Officer Buckle's buddy is Gloria. Officer Buckle got lots of letters with pictures of Gloria. This is an interactive read aloud lesson plan for a 4-5 day Comprehensive Literacy Language Workshop for the mentor text book Officer Buckle and Gloria by Peggy Rathmann. What is he going to see? Lesson 17: Luke Goes to Bat Click below: Subject Verb Agreement. New York, NY: Putman Publishing Group) and comes after reading the book aloud without showing the illustrations. Start studying 2nd grade Reading Lesson 15 Officer Buckle and Gloria Comprehension. Today we read Officer Buckle and Gloria. Let's read and find out." Did he go talk to the schools about safety tips? Gloria and Officer Buckle were videotaped for the news. 4) Materials & supplies needed: Officer Buckle and Gloria , student’s copies of book in their reading textbook (provided by my MT) Officer Buckle and Gloria by Peggy ... Let the students know that today’s lesson will be focused on describing a character from the story named Gloria. "Oh, no. Reading to Kids is a grassroots organization dedicated to inspiring underserved children with a love of reading, thereby enriching their lives and opportunities for future success. And even though they're friends, they had a problem to work out. Lesson 16: Mr. Tanen's Tie Trouble Click below: Pronouns. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. "The children wrote to officer Buckle, who did they like, Officer Buckle or Gloria?" Click the Picture below to read our Journeys Textbook online! Print friendship problems on cards. This lesson is the second in a series using Officer Buckle and Gloria (Rathman, P. (1995). The students clapped and cheered for the safety speech. 3) Objective for this lesson: While reading Officer Buckle and Gloria, students will practice fluency through choral reading. Lesson 18: Click below: Complete Sentences - Subject and Predicate. Lesson 1: Henry and Mudge. Shuffle the index cards. Talk about what happened (Gloria was getting all the attention and Officer Buckle's feelings were hurt). The plans include a teacher script with strategic stopping points and questions for students. Gloria started to copy Officer Buckle and the kids started to pay attention. Lesson 15: Officer Buckle and Gloria. If you want to take a look and try a free read aloud lesson for the story, Officer Buckle and Gloria, just click on any of the images below and download the preview! We learned some fun vocabulary words and it tied into our safety unit. Officer Buckle and Gloria. Officer Buckle got lots of calls from schools to come do his safety speech. Of course, the kids were anxious to share all of the safety rules they could think of! It also includes prompts for student responses in writing or thoughtful logs. The scope and sequence was really to help ME plan – so feel free to help yourself and use the lessons and books however you see fit! Read Officer Buckle and Gloria aloud to the class, pausing at each page to share the illustrations with the class. Ask: “How did they handle it?” Then let children practice solving their own interpersonal problems. Students will be able to write a paragraph detailing their favorite place; using language that engages the readers senses. "He was sad. When he sees what is happening, do you think he will be happy or sad? Officer Buckle is watching himself on the television. (Clearly students will focus on sight, but all will be encouraged to try to think of smells and sounds).