The buds, indeed, are one of the most desired ingredients in the kitchens all around the Mediterranean basin. Capers are very high in beta-Sitosterol. Caperberries have very small seeds inside that are similar to kiwi seeds. Any berry or flower seen growing on a caper plant is a sign that the farmer wasn’t thorough in tending his fields and picking his capers. The ripe seedpods of the caper plant, these berries have a crunchy skin, a soft interior, and a mild “fruity” taste. Technically, they are the flower buds of the shrubby caper bush (Capparis spinosa), which grows in and around regions of the Meditterranean. Similar to green olives, the curing process brings out their tangy, pungent, lemony flavor which pops in your mouth. Caper vs. Caperberry . Maybe you have also heard of Caper Berries. When farmers harvest capers (and berries), they’ll also pluck and discard any blossomed flowers. While capers are the small, immature bud of the caper plant, caper berries are the larger fruit that the caper bush bears. (Caper berries, by the way, are not interchangeable with capers. Capers vs. Caper Berries. Brined caper berries can be eaten like olives and pickles. Capers and caper berries are sometimes substituted for olives to garnish a martini. Caper berries are often used instead of olives and never used to replace capers in recipes. The berries on the caper plant are oblong, semi-green fruits, about the size of or slightly larger than a table grape. Like the buds, the fruits are also salted and pickled. In other words, caper berries are the fruit of the caper flower. Unique, piquant flavored capers are flowering buds of a low-growing caper shrub. In addition to the tiny buds, caperberries are also harvested, and some may prefer their taste to the stronger caper buds. [ citation needed ] Capers are categorized and sold by their size, defined as follows, with the smallest sizes being the most desirable: non-pareil (up to 7 mm), surfines (7–8 mm), capucines (8–9 mm), capotes (9–11 mm), fines (11–13 mm), and grusas (14+ mm). The berry is larger than the biggest caper, about the size of an olive, and attached to a long, cherry-like stem. A caper berry is slightly larger than a table grape, and bears a strong caper flavor. They can replace olives in some recipes. Culinarily speaking, capers are a small, round, dark-green condiment pickled in a salty brine. All men should consider adding capers to a healthy diet. Capers. The buds botanically belong to the family of Capparaceae, in the genus: Capparis. Try them as a garnish on fish platters or as a substitute for olives in martinis.) Caper Berries. So they are great for prostate health! The fruits of the caper plant are green and oblong. Caper berries are larger, and usually served with the stem attached, and have a much stronger flavor. Scientific name: Capparis spinosa. Though they still have some lemon taste, they are much milder than caper buds. anon50693 October 30, 2009 . Capers only have two calories each, and you can rinse them off to take away some of the salty flavor and excess sodium. When the immature bud is not picked, it eventually develops into the caperberry fruit. Dr Oz: Capers Vs Caper Berries. The caper is not the same as the caperberry. Both are served cured / brined. Capers nutrition facts. Flowers and berries are thus considered shameful: a sign of a lazy farmer. They are the fruits of the bush, as opposed to Capers, which are the flowered buds of the same bush.