Always look up your pets medication on-line. I will be taking him to the vet shortly, but from what I've found on-line diabetes, hyperthyroid, cancer and worms are all very likely. 5. Coughing is another symptom that often accompanies dyspnea. I used to work at a pharmacy so, CHECK FOR DIABETES.ITS VERY COMMON WITH CATS. Sudden weight loss and loss of energy; Dull, sunken eyes or blindness; Refusal to eat and very bad breath; Blood work may reveal your cat has low potassium levels, high phosphorus levels, and very high BUN and creatinine levels. There are a variety of home remedies that you can use to deal with the fetid breath. Whatever the systemic cause for labored breathing, your cat needs an immediate medical evaluation since this condition cannot be treated at home and can be deadly. This is just another step in the process of his body starting to shut down, he will get to where he doesnt eat or drink and will become listless. Cat bad breath home remedies. But the weight loss and stool and bad smell of his body and breath concern me. Kidney disease occurs fairly often in older cats. Serious maladies leading to bad breath could include the following: Bartonella henselae, diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes), gastrointestinal, immunodeficiency virus renal failure, kidney, liver, neurological, periodontal, respiratory or skin diseases. If your cat is breathing faster than normal or is experiencing shortness of breath (dyspnea), take note! If you require any veterinary related advice, contact your veterinarian promptly. If you can, look inside his mouth for swelling, pus or a broken tooth. I'm assuming you can't take your cat to a vet in another counrty do to distance or quarantine laws. Kitty's losing weight and his breath stinks. The sooner you know the disease behind the symptoms, the faster proper treatment starts for your cat. She sneezes a lot. He might paw at his mouth or otherwise act as if something's hurting him there. Bad breath is not normal, even in an older cat. Dental Disease. Bad breath is usually an indictor that something is not right with your cat's health. Your pet will have yellow eyes and mucous membranes, suffer from depression, have seizures and bad breath. Kidney disease occurs fairly often in older cats. Weight loss, increased urination and drinking can be the result of several illnesses in a cat. If Kitty's gums or teeth are infected, his breath stinks and he doesn't want to eat because of pain. Liver disease stems from various causes, many of which respond to treatment. A cat with these symptoms can also have more than one disease. Metabolic diseases can also cause bad breath – especially diabetes and kidney failure. Depending on the type of diabetes Kitty has, he might require once or twice-daily insulin shots or his diabetes might be controlled with oral medication. He might also throw up a lot. That's a sign of feline diabetes mellitus, according to the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. Learning to identify these illnesses and their symptoms may help you get a better understanding of the medical needs of your pet. Heavy rapid breathing in cats can be caused by stress and anxiety or can be linked to more serious cat diseases. Ask for copies of the lab work, maybe you can have a vet in another country give a second opinion based off of the lab work. Weight loss in cats is usually a sign of a problem. And untreated dental disease can be very painful for your cat and can even cause them to stop eating. Many people worry about their cats getting fat, but unintentional weight loss can be a serious issue, too. Over time, these bacteria lead to gum disease, periodontal disease, and chronic halitosis. If Kitty's breath smells like pee, that's another clue that kidney disease is the culprit. If Kitty's constantly at the water bowl and flooding his litter box, it's a good bet something's up with his kidneys. However, I caution you against making the decision to euthanize your cat based on bloodwork results only. A lot of snot & salvia comes out. Although he still eats good, drinks and grooms, in the last few days his breath is bad. When I adopted mine she had had a litter about 7 months previous and not all of them came out and were infected inside her making her lose weight. My 20+ yr old cat was loosing weight, has very small to no muscle mass left, took him to a very trusted vet. Vetinfo: Seven Causes of Feline Weight Loss, Veterinary Dental Center: Feline Dentistry. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas can't produce enough insulin for his body or stops producing it altogether. Does anyone know what could be wrong with her? Get Kitty to the vet and on the road to treatment and possible recovery as soon as possible. Weight Loss – Sudden or Gradual. My 20+ yr old cat was loosing weight, has very small to no muscle mass left, took him to a very trusted vet. Routine care includes testing for feline leukemia and feline immunodeficiency viruses. If your cat cannot breathe properly, make sure to take it to the vet IMMEDIATELY as its life could be at risk. Acute kidney disease comes on suddenly, often due to toxin exposure or trauma to the organs. One common remedy is the use of peppermint oil. This oil helps fight bad breath and bacteria. Carrie on June 24, 2018: Thank you so much for the clear and not fear-based video! Her breath is bad. I had issues with the first few vets I tried too, lost a couple of cats to that. Although he still eats good, drinks and grooms, in the last few days his breath is bad. The key to oral health is to keep the bacteria in the mouth within a normal range. Diagnosis of Bad Breath in Cats Combined with a loss of appetite and vomiting, quickly decreasing weight is a major sign of trouble. The first is somewhat more likely if activity level has increased, diabetes usually causes the opposite. Always contact your vet if you think your cat has lost weight. What was the diagnosis? It can be caused by kidney disease, cancers, periodontal disease (mentioned above) and loss of smell plus other causes. Peppermint oil is an essential oil. Often, cancer-related weight loss is accompanied by a loss of appetite, lethargy and hiding by your cat. Luckily these problems should be determined with blood work, so misdiagnoses is less likely. Nevertheless, bad breath in cats can indicate some other problem that can seriously affect the health of our cat. I had a cat who I had to put down a year ago who had diabetes, and I was giving her shots, etc, but after a time, and because her quality of life was not getting better, I simply could not afford the treatments any longer. The vet can extract problem teeth and give Kitty antibiotics for mouth infections. Besides weight loss and halitosis, the scientific name for bad breath, symptoms include increased thirst and urination. As cats eat a high protein diet over their lifetime, this affects their kidneys, especially in older cats. It can trigger dehydration and malnutrition, both of which put extreme strain on your cat’s already taxed kidneys. Other symptoms tend to include loss of appetite, lethargy, and hiding. You need to mix a portion of the oil with water. Periodontitis (inflammation of the tissue surrounding the teeth) I so vividly remember my first encounter with a ginger tabby who would become my Chershire in late summer 2011. If bad breath is accompanied by some other symptoms such as weight loss, drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, thirst and frequent urination, then it is highly recommended to see the vet immediately. If your cat has noticeably bad breath, it’s always a good idea to ask your vet for advice. Bad breath in cats isn’t just unpleasant for their owners, it could be a sign of deeper health issues at play. Take him to the vet as soon as possible for an examination, testing and diagnosis. Has she had a litter of kittens lately? Tell us what country you live in maybe someone can recommend a good vet there. However if you wait longer on going to the vet that increases the likelihood that they won't be able to help your pet. A lump on the throat indicates cancer or the thyroid issue, but he could have either and not have a lump. Rapid weight loss is easy to spot but gradual weight loss can be tricky, especially if your cat is fluffy. However, if your cat’s bad breath is accompanied by any of the following symptoms, it’s particularly important that you book a check-up: Reddened gums; Yellow or brain teeth stains; Drooling; Dropping food; Loss of appetite; Weight loss If he's drooling or his gums are swollen and red, that's another sign something's amiss in his mouth. Worms also cause diarrhea, bloating and vomiting. A simple product to try is to purchase a natural mouth spray made for cats. Does Kitty's bad breath have a sweet odor? Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. I hope your cat gets better. Liver disease may be caused by increased toxicity in the cat's body, hepatitis or cancer. Dental or periodontal disease can lead to many serious health and medical issues if left untreated. Weight loss in cats can be due to many causes. If Kitty's gums or teeth are infected, his breath stinks and he doesn't want to eat because of pain. She may have some bad teeth which is very common with cats. My mom's cat has epilepsy, and the medication prescribed had a lot of side effects. If your cat’s breath smells like ammonia or urine, it could be kidney disease, which is not uncommon in cats ages 8 and older, Landefeld says. Bad Breath and Weight Loss in Cats Kidney Disease. Possible Reasons for Bad Breath in Cats. Chronic kidney disease cannot be cured, often be medically managed with medication, diet change, and fluid supplementation. Some cats develop bad breath over the years, while others experience halitosis early on in life due to their genetic makeup. ! Our cat is going through the exact same thing. Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine: Bad Breath: Sign of Illness? I'd love to hear what you think of this page or my site. Preventing Bad Breath In Cats: Suggestions For Novice Cat Parents Knowing how to react to bad breath in cats is nice but you must remember: "Prevention is better than cure". Increased thirst and urination are among the first signs noticed when a cat has kidney issues, followed by loss of appetite, weight loss, and lethargy. The Two Former Strays That Are My Whole World. As cats eat a high protein diet over their lifetime, this affects their kidneys, especially in older cats. If your cat has been losing weight and drinking and urinating more than usual, or straining to urinate, schedule a veterinary visit right away. Apex Dog and Cat Dentistry: Feline Stomatitis. Disclaimer: This website is not intended to replace professional advice / treatment by a licensed veterinarian. Intestinal parasites: Intestinal parasites, or worms, may also be the cause of weight loss. My female cat has developed very bad breath and is so skinny her ribs and hip bone show but she eats enough and is always hungry, she is 9 years old. Disclaimer: This website is not intended to replace professional advice / treatment by a licensed veterinarian. Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) Periodontal Disease. As with kidney disease, constant drinking and urination are also symptoms of this condition. But she eats a very little amout. Remember, it's always a good idea to insure your cat. Unlike some that may have bad teeth or worms or something treatable, I would suggest you consult a vet, just to get to the bottom of the problem. Do not disregard veterinary advice/treatment. You know something's wrong with him, but what is it? Thank You It really is most appreciated. Check his mouth and look for sores or ulcers. Medically referred to as halitosis, bad breath stems from poor oral hygiene. Jane Meggitt has been a writer for more than 20 years. Chronic kidney disease develops and progresses over time. My parents and I spotted him down the. (canada). Then I will know its time for me to take him back to my vet and take the next step of letting him go over the rainbow bridge. Bacteria accumulates in the mouth’s soft tissue and teeth. Diabetes. He'll have some other significant symptoms, including diarrhea and vomiting and depression. I have a cat showing similar symptoms, he is about 7 years old. Has your cat lost weight suddenly or been losing weight gradually over the past ... poor circulation and disease. If untreated, both are potentially fatal. I found out that she had a tape worm which might be the problem. Bad breath can develop from kidney disease because of an excess of urea in the bloodstream. If the whites of Kitty's eyes or his mucous membranes appear yellow, his weight loss and halitosis could be due to liver disease. What Causes Bad Breath in Cats? Kitty might even experience seizures. Let me know if you like what you have read or if it has helped you with a problem. The advise from a good vet is that weight loss is an “indication for a veterinary checkup.” 1 Compounding that advice, labored breath also indicates a vet’s attention. It's easy to do just leave a comment in the box below and click the like / share or +1 to let others know about my site. Your cat's bad breath is probably caused by bacteria that accumulates in the mouth in the same way humans get morning breath. Cat diseases can cause a variety of symptoms, including lethargy, weight loss, eye discharge, loss of appetite, and more. These are Diabetes Mellitus, kidney disease and/or failure, hyperthyroidism, and less likely a urinary tract infection alone or certain types of cancer. You may also notice your cat panting noisily or keeping its mouth open. Besides weight loss, the cat will vomit and have diarrhea. Besides bad breath, if you notice other symptoms in your cat like trouble breathing, sneezing or she has ulcers on her tongue, she may have feline calicivirus, a condition that your cat should be vaccinated against when she’s young. Tooth Decay or broken teeth Read more on Toothache and Tooth Decay in Cats. In addition to having bad breath, cats with kidney disease can appear lethargic, may experience weight loss, drink more water, and … It may be a sign of an underlying medical problem. U HAVE TO TEST ITS BLOOD. Both of these viruses are lethal and can cause waisting and can precipitate the bad breath due to bacterial infection (gingivitis). by Darlane No matter which of these two scenarios applies to your cat, the goal is to treat your cat's smelly problem. Keep in mind, these charts provide helpful general information, but they are not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinary care. The key to good dental care and managing dental disease is prevention. In addition to reporting for a major newspaper chain, she has been published in "Horse News," "Suburban Classic," "Hoof Beats," "Equine Journal" and other publications. Your vet will be able to fully, and safely examine your cat’s mouth, which may not be easy for you to do at home. So she was very skinny, but was still eating voratiously. These conditions are both associated with changes in urination and drinking, and often weight loss. He could also suffer from stomatitis, an inflammation of his mouth's mucous lining. She's lost weight, she coughs a lot too her neck doesn't hurt when I tough it. Weight loss can be caused by many different problems, ranging from minor to serious. Your cat may struggle with inhaling, exhaling or both. FYI: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I had a cat with the same type of problems. The breath will have a distinct ammonia or urine-like odor to it. It could be a number of things wrong with her. Also, this gives you a chance to check their breath. Not all cat weight loss is caused by cancer, but it is a fairly common diagnosis. She has a Bachelor of Arts in English from New York University and an Associate of Arts from the American Academy of Dramatics Arts, New York City. Reasons for Bad Breath. Sudden or Increased Weight Loss Unlike the subtle weight loss mentioned above, sudden weight loss is usually obvious. Cats can hide diseases and problems but when a symptom is as obvious as drooling or as foul smelling as bad breath it is hard to ignore. “Weight loss is serious in the aging cat” 1. Did you take the cat to the vet? Contact your vet if your cat has bad breath. Abscessed tooth. To help you understand why your kitty might have bad breath, what this could mean for their health, and what you can do about it, we’ve put together this handy guide. These symptoms can be indications of serious problems not only in your cat's mouth but perhaps in other parts of its body, too. The same factors that cause halitosis in humans lead to cat bad breath: tooth decay and bacteria. Instead of waiting for the stench to manifest, pet owners should consider adopting an active approach to the issue of "my cat has bad breath". February is Dental Awareness Month, so its a perfect time to start the year off right by providing good dental care for your cat. My 17 year old cat has a lump on her neck & she struggles with her food & milk. When you cat’s breath smells it could be due to: Periodontal disease – inflammation and loss of supporting structures of teeth as tissues become diseased; Foreign body – objects that may be lodged in the throat, inhaled into the airway, or swallowed and stuck in the stomach; Kidney disease – persistent loss of function over time resulting leading to anaemia This is potentially the scariest thing on the list, so let’s get it out of the way first.