He deserved it, all right. Curtis discusses some business matters. He can even survive the insta-kill attacks of boss monsters and the smiles in Killer 8 mode, which will even kill the other characters with the "infinite life" code active. It's time for a genre full of cliches to clean up its act. She is a college student who takes care of Harman in Harman's Room for three days out of the week, mainly for scholarship aides. The Killer 7. After receiving a letter of employment from a covert hitman agency, Zappa begins working for the firm, travelling the near-future globe executing other killers.. Mondo's weapon of choice is a katana named Gekkou (月光、lit. He can even survive the insta-kill attacks of boss monsters and the smiles in Killer 8 mode, which will even kill the other characters with the "infinite life" code active. Alas, Poor Villain (Pedro is an organ smuggler and child trafficker, but holy shit, NO ONE deserves what happens to him. Complete Monster (Curtis Blackburn's entire existence is so that you feel better about playing as a group of assassins) Suzie is probably the most remorseless and psychopathic Remnant Psyche that the … However, when aroused he shows his true colors as the "God Killer." The Killer 7. The boss fight against Andrei Ulymedia in the CLOUDMAN scenario is one of the most frightening boss fights in all video gamedom: after turning into a … While Harman is in his coma-like state, Samantha abuses Harman, going so far as to rape him, but when the lights are out and Harman is awake she becomes a fully obedient servant. (WARNING: DISTURBING) Dr. Juvenile (ドクター・ジュヴナイル, Dokutā Jubunairu) is a character in Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes. Old Harmon is immortal and his gun can kill most anything. His family though? Try using the Action Replay code that enables you to select him from the TV. During this time, … Old Harmon is immortal and his gun can kill most anything. Samantha Sitbon is Harman Smith's maid in killer7. Don't believe me? Killer 7 has such fascinating boss encounters as a pair of Japanese businessmen who rise from the dead after having their heads blown open, and then attack by shooting their exposed brains at you.Also, the Heaven Smile's laughter. Try using the Action Replay code that enables you to select him from the TV. He is an elderly man of 65, physically dependent on his live-in nursing assistant. Not so much. 7 Crime Tropes We Really Could Do Without. We can't exactly blame you, so this character guide should prove useful: 1 The Smith Syndicate 1.1 Harman Smith 1.2 Garcian Smith 1.3 Dan Smith 1.4 KAEDE Smith 1.5 Con Smith 1.6 Coyote Smith 1.7 MASK de Smith 1.8 Kevin Smith 1.9 Samantha Sitbon 2 Assassination targets / Antagonists 2.1 Kun Lan 2.2 Heaven Smile 2.3 The U.N. Party … killer7 (キラーセブン, kiraasebun) is an action-adventure game developed by Grasshopper Manufacture and published by Capcom for the Nintendo GameCube and, later, the PlayStation 2. Don't believe me? A remastered version of killer7, published by NIS America, was released on … The game was written and directed by SUDA51, and produced by Shinji Mikami and Hiroyuki Kobayashi. Need a hand working out the story? His massive armor piercing rifle is one of his professional trademarks. - Weapon: Armor piercing rifle Garcian Smith The leader of 7 different personalities and also a loyal servant of Haman. Mondo Zappa (モンド・ザッパ, Mondo Zappa) is a character in Killer Is Dead.He is a 35-year-old American assassin and the game's central protagonist. FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/tbfprulz TWITTER: http://twitter.com/AngriestPatLiSteN, this VideO is rEAlly tiGHt! In tHE naME oF tHE BesT frIENDS!