Please be sure to read any sub's rules before reposting this elsewhere. In most cases, ignoring an ex girlfriend who doesn’t want to be with you anymore isn’t going to make her coming running back to you. But the most common one is that your ex is breadcrumbing you and wants to bring a reaction out of you. This girl sounds like she doesn't really know what she wants and is trying to control you even after a breakup. You can’t stop thinking about the divorce. And believe me, there are guys around the world who share similar feelings when it comes to a girl ignoring their text messages. To know that during the time you are out, you can't make break and give in and read the messages. She's toxic. Her texts got sad because she realized she can't string you along the way she wants. Fast forward to roughly three months after we broke up. Do not feed it texts, looks, emails, cross-scene shenanigans, meaning or context. You're are handling this just right. Two or three days, it should stop. I figured it was over, until she came to my work and asked to talk. If you're wondering how you can get your ex to talk to you again, the first thing you should do is go no contact and begin to heal. 5. Your ex is merely trying to alleviate his or her guilt for breaking your heart and obtain validation in return. Keep ghosting my friend. You're making a good choice ignoring her. She then started saying she only dated me because she felt sad for me, and that I deserved all my mental illnesses. Some people can continue to be friends after a a breakup, doesn't sound like she's one of them. As long as you crave your ex's attention, you won't get any. From an irrational idea that it would be a good idea to send your ex a text message at 2 AM when you are drunk to tell them that you love them, and that you miss them and all that. I was sick of her, and blanked her. She had sent a big paragraph outlining why she was breaking up with me. I responded with “OK, thanks for the good times, goodbye.” But then, she started messaging me over Instagram (I blocked her on everything else). Hold an actual conversation with people who like you. Archived. However, most women know that there’s a big difference between how a guy will often act via text compared to how he … Why is she able to send you text messages? Cookies help us deliver our Services. Your ex will instead reject you and shut you down every single time. Hope this all gets resolved positively. And this makes it the only time when you should consider ignoring and blocking your ex. Staying friends with an ex holds you back, and not in a good way. They are delicious. You don’t have to heal, fix yourself, or learn how to be alone with yourself. Don't engage her at all - avoid her in person, even. Don't let her back in your life. In the future though you might want to avoid breaking up via text (do it in person unless you're afraid of violence/stalking/etc) and try to have a conversation that actually provides some closure for both parties. This post violates Rule 11: No breakups/hookups. She got you. Reply back with "Your tears of sadness! Not because she still likes you, but because she doesn't want you to move on before she does. I did the wrong thing and with her computer open, I kept snooping. Continue to ignore her. We do not allow submissions where the central conflict is a romantic, sexual, or platonic relationship and instead recommend a relationship focused sub. Click Here For Our Rules and Click Here For Our FAQ. How can I make my ex stop ignoring me? Protecting yourself with healthy boundaries is an essential part of good self-care. He still has me as a friend on Facebook and watches my Facebook stories. Being already kind of fed up (we already hadn't talked for a few weeks), I just ignored her. I'll try to keep this as short as possible. I told her I was working and couldn't talk, and unless she wanted to order something, she had to leave. If you think back to how your ex behaved during the relationship, you are likely to be able to recognize him as belong to one of the following three groups. OM NOM NOM.". See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered! Press J to jump to the feed. Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help! You owe her nothing. When you get home, you put your sack back on, man up and delete the messages that are coming without reading them. NTA, she sounds abusive and horrid, but what does "blanked her" mean. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Your ex isn't reopening your wound because he or she wants you to suffer. She got conceited. The fired Teen Mom 2 star, 29, recently lashed out at Chelsea with a number of complaints on social media. Why? It's important to stay calm and be polite. Don't give in. No, you should not feel bad about ignoring her communications - she really is trying to suck you back into her manipulations. She sounds pretty toxic, honestly. Go shopping. Click here to access the ex factor guide and learn how to get back an ex who is ignoring you. She'd expressed to the same friend as above once that she "didn't love me the same way" as she loved her ex. … I wouldn't even do that. Politely let your ex know you need your space and would prefer not to … But then again, if your ex insults you, it would not be a breadcrumb—but rather a full-on assault. Hell, you don’t even need to learn how to change your own car tire because you know that your ex will help you out if you need it. Group 1: The Trophy Hunter This is … Press J to jump to the feed. Need help with your relationship? Unless she wants to have a real talk with you to try to make it work. Fuck no. We went to summer camp (same church), and didn't say a word to each other. Our relationship was different every day, so it's impossible to include everything. She didn't have the decency to even get to your face and talk to you bout it. She's manipulating you to make herself feel better. Take battery out of phone (or just turn it off if you can't) and go to work. My ex is ignoring me after the breakup. NTA, you deserve better man. Then delete her messages without listening/reading them. Self preservation is important. My ex talks to me and then ignores me. It’s become an obsession that you can’t let go. Your ex is critical of your parenting, judgmental and self-righteous. Your comment has been removed because it violates rule 1: Be Civil. Your ex basically wants to test the waters and extort some sort of empowerment from you — even if it's just to alleviate guilt. She dumped you. And to your friends calling you an asshole. He’s 28 years old. Go to bed. NTA. Why the hell is he ignoring my texts. When you want to become the best version of yourself, ignoring your ex-boyfriend doesn’t sound, look or even feel right.. Not only are there a lot of negative stigmas associated with ignoring an ex-boyfriend or just about anyone, but it’s also destructive to yourself and your own healing.. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Going to all the trouble to bother you at work as well. Also don't refrain from seeing that other girl on account of your ex. Keep it up. Why do you want to keep your ex around as just a friend? Your ex will instead reject you and shut you down every single time. You think you may never move on. When your ex ignores you, the smartest thing to do is to lay low for a while, until you’ve figured out what you want and the best way to get it. Message the mods if you have any questions or concerns that are not already answered in our FAQ. This happens for many reasons. Feeling bad is understandable because nobody wants to come off as cold or distant to another person, but you have to do what's right for you. How can I make my ex stop ignoring me? AITA for ignoring my ex? When you leave tomorrow, make sure phone is still off. Don't know how old you are, but she isn't worth your time if she is acting that way. I've started to feel awful about what I've done by not responding, and I've been tearing myself apart about it. 3: Talk To Someone New. It does not matter how close you were with the person with BPD. It tells her that you’ve got other options, and won’t settle for anything less than you deserve. Keep going and never look back! TRIGGER WARNING: gaslighting 2019-11-13 02:22:06 Update: Kiddo has a diagnosis and ExMIL is NC. It was your typical-over-text break up, with her crying and me shamelessly drinking and gaming away the aching pain. It's liberating. Is it because he doesn’t want to lose you just yet or he wants to continue to control y. Ignoring an ex to get them back can be done in two ways; Either you cut all contact because you want to catch them off guard, or you alternate between intense moments and No contact. You kind of remind me of Charlie from "The Perks of Being a Wallflower". Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. It was your typical-over-text break up, with her crying and me shamelessly drinking and gaming away the aching pain. And call up that other girl, and start with saying 'sorry'. When you get home, activate phone, and delete all emails from her without reading them. He reads them and doesn’t reply. 2019-12-01 07:30:50 New favourite thing: ignoring my ExMIL tell the other girl that you've just been through a break up and although you like her (i'm assuming? Now, her friends, my friends and her are all calling me an asshole. Essentially, it means ignoring your ex for a period of time after the breakup. Sounds like she's trying to be very manipulative and she's being super toxic. Ignoring a guy should be a last result type of action. If your ex is sending you mixed messages and you don't know how to respond to breadcrumbs, you first need to understand the meaning behind breadcrumbs. She's your ex, not your girlfriend. The best you can do is completely ignore it – no comments or likes! You might not feel like it, but if you really want to take your mind off your ex, you should talk to someone new. There is one way to put this drama out of its misery: Starve it. In fact, in some cases, ignoring texts from an ex woman can cause her to give up and quickly try to move on with a new guy so she doesn’t feel the need to text her ex anymore. She sent me a few more texts, asking what she did wrong (she claimed I was giving her "hate looks" throughout the week), then being upset that I didn't respond. NTA. There's no reason to maintain this kind of "friendship". We cannot direct you to another subreddit, we can only say that this post does not belong here. If you don't want to talk with her, thats it, nothing can force you to. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you.