows well and ubiquitous to the tropical West African forest groove (Sofowora, 1993). Hausa: Balasa. This herb is used to promote chances of conception in women. This is a scientific name for the seed in melon, popularly known as Egusi. Hunteria umbellata (K. Schum), locally called madaci, mkpokiri and aberere among the Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba respectively, belongs to the family Apocynaceae. Detarium microcarpum bark, called ofor in Igbo, ogbogbo in Yoruba and sweet detar in English. The seed is hard so I break it into pieces and put in a cup of water and leave it for at least five hours before drinking.