Here’s my scratched itch – a calculator that will populate minimum requirements for plumbing fixture counts based on the 2018 International Building Code & 2018 International Plumbing Code. ICC Digital Codes is the largest provider of model codes, custom codes and standards used worldwide to construct safe, sustainable, affordable and resilient structures. minimum number of required plumbing fixtures (see sections 403.2 and 403.3 ) water closets (urinals see section 419.2 ) no. The fixtures shown are based on one fixture being the minimum required for the number of persons indicated or any fraction of the number of persons indicated. Once the occupancy load and occupancy are determined, Table 422.1 shall be applied to determine the minimum number of plumbing fixtures required. The types of fixture supports shown are detailed in ANSI A112.6.1M. Now, with only four inputs you can quickly grab the minimum fixture counts from the 2018 IBC (note: if you don't see the calculator below , click here): a. (12) The number of water closets required for dance halls and recreational establishments shall be at least one fixture for each 100 males and one fixture for each 75 females. That’s where we find the required plumbing fixture table. The specific purpose is to insure that specifiers provide sufficient wall space to properly install and All dimensions shown are minimum and can be increased to accommodate required variations or accessories. Please be sure to show all work and OBC references in your calculations. The 30" x 30" area in front of a shower head must also be 80" in height. (13) In a child care facility the maximum number of children per water closet and lavatory shall conform to Table The minimum number of plumbing fixtures required for each sex for a 'Warehouse building, assuming it measures 85 mx 73 m, are as follows... (assume this is a Part-3 building, and the max number of urinals allowed). 3. The number of occupants shall be determined by the International Building Code. mum required number of fixtures for assembly and mer-cantile occupancies. Then we take that number of occupants to IBC chapter 29. Bathrooms must have a minimum ceiling height of 80" in front of fixtures, which is less than the 90" ceiling height required in most rooms. The NKBA doesn't have anything to add to the IRC requirement in this case. Fixture Units - WSFU vs GPM and Liters/sec - Converting WSFU - Water Supply Fixture Units - to GPM; Hot Water Circulation Return Pipe - Hot water can be circulated through a return pipe if it's instantly required at the fixtures; Hot Water Content in Fixtures - Content of hot water in some common used fixtures - basins, sinks and baths Here are some common factors: Mercantile: 1 WC per 500, 1 Lav per 750, 1 DF per 1,000, 1 service sink. NKBA. 403.1.3 For the purposes of calculating the minimum num-ber of required plumbing facilities, the requirements of Table 403.1 shall apply to any areas outside of the building that are used as part of the building’s designated occupancy (single or mixed). Where applying the fixture ratios in Table 422.1 results in fractional numbers, such numbers shall be rounded to the next whole number. supports for off-the-floor plumbing fixtures. We then find the appropriate occupancy and read the requirements.