This Lunar Mansion is immortalized by the 3 stars that outline Aquila, the Eagle’s wings. Nakshatras, 27 Vedic stars beyond the zodiac, with their gods and shaktis, are revealing us our Divine potential, as well as give us hints about how can we get the best of it to live more aligned life. Shravana Nakshatra belongs to the Makara Rashi or the Capricorn. Sun enters Uttara Ashadha Nakshatra on 11th Jan, 2021 12:11 am. This nakshatra was then placed beyond the nakshatra belt and so became an intercalary nakshatra. Story first published: Saturday, January 30, 2021… January 22, 2021, Friday at 06:27 AM Saturn is transiting in Shravana Nakshatra Notes: All timings are represented in 12-hour notation in local time of Redmond, United States with … Shravana Nakshatra is all about “hearing good words” as Shravana means listening. Mundan Sanskar is also called Chaul Mundan, Jadula or Chura Karam or Chaul Karma Sanskar in some Hindu communities. Easily identified with the naked-eye, the eagle is tucked in at the top of the Capricorn constellation. 6 April 2021 Shravana Nakshatra. Sun enters Shravana Nakshatra on 24th Jan, 2021 01:37 am Ananta is another name of this Nakshatra Of Shravan. Story first published: Saturday, January 23, 2021, 9:16 [IST] Jan 23, 2021 ലെ വാര്ത്തകള് A good listener is always a good learner, and in our ancient days Vedic knowledge has to be passed from Gurus via Shruti (hearing). The Nakshatra Astrology 2021 states that you may travel to foreign land in the…..Read More. Interpretation of Sun in Shravana Nakshatra – As Sun represents Career and Shravana is about Counselling, most commonly these people can be seen as counselors, guide or teachers. Modern astronomers say this constellation consists of 3 stars, Altair, Alshain, and Tarazed; and methodologically correspond to the three steps taken by Vishnu. Thus, the natives are likely to attain benefits from the government sector. The natives of Shravana enjoy a prosperous and wealthy lifestyle. The color of Shravan is light blue. Lord Shani or Saturn is the lord of Makara Rashi. Ear as a symbol of Shravana Nakshatra indicates that the ability of the native born in the Shravana Nakshatra to acquire knowledge and wisdom through listening. Thanks, It is said that this material world is an imperfect reflection of spiritual world. Seed Sounds for baby names for natives of Shravana Nakshatra begin with the following sounds: Ju, Je, Jo, Gha. In the year 2021, Saturn will remain in the Sun-ruled Uttarashada Nakshatra at the beginning of the year, and then move onto the Moon-ruled Shravan Nakshatra on 22nd January. This Nakshatra gives the practical solution to a problem hence this is a very positive Nakshatra. Shani Transit 2021 : Saturn Transit in Shravana Nakshatra Know Effects on Zodiac Signs. Shravana means ‘to listen’ and this Nakshatra is known as the star of listening and learning. 2021 Sravana masam will begin on August 9 … Male Natives born under Shravana Nakshatra. It remains 6°4o’ to 10° along the side last pada of Uttara Ashadha and 10° to 10° 53’2o” of the first pada of Shravana. They can also be in any work related with communication which includes working in telecom sector, social media or any other work related with communications under the sky. Saturn remain there for the year. Today Star: Shravana (Today upto 02:05 pm) Thithi: Amavasi (Next Day upto 00:36 am) Karanam: Quadruped NithyaYoga: Variyan. Moon is the ruling planet of Shravana Nakshatra and marks the culmination of lunar energy. The month of Shravan (July-August) brings number of significant events and festivals for Hindus. JUPITER AND SATURN IN SHRAVANA Jupiter transited into Shravana on Jan. 7th and stays there until March 4th and Saturn transits into Shravana on Jan. 23rd and stays there until Feb. 17, 2022.