The non-enum classes show no errors. If you want to instantiate the utility class, even only as an internal implementation detail, @UtilityClass cannot be used. In my opinion, in that case lombok could/should call that no-args constructor in all generated constructors. lombok @Data complains "lombok needs a default constructor in the , Try to add a @NoArgsConstructor to your Base Class B to generate a default constructor with Lombok. Since you want to use the … BREAKING CHANGE: lombok config key lombok.anyConstructor.suppressConstructorProperties is now deprecated and defaults to true, that is, by default lombok no longer automatically generates @ConstructorProperties annotations. There were no problems with the previous version of the plugin (0.9.6). ... You may be worried there is a chance that you use Lombok in one of your projects, but later want to rollback that decision. they're used to gather information about the pages you visit and how many clicks you need to accomplish a task. There is no default value for this configuration. Lombok @Getter and @Setter; or the superclass has a (visible) default constructor. Based on the feedback and John’s answer I have updated the answer to no longer use @Tolerate or @Data and instead we create accessors and mutators via @Getter and @Setter, create the default constructor via @NoArgsConstructor, and finally we create the all args constructor that the builder requires via @AllArgsConstructor.. There isn't currently any way to create non-static members, or to define your own constructor. Lombok needs a default constructor in the base class. After updating the plugin to 0.9.7 there are errors in enum classes that use lombok annotations. Updated. Due to a peculiar way javac processes static imports, trying to do a non-star static import of any of the members of a `@UtilityClass` won't work. And there is no way to fix this until we travel back in time. If true, lombok will generate a private no-args constructor for any @Value annotated class, which sets all fields to default values (null / 0 / false). Back to the topic of this entry, If we want to follow this approach with Lombok, we … We use analytics cookies to understand how you use our websites so we can make them better, e.g. New config key lombok.anyConstructor.addConstructorProperties now exists; set it to true if you want the old … there is no default constructor available in 原因 这个错误是由于继承引起的,原因是子类里写了并且使用了无参的构造方法(不写默认就是无参的构造方法),但是它的父类中却至少有一个是没有“无参构造方法”的,就会出现这个问题 总结 一个类如果显式的定义了带参构造函数,那么默认无参 … The default constructor has no throws clauses. Otherwise, the default constructor simply invokes the superclass constructor with no arguments. If the class being declared is the primordial class Object, then the default constructor has an empty body. Further Reading on Guide to Lombok. When set, Lombok makes the constructor private and then creates a static factory method for constructing objects: ... As always the source code is available on Github. Analytics cookies. Check for the most recent available version here. ... We could have an initial approach based on using the class default empty constructor and providing setter methods for every field. The form of the default constructor for an anonymous class is specified in § Fixed issue #10 "Empty constructor is created even if it already exists" Fixed issue #15 "@Data with @NoArgsConstructor does not generate default constructor" Fixed issue #17 "Incompatibility with javax.annotation.Nonnull/Nullable" Added more inspections and QuickFixes for some of lombok annotations. Small print Look for the documentation on the 'parts' of @Value : @ToString , @EqualsAndHashCode , @AllArgsConstructor , @FieldDefaults , … IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.2 (IU-143.1184) JRE: 1.8.0_65 amd64 (Oracle Java HotSpot 64-bit Server VM), Windows 7