Published on November 14, 2019 November 14, 2019 • 3 Likes • 3 Comments Why is this video so popular? Jordan B. Peterson on Entrepreneurship, Selling, and Matching Your Job to Your Temperament. If you want to get added as an author, contact me via my Twitter handle @Nartimar. Letter. Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Given that the progressively faster and multithreaded thinkers are progressively more rare the more you push this ability to the extreme, you should expect faster jobs being better paid. Arguably, trying to do the right thing is a laudable quality, not what your starting point or final destination are. We are seeing a rise in crime and long term disability claims because our ever more complex society does not have ways to keep those with lower IQs engaged in the workforce. — Jordan B Peterson (@jordanbpeterson) March 20, 2018. It’s the difference between knowing and understanding. Vox Day only took notice of Jordan Peterson initially because Peterson was wrong about Jewish IQ (Peterson claimed that average Ashkenazi Jewish IQ was between 110-115; in reality, it is still very high, but closer to 103-105 on average). We are seeing a rise in crime and long term disability claims because our ever more complex society does not have ways to keep those with lower IQs engaged in the workforce. Text. Let’s ignore for now that correlation doesn’t necessarily equal causation. This forum is dedicated to the work associated with Dr. Jordan Peterson: a public intellectual, clinical psychologist, and professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. Hello Dr.Peterson, My name is Gavin, I'm a 23 year old male from India. IQ, Jobs, Jordan Peterson, productivity; 12 Comments; Jordan Peterson is surfing on a wave of popularity. Obviously, but somehow not obviously to many IQ test designers, having learned any particular language or history has nothing to do with intelligence, other than maybe how long it took you, but that’s not what’s tested in such cases. The problem with IQ is that there’s no damn way it’s going away. Limited to a few narrow areas in which I could excel, true, and end up as a great career success statistic, but belying a thorough failure at life and at being a decent human person. Peterson is a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, Canada. I would hope that all of the data that he refers to that proves what IQ correlates with is based on non-culture-specific questions, but I don’t know that and I don’t think I should assume it. My fairest attempt to evaluate the strongest arguments of the IQ-ists. Peterson says that legal clerks are being automated, but that robots are not smart enough to replace fast food workers, which to some extent counters the thesis that automation will replace low-IQ jobs. The low-paying service sector, Walmart, etc. Dr. Peterson stats in one of his videos, that there is no work for 10% of the population in Western societies because there IQ is <83 and they cannot manage the lowest complex job out there. In one word, I would call it insight. I may have always had a natural talent for languages and math, the sort of thing that IQ tests measure, but with only that, I wasn’t me now. Jordan Peterson is a professor on the University of Toronto, a scientific psychologist and one of the best promoting creator of the ebook “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos”. However, being useful is only good if what you’re used for is good, much like hard work is ethical only in the service of an ethical goal. And fair enough, as I may have mentioned before, I don’t dispute that you can probably identify that somebody is mentally dysfunctional. Read more Valid, Standardized IQ Tests; Provocative Jordan Peterson IQ Video Response – Part 1: The Highest IQs ; Mark Ashton Smith, Ph.D. People with lower IQs are well-suited for repetitive jobs. Further evidence of the positive role of IQ and option trading success. But 160 is really, really high. If that’s the case, then why shouldn’t higher IQ correlate with higher-paying jobs? Close. I may have already dabbled in criticizing IQ testing once or twice, but recently, I have been watching a lot of Jordan Peterson’s lectures, and I have to say, I have a better idea now why so many psychologists have such high confidence in IQ — the science of it isn’t unintelligent. Beyond that, penalizing or rewarding people on the basis of their inborn traits is eugenics. There is no phenomena in social sciences, period, that is on firmer statistical and conceptual footing than IQ. That still means that what you have learned, the crystallized intelligence, is literally learnable, or trainable, so if IQ is about (un)trainability, like the army, academia, and employers see it, we’re only talking about the fluid component anyway. It’s the difference between being a well-oiled biological machine going through the motions, and being a free agent. Techno-Libertarianism heroes in journey. Aristocracy Dave Rubin asked Jordan Peterson if he believes that Donald Trump’s IQ is anywhere the 160 IQ that Trump was quoted as having is anywhere near that number: “No. A high-IQ person, removed from all other considerations, is at most a useful tool to solve particular classes of legal, mathematical, organizational, or technological problems, much like a highly athletic person can be viewed as a weapon. Instead, the more accurate way to frame this is as a half-ass “adaptation to modern society”, because in raw terms, you don’t measure intelligence with anything other than real life performance in a specific environment. Knawledge • Jun 14, 2020 I recently watched this 50-minute video where Rob Moore interviews Jordan B. Peterson, where they discuss the link between psychology and entrepreneurship among other juicy topics. By the way, I’m not saying that Peterson supports eugenics, he merely reports the situation with appropriate accuracy and grimness, rightly calling for these issues to be politically addressed better than they are now. A better thing is to be ruled by whole, well-rounded human beings. Monarchy He says automation will hurt low-skilled employees–particularly men–resulting in more drug abuse and disability, and that politicians, both on the ‘left’ and the ‘right’, fail to provide practical solutions to this problem. Sure, being governed by only the emotionally intelligent people would have its own problems (think PC culture to the extreme), or only by athletes (think ancient Sparta), but that’s precisely the point. When I compose music, engage in a physical activity, or try to be a good person, I’m flexing entirely different mental muscles, I essentially am several different people, some of which many of my friends and relatives can hardly reconcile with each other. Given that not all people were born equal in this laser-focused mental attribute, not everyone can effectively hold a job of any complexity. Related Posts. IMHO, eugenics is a better long-term solution, than simply perpetuating the poverty cycle with more handouts. All he did was to stand up for his own liberty in Canada. Archived. One of the somewhat frequent topics of conversation for Jordan Peterson has been the subject of IQ, it’s scholarly legitimacy, and how it’s utilized by society. 2. Write on Medium, This Truth Shall Set You Free: You Are Responsible For Your Triggers, I Ventured Into A Beach Bar During The Pandemic and This Is What Happened, The Truth about being Alone — We Never Actually Are, This Is How to Enable Your Brain for High Performance, Other factors for not doing well on tests other than objective dumbness, The arbitrariness of reasons why jobs are what they are right now, The cultural arbitrariness of what gets rewarded or punished today, The recursive effect of people being aware of IQ being a thing. Peterson is correct that a significant number of people (about 15%) are unemployable due to having an IQ below 85. People are not only intelligent/valuable if they learn fast. The more complex the occupation, the higher the requirement of cognitive abilities. Consequentialism Am I making sense? Where are the numbers proving that? Should You Quit Your Job? As for what a good measure of general intelligence is, when I only had high IQ, I truly was generally speaking an idiot. A problem our society has not addressed at all is that the available jobs for people with an IQ below 87 is almost nonexistent. Much like some universities, including my alma mater, use it to decide which students to accept. Like what you read? Because it’s about IQ, automation, and their relation to job market, making it an amalgamation of multiple ‘great debate‘ topics. On the Source of Woke Rage: Why is Everyone So Angry? Our tech overlords, technically the most successful people right now, all lack some or most of these attributes.