​Nibiru passes Tiamat, for a second time and this time Nibiru's gravity hits Tiamat and rips her into two halves, the lower part of Tiamat was smashed to pieces, to become the asteroid belt that to this day remains in orbit around the Sun between Mars and Jupiter, where the mighty Tiamat once existed. • Millions of unique designs by independent artists. endobj . of the Earth is counted, thus there is a total of 12 heavenly objects constituting the Solar System, which as binary one. The Sumerian version of the creation of our Solar System. 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating. The clay tablets tell us that our solar system also has another great planet that has an elliptical orbit around the sun and that the planet completes this orbit in 36,000 years. In the epics, the planets were referred to as ’gods’ and to them were assigned the names of the gods of the Anunnaki. sumerian tablet, sumerian solar system Have a question? They have found skulls on Mars and pyramids on Mars and Ceres. <> endobj Secrets of the Pink Kush explains everything using SCIENCE. The Sumerian solar system based on the information in Mr Sitchin's book the Lost Book of Enki. Jan 19, 2017 - The Sumerian version of the creation of our Solar System. They are literally the oldest astrological documents. The Annunaki and the Myth of a 12th Planet 2006 01 22. March 11, 2020. This second collision formed the basis of the creation story, and the hammered bracelet (which was previously mistranslated as 'firmament') was named the heaven. Before we try to answer any questions about how they accomplished it - we really should ask whether they actually DID accomplish it. The picture is taken from a Sumerian cylinder seal cleary shows that they knew Saturn had rings around it. <>>> That resulted in a cooling of the molten rock to form the continent(s) and the creation of water to surround the continent(s) as the ocean(s). Sumerian Solar system - Embroidered Patch, BUY 3 GET 4, 3,2 X 3,2 (INCHES) Brand: ANTSIUVAS. The above picture taken from a Sumerian cylinder seal cleary shows that they not only knew the number of bodies in the solar system, but the relative size as well. Location Of Nibiru In The Sumerian Model of The Solar System. The thrust gave the remaining half of Tiamat, or Earth, her axial spin and therefore her ability to experience the changing days and nights. Sumerian Solar System had depicted in the AV-243 scroll made famous by Zecharia Sitchin. %���� Sumerian Solar System There is an ancient Sumerian cylindrical seal, which is believed to be around 4.500 years old and which curiously seems to represent our Sun and twelve planets within our solar system, one of them allegedly is Nibiru, a distant planet found somewhere from … The asteroid belt was called the Hammered Bracelet. Two separate technical approaches will independently prove the relationship and in one case demonstrate technology that we currently to not have. Furthermore, Sumerian art is replete with examples when the true symbol of the sun appears alongside the 6, 7, or 8-rayed symbol for “star” that does appear on VA243, demonstrating that the solar and stellar symbols were not interchangeable in the Sumerian cosmos. What you see above is Sumerian cosmology clearly etched on a Sumerian tablet. 1 0 obj CHECK OUT ALL THE NEW DISCOVERIES ON OUR FACEBOOK LINK. According to Sitchin, the Anunnaki came from Nibiru, the mysterious yet unconfirmed tenth planet in our solar system. Available from these sellers. From ancient Sumerian texts, there was a description that our creators came from a yet discovered planet that enters our Solar System ever 3,600 years. The picture below is taken from a Sumerian cylinder seal cleary shows that they knew Saturn had rings around it. Zecharia Sitchin has proposed a theory about the creation of the Earth, based on the Sumerian creation epics, including the Enuma Elish. Photo: Sanjin Đumišić. Dr Hesier explained: "This is perhaps the biggest problem with Sitchin’s interpretation of VA243 signifying the solar system. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 15 0 R 16 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Heliocentric Solar System: The Sumerians were well aware that our solar system was Heliocentric. I’ll explain. In the beginning there existed the Sun (Apsu), encircled by the planet Tiamat, and the planet Mercury (Mummu). January 14, 2016. Sumerian Solar System . <> The Sumerian civilization emerged upon the flood plain of the lower reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers about 4000 B.C. They were tetraploid humans and have double chromosomes and grow into giants. One of the most transformative ancient texts now updated for our New Age. The Sumerians had an even more exact knowledge of the solar system and its place in our universe than did the Babylonians, whom they predate. The Sumerian version of the creation of our Solar System. It was at this point that the remaining half of Tiamat took on the name of Earth (Ki), as noted in the Hebrew tradition. From the lands, waters and atmosphere arose mountains, rivers and the forces of weather. As Nibiru continued on, trampling in its path the lower half of Tiamat, another one of his satellites, called the North Wind, struck the remaining intact upper half of Tiamat. Refer to the Sumerian solar system … The path of Marduk took him toward the giants, Saturn and Jupiter. ​and one of his moons named Evil Wind hit Tiamat splitting, but not quite breaking her in two, yet knocking her satellites away from her and smashing them to pieces. Nibiru is Sumerian for 12th Planet. The modern practices of dividing a circle into 360 degrees, of 60 minutes each, began with the Sumerians. 3 0 obj stream Neither of these symbols appears on VA243. The depiction of the Solar System, if accurate reveals that the Sumerians knew of the entire Solar System This system simplified the calculating and recording of unusually great and small numbers. ​Her largest moon Kingu who nearly acquired his own orbit around the sun, was left bound now forever to the damaged Tiamat. They landed in the Persian Gulf area some 430,000 years ago and colonized our planet with the intention of mining monoatomic gold, which was scarce on Nibiru yet abundant on Earth. They had been changed into the comets which regularly revisit this solar system. Nibiru settled into a orbit around the sun, a Shar the orbit was named. The Sumerians were well aware that our solar system was Heliocentric. On this planet lives an advanced civilization that needs gold to spray it into the atmosphere to be able to defend itself from the radiation from the cosmos. 2 0 obj In the beginning there existed the Sun (Apsu), encircled by the planet Tiamat, and the … x��Zms�6���|�ob��f2��[rn��z���D�"�` Ҫ��ow�)"��N"� ��b��g������'5{��ꦮy�� �zu+�Z�~�z9���o��י,�Vͺ�G��Eu}�n���������9���������l��a��[~������}\El���l�����}��p.~e/?��=�@ډ�m����`������s[Kr0{�t���3n����=�G{q��Z�;���K�w�З]���/�7Ol��"\�t�]x��V/�&v�;K���†~��3��cN��bQdŭi���^? The Sumerians gave the world astrology. Sumerian Solar System, 12 Planets and their Ancient Names along with their recent names. Beginning with the eruption and flowing of molten rock, which sent volcanic debris into the formless skies, all three disciplines detail the creation of an atmosphere as a result of the accumulation of clouds and mists, which blocked out a certain amount of the Sun’s heat. Shop Sumerian Solar System. In this tablet, you see the sun surrounded by ten planets (our Solar System). By Neil Freer | ufo.whipnet.org Received from Light Eye. "VmO>�Bq�&��G���;�O*��rP�J�nΐ� ]�ed�#uK�77�&�%��v������c�8? Moreover they show 11 celestial bodies or planets.The above picture taken from a Sumerian cylinder seal cleary shows that they not only knew the number of bodies in the solar system, but the relative size as well. ?�����y���w�O/�������˄n^[Α�Y�ܑn>s�c@�B���l�`���� '�B4�rj��Y�X�{q,|7�VI�+����'��J��WVU�s^௨ՔY������w|b߻�Z�)�q�dP�>����K�[��&~p��lJ��V䏥��|U�S�(?��Vˀht�!�!c�; The paths they were thrown into were clockwise, like Marduk's, and their paths would become large, elliptical orbits around the Sun. Thus, according to Donk’s calculations, the relative sizes of the 12 heavenly bodies of the Solar System based on a logarithmic scale are equal. Only Kingu continued to orbit around Tiamat as a satellite; he would later be called Lunar the Moon. Solar System Chart on Sumerian Clay Tablet. 4 0 obj The Sumerian civilization emerged upon the flood plain of the lower reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers about 4000 B.C. During the 8th and 7th centuries BC, Babylonian astronomers developed a new empirical approach to astronomy. October 28, 2012. Perhaps the Summarians were aliens that arrived here from another planet… one located in a solar system that contained 12 planets, the very solar system depicted on this tablet. Sumerian Civilization knew about Solar System. I was a history major and studied the Sumerian tablet translations from scholars such as George Smith, Zacharia Sitchin, Sir Henr There is an Ancient Sumerian Cylinder Seal, believed to be around 4,500 years old that curiously seems to depict our Sun and twelve planets within our Solar System, one of them supposedly being Nibiru, the elusive planet lurking somewhere on the outer edges of the Solar System. Life was also passed between worlds from Nibiru to Tiamat. Sumerian astrology tablets make up the first historical record of astrology. %PDF-1.5 Newly translated Babylonian texts indicate that the position of the stars and planets were calculated instead according to complex equations inherited from the Sumerian civilization. Controversial 5,500-Year-Old Sumerian Star Map Of Ancient Nineveh Reveals Observation Of Köfels’ Impact Event Ancient Mysteries , Ancient World , Artifacts December 7, 2014 MessageToEagle.com – Did ancient Sumerians observe and record the impact of the Aten asteroid over 5,000 years ago? The force of this secondary impact thrust the remaining intact half of Tiamat away from her original orbit, to become repositioned between Venus and Mars. They named many of the constellations and defined the nature of numerous bodies in the solar system. annunaki t-shirts designed by hybridgothica as well as other annunaki merchandise at TeePublic. This blog site will prove that the Sumerian VA243 image showing the circles is in fact representative of the solar system. But why ten planets? They landed here and propagated our planet, teaching what we know as “ancient man” how to farm and other skills, and before leaving, built some pretty advanced structures for us, such as the pyramids, etc. The texts said that they were known as the Nephilim, and that … Moreover they show 11 celestial bodies or planets . Sumerian Civilization knew about Solar System. The destruction of Tiamat and the corresponding creation of Earth out of the wreckage resulted in the melting of the ice-covered surface and the remaining land masses of Tiamat being concentrated in one spot as a continent (i.e.Pangea). There is an Ancient Sumerian Cylinder Seal, believed to be around 4,500 years old that curiously seems to depict our Sun and twelve planets within our Solar System, one of them supposedly being Nibiru, the elusive planet lurking somewhere on the outer edges of the Solar System. Jan 14, 2018 - Sumerian solar system, Pergamon Museum Berlin. He was, therefore to cross over the site of the collision. Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews There was a … The creation epic proceeding from the point of the collision of Marduk / Nibiru with Tiamat, as told by the ancient Sumerians, corresponds almost exactly with the Hebrew tradition as told in Genesis; they both corroborate the assumptions made by science. On “a clay tablet in the ruins of the Royal Library at Nineva shows how to go through inner solar system [shown above]. endobj The encounter between  Marduk and  Tiamat caused his orbit to be bent, even more, resulting in his becoming a planet or 'god' which was destined to encircle the Sun forever, and because he now was trapped in an orbit, Marduk's destiny was to return to the scene of the collision. The Sumerian solar system based on the information in Mr Sitchin's book the Lost Book of Enki. Find your thing. {��i��6����_���`���,�8��ť�H����E>[m���2KG=Vi�.�Y�e��Y_�T�ȿd��uV���=��pͲ. Yes, the Sumerians knew about our solar system and have visited many of our planets, if not all. The purpose of this illustration is to depict the findings of Karel Donk who has scientifically and mathematically calculated the relative sizes of the famous VA - …