The diamond is the hardest of all gemstones known to man. While some people keep their divine knowing internally, others prefer to have symbolized other memorabilia on their person to affirm their faith. 0 0. Color Symbolism and Color Meaning in The Bible. Diamonds represent status, strength, everlasting love, and beauty. it had many powers and abilities attributed to it. In the United States, the Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas is the world's eighth largest diamond-bearing volcanic crater. Anything the masses do not have. Diamonds were gems of value from old. The Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas is the world’s only diamond mine open to the public where one can experience a dig free operation for tourists and rock enthusiasts. But the most precious diamond, we’re told, is the Koh-i-Noor, now part of the British Crown Jewels collection. Like the turquoise, this rare gem was thought to lose its talisman-like powers if they were bought. The biggest producers of such stones (in decreasing order) were Russia, Botswana, Congo, Australia and Canada, which together generated 76% of the world's supply. The Hebrew word used is in the Bible is “ Yahalom,” to refer the hardness of the gemstone. 3 Answers. The other word that one comes across is “adamas” which means diamond in Greek. Lv 7. Though quite rare, they are not mentioned in the Bible as one of the many precious minerals God will use to create the twelve foundations needed for the New Jerusalem (see Revelation 21:19 - 21). In dreams, this gemstone was believed to symbolize faithful friends. . hat’s why you’ll find that different groups come up with what they deem to be the best interpretation of the word from its original language. Relevance? KEYS, POWER OF THE.Normally in the Bible, and always in the NT, “key” (κλέις) is used in a fig. There was an engraving on it to represent the tribe of Naphtali. We all believe in something, and for most, faith is what keeps them grounded. Mark 10:17-31 ESV / 2 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. Religion and faith are personal, and ascribing meaning to events, words, and things around us is nothing new. Many biblical names (Adam, Esau and Edom) are derived from this Hebrew word which means flesh. This form of self-expression is typical with crosses and other symbols, but what about the stones used? Still have questions? Emerald. For that, it is something a Christian would relate with. In Malachi 3:17, the scripture states that he’ll make all His people as jewels. Sapphire stone meaning in the Bible. Sometimes later in the scripture context, the exact meaning of the symbol is explained or clarified, and other times it is left up to deduction. A diamond nicknamed Uncle Sam was found there in 1924. It could drive away nighttime evil spirits and ghosts, bring good luck to a person, and even make someone invisible! They were also considered, in some cultures, as the tears of the gods. Her major was fashion design when she was in college. ReferencesQuotes related to themeaning of diamonds taken from Holy Bible in Its Original Orderunless otherwise noted. 0 0. Diamonds are the hardest mineral known to man, possessing a Mohs hardness scale rating of ten. These diamonds are incredibly valuable to us. Diamonds have been used symbolically because of their extraordinary physical properties. When we look at diamonds, they require a lot of work to get, from how they look in the ground to how they reflect light and appear to shine. Thus, it is the root word for mankind as stated in the Bible. From 1972, (the year the area became a state park) to 2013, 30,891 rough versions of this precious stone have been discovered with a total weight of about 6,173 carats (USGS 2013 Minerals Yearbook for Gemstones). yahalom), a gem crystallized carbon, the most valued and brilliant of precious stones, remarkable for its hardness, the third precious stone in the second row on the breastplate of the high priest, (Exodus 28:18; 39:11) and mentioned by Ezekiel, (Ezekiel 28:13) among the precious stones of the king of Tyre.Some suppose yahalom to be the "emerald." These references to being "crystal clear" have led some to think that a diamond is referenced here, but it is not the same word as used in Exodus (28:18 and 39:11) when describing the diamond in the High Priest's breastplate. Experts say this gem cannot be valued — it’s calculated to be approximately 3.5 times the wealth of the whole world! Diamonds also represent purity, as they are made from a sole element - carbon. It is not found elsewhere in the Old Testament. As with a lot of translating, one mostly has theories and has to think about the writer’s intent. The other way to look at diamonds in the Bible is that if they were precious enough to get used on a high priest’s breastplate, then it is of great value to God. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to What are the Bible's greatest death tolls. And as he was setting out on his journey, a man ran up and knelt before him and asked him, “Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” That made it the most expensive jewel or diamond ever sold at auction. Its actual meaning is “red clay”. The Hebrew word used is in the Bible is “Yahalom,” to refer the hardness of the gemstone. One of the most famous is the Tibetan philosophy of Vajrayana, the “Diamond Way,” which uses the stone to illustrate how humankind begins as graphite and, with continual internal work, will end in this last luminous and pure expression. Additional Study Materials Diamond (Heb. Other cultures have seen the diamond as a symbol of the evolutionary process of human beings. Many of these gemstones are mentioned in ritualistic contexts. Diamonds are recognized as representatives of symbolic values across many cultures. According to a 2013 USGS minerals yearbook report, world natural production of this stone stood at 130 million carats. Stephanie is a jewelry lover when she was a teenager. Symbolic meaning of wearer’s personality: Sensible, efficient leader, organized, bold and fun-loving. ( Tips to Avoid Happening Again), What are Ardene Earrings Made of? Diamond – Symbolic Meaning. Spiritual Symbolism . ." Yellow. sense to refer to the means of entry into the realms of spiritual destiny.The phrase “the power of the keys” is not, strictly speaking, a Biblical one, although the keys themselves do symbolize the spiritual authority to open or close the gates of hell or the kingdom of heaven. Diamonds have many positive mystical attributes and healing properties. Why do diamonds symbolize love? Answer Save. The other reference of diamonds is when the prophet Jeremiah was telling the King of Judah about what will happen to them for their many sins. Sapphire means truth, faithfulness and sincerity. A look at color symbolism and color use in The Bible. Lv 7. Events Symbols Numerology World News. That said, there are plenty of stories in the Bible that has given theologians a hard time to decipher. Some gemstones were mined in Israel, but the Hebrew people also obtained gemstones from the Middle East and Asia. This gemstone was considered an emblem of invincibility and fearlessness. Only stones received as a gift, it was believed, would retain their supernatural abilities (Curious Lore of Precious Stones, pages 69 - 73). From all of these cultural backgrounds, diamonds have come to primarily symbolize eternal love. 6 years ago. The Native Americans considered diamonds to be signatures of the butterfly, which Indian cultures identify as a sign of immortality. Resources Options Search. Engagement rings made of this rare gemstone have been popular from at least the 15th century. JEREMIAH 17:1In the Bible Verse Meaning 1 The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond: it is graven upon the table … Before getting into what diamonds symbolize, it’s essential to show the location of the same in the Bible. The 12 stones symbolize God's family and His leadership as a loving father, writes Steven Fuson in his book Temple Treasures: Explore the Tabernacle of Moses in the Light of the Son: "The number twelve often indicates governmental perfection or complete divine governance. The Hebrew words do not mark any clear distinctions. With diamonds, you can consider the importance that we have shared here, or you can settle and look within your heart to know where you stand with the meaning. He was giving the king words directly from God. There is beauty and rarity when it comes to diamonds. According to Easton’s Bible Dictionary, a hard gemstone in Exodus 28:18 and 39.11. Want to read more intreseting topics, read our latest posts! On a high priest’s breastplate, a singular diamond was the third stone on the second row. Jeremiah 17:1 starts with, “The sin of Judah is engraved with a pen of iron, with the point of a diamond…” And here we find that it is the word “adamant.” The name translates into “thorn,” but based on the context, a diamond is what’s sharp enough to engrave a tablet and other things that follow in the verse. Can Tanzanite Jewelry Be Worn Every Day? As we’ve looked at the different translations of the word diamond, what is signifies becomes easier to understand. As for the reference in Jeremiah, Judah’s people had hardened their hearts against God and were sinning against him. The other word that one comes across is “ adamas ” which means diamond in Greek. 6 years ago. Anonymous. Because of this gemstone's many desirable characteristics (clarity, purity, hardness, rarity, etc.) Like the turquoise, this rare gem was thought to lose its talisman-like powers if they were bought. In Zechariah 7:12 it appears, as it does here, as a type of exceeding hardness. Popular and Trending: Meaning and Definition of Pharaoh, Who Was the Pharaoh of the Exodus, Did God Harden Pharaoh's Heart, Which Pharaoh Reigned during the Time of Joseph and Moses, How Many Watches of the Night, What were the Jewish Watches of the Night, What Is the Meaning of the Fourth Watch, Midnight and the Cock Crowing, What Were Thorns and Thistles in the Bible, What were the … The diamond was in the second row, the sixth stone and signified the Tribe of Naphtali (birth order) or Gad (Numbers 2:1ff). In the Bible, the Hebrew word for red is Oudem. Though this view is personal for specific people, the idea that their souls be likened to this precious gemstone is uplifting and a challenge worth working toward. Symbolic color meanings with Hebrew and Greek origins. He states that, "The sin of Judah is engraved with a pen of iron, with the point of a diamond (Hebrew shamiyr, Strong's Concordance #H8068); it is carved upon the tablet of their heart and upon the horns of your altars . There are seven Bible references to the diadem, four in the Old Testament and three in the New Testament. Being solid in God’s word and using it to overcome even the hardest of challenges is something that can give us moral courage as we move forward. Bible Dictionaries - Smith's Bible Dictionary - Diamond Diamond [N] [E] (Heb. The second primary color is yellow. Sapphire is also associated with divine favour. The park offers the public a chance to search for this valuable precious stone. T. hat’s important to note since the human error in translating the Bible from Hebrew, then to Greek, and finally to English and other languages. It gave the wearer courage, extra strength and the stamina to be victorious. (1) tsaniph, tsanoph, tsaniphah (all from tsanaph, primarily "to wrap," "dress," "roll") mean a headdress in the nature of a turban or piece of cloth wrapped or twisted about the head. Bible verses about Diamond. Diamonds are beautiful and most valued globally, but they are hard, falling on a ten on the Mohs scale. The first is that it represented the tribe of Naphtali worn on the high priest’s breastplate. While it’s not proven, that is certainly one way of looking at it. Even though diamonds were likely not in the High Priest's breastplate (see our section on rock crystals), this did not preclude the use of this precious gemstone for other Biblical purposes. Where is the only place in the entire world where you can hunt for this rare and incredibly valuable gemstone for a small fee and keep what you find? The word itself was not used, but some theologians have taken the initiative to find the best match for specific terms. This gem was also believed to have reproductive powers. There was an engraving on it to represent the tribe of Naphtali. Anyone who is interested in the meaning of gemstones and who has an interest in history and legend has probably noticed that there are a number of precious and semi-precious gemstones mentioned in the Bible.. Now she is also a writer for our website. Here, we will look at what diamonds symbolize in the Bible and its meaning for you as a believer in the Bible. Diamonds could have been used to adorn a newly created Lucifer (Ezekiel 28:13). Do what feels right for you since you’ll be the one wearing the diamonds. In the Middle Ages, the sapphire represented the union of the priest and the sky, and the sapphires were in the bishops’ […] It was said that the Greeks believed diamonds were tears of the gods. 6 years ago. While the colour pink represents femininity, romance and tenderness, pink diamonds themselves exude the qualities of love, creativity and romance. Emerald-shaped diamonds are rectangular diamonds with beveled corners and are easily recognizable by their large surfaces. Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created. Diamonds are said to represent the perfect form of an individual’s mental state, inspiring the wearer to strive for positivity and joy. God, speaking through the prophet Jeremiah, uses this stone's well known hardness as an analogy to show how entrenched were the sins committed by the Kingdom of Judah. She writes a lot of designs&brands posts with very actionable tips. Diamonds were associated with lightning and believed to be products of electrical strikes. Gemstones are precious, and God is looking to transform His people to the same status. While a diamond is regarded as the strongest precious stone, it is also regarded as a stone of exceptional power as it’s able to reach into us and open many spiritual doors. (Pros&Cons). Symbolism in the Bible is used to help some difficult concepts take on meaning that the people of the time could understand. She is a jewelry designer at SOQ Jewelry and other design companies. The layers of sand and rock that need to be removed represent sin that we’re soon the shed off. What Do Diamonds Symbolize in the Bible? Verse 9. Shiny rocks ) 0 0? On a high priest’s breastplate, a singular diamond was the third stone on the second row. (Jeremiah 17:1). For more diamond rings articles, please read more. The translation was made as such because in the Hebrew language, it referenced the precious stone as being the hardest and the most valuable compared to others. Blue was a colour used by priests to show their association with the heavens. yahalom ), a gem crystallized carbon, the most valued and brilliant of precious stones, remarkable for its hardness, the third precious stone in the second row on the breastplate of the high priest, ( Exodus 28:18 ; 39:11 ) and mentioned by Ezekiel, ( Ezekiel 28:13 ) among the precious stones of the king of Tyre. what do diamonds represent or mean in the bible? The Hebrew word, from which we get the English word for this precious stone in Scripture, denotes something that can prick (like a thorn or thorn bush) or something that is sharp (Strong's and BDB lexicon). - Adamant.The Hebrew word shemir is used in Jeremiah 17:1 (where the Authorized Version gives "diamond" for a stone used in engraving on gems. Therefore, one has to look at the context to know what’s being referred to. Get answers by asking now. Butterflies live in migratory patterns, traveling hundreds of miles to return to their homes. The diamond is associated with activating the seventh chakra, Sahasrara, uniting the mind with the body. Its nickname is the Great Star of Africa. Only stones received as a gift, it was believed, would retain their supernatural abilities (Curious Lore of Precious Stones, pages 69 - 73). There is also the prestige that comes along with it. There’s also a touch of mystery and intrigue about the rosy gemstone, because the exact reason for the pink colour is not completely known. (With Tips), 12 Fantastic Sleeper Earrings for Your Sensitive Ears in 2021, diamond rings articles, please read more, more intreseting topics, read our latest posts, What to Do When You Lose An Earring? … The Hebrew word that it’s translated from is “shamir.” Even with this translation, the term has been used metaphorically, referring to people who are hardened against the truth. So what do pink diamonds symbolise? Diamonds were associated with lightning and believed to be products of electrical strikes. The colors are arranged alphabetically and each color is seperated into 1-4 categories: