I did however notice after about a year that 20-item purples seemed to drop with a bit more success than 50-item purples, so there is likely more to the rarity than just the item's color. SWGoH Panic Farm Calculator BETA. Assumes a 25% drop rate on shards and that you spend all of your energy each day on farming those shards. Wow that's great. Feels like there should be an FAQ on the sub, right? So if it's the 2nd item listed, then perhaps I get it more often. My drop rates are worse because I'm a true F2P. More Tools > Crystal Farming. Reddit is a network of communities based on people's interests. I try to look for a stage where the item I need is not the first one listed as a possible reward. I think gear has the same % drop rate regardless of how much stamina the node costs. My drop rates get worse when I'm farming for a Legendary. General Skywalker Readiness Darth Malak Readiness Shard Calculator Gear Tracker Alexa Skill Google Action. All required gear … I feel lile I'm answering this question every month but well: 20%, see nickyve09's answer here https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/5wca0d/is_there_any_drop_rate_tables_for_gear_and_shards/ based on about a year of data on 2 accounts. Game code and certain audio and/or visual material © document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Electronic Arts Inc. My drop rates are worse when I'm farming different toons. ... this doesn't seem to be the case since swgoh.gg started publishing gac meta. Apple and the Apple logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Jump to:navigation, search. Quick question: is it meaningful if you run the missions manually, or sim one at a time, small groups, or all at once? SWGOH.GG; Characters; Hera Syndulla; Hera Syndulla. Used 20% drop rate for all purple gear and Mk 12 gear and 15% for Mk 8 BioTech, Mk 5 Athakam, and Mk 9 Fabritech Data Pad. 1756 … Purple drop rates are piss poor, just as we all already knew! My data is a blend of normal nodes and hard nodes, taking CG at their word for something that a developer said in the spring of 2016, that hard/normal and energy required for a node had no bearing on the drop rate of an item, only that item's rarity. Shard/Gear Farming Calculator. I do that too, if one node only drops three gear items and I need all of them I choose that one over the node that I only need the one purple item with three other greens and whites. I think gear has the same % drop rate regardless of how much stamina the node costs. https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/47chrp/update_2_on_the_great_drop_rate_project/. I really think that this should be its own post, so people can search for it and read it. I went searching and here is a great post over on reddit about drops and the person who wrote it, jackyboygd, was kind enough to post his thoughts and put a link to his % findings on his drive. May 11, 2016 2:28AM. Personal results from about 2 years (since Jan 2016) of data (from my single account only): 20-item Purples - 24.9% - 26.2% (17,461 attempts)50-item Purples - 21.2% - 22.1% (34,158 attempts)Gold - 19.4% - 21.4% (6,317 attempts). 2 T2 Training Droid. Event News & Rumors. The drop rate (as reported thus far in our Discord channel) is roughly 30% per attempt for gear. This gear is used 0 times as a full piece for the following characters: Mk 5 A-KT Stun Gun Prototype Salvage. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, [Consular of American-] Rebel[s Guild Guild] Force {Planet_Name}, https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/5wca0d/is_there_any_drop_rate_tables_for_gear_and_shards/. Type: Days: Current Shard Count: Star Goal: Additional Energy: Drop Rate (per energy): % Energy Per Day: {{ energyPerDay }} Refresh Per Day: {{ refreshCount }} Crystals Per Day: {{ crystalsPerDay }} Total Crystals: {{ totalCrystals }} Follow SWGOH … Have you confirmed it to be garbage? My thinking is that if it's the first one listed, then that is the most "rare" item you can get. From SWGoH Help Wiki. Like Vet Han, prepare for very poor drop rates; If Vet Chewie is currently less than 5*, will need to buy his shards from Shipments; BB8 can be G7, but preferably G8 for the event; BB8 will need to be G12 for HSTR, so might as well gear him as high as possible ; Scav Rey needs to be G9+; Scav Rey will need to G12 for HSTR, so might as well gear her as high as possible; Gear trench: … Weapons tokens now drop more often than before, in all difficulties. Get all of Hollywood.com's best Movies lists, news, and more. I'm trying to farm a stun gun mark IV and just went 2 for 20. The first Galactic chase was on February 8th 2019 with blueprints for the Emperor's Shuttle. A tool that shows you the best way to farm a toon's shards and gear … This event gives players a chance to obtain Emperor Palpatine shards, the feared leader of the Galactic Empire. Check out all of the Gear an Recipes in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes! I think at best 20-30%, so what i know is 10 E node drops exactly the same as 8 and 20 E, nothing passed that, last guys who rest it got a consistent 31% about 4 months ago, but nothing is super certain. And what about the "3 sim" conspiracy theory? Gear guide tutorial! Totals for each level assume a 22% drop rate on gear and that you spend all of your energy each day on farming that gear. Then after the additive drop period is over, they will go to hard nodes as usual. It looks like you're new here. The additive drops are said to work like Galactic Chase events where the drop rate will scale based off the energy spent on a cantina node. Find communities you're interested in, and become part of an online community! 1000 Credits 2 Geonosian Soldier. I have done different sim to see what gives the best combo and as Cap mentioned there is no real correlation based on attempts, the drop rates are just abysmal. IG-11 and Kuiil will both be available on all Cantina nodes, meaning you can farm both at the same time. Submit Trivia Question. If you complete all of the daily challenges and finish Galactic War, you will get at least 165 free crystals every day. 1 … Back To Top. Stats: Used to craft gear Mk 5 A-KT Stun Gun Prototype. 1 T1 Training Droid. This website has a collection of useful tools and resources for people playing Star Wars™ Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH). The drop rate on Sim Tickets is very likely 10%! My drop rates are different the closer I get to the 100/100. Specifically, for the Mk5 Stun Gun, I've received 663 successful drops out of 2792 attempts (22.2%-25.4%). Shard and guild store are your friends. 0. vileplague13. I did however notice after about a year that 20-item purples seemed to drop with a bit more success than 50-item purples, so there is … tl;dr: Wanna know drop rates in SWGoH? Actual drop rates may vary slightly. Totally random . Has anybody gathered the information for what the drop rate is for purple gear - specifically, the Mk V A/KT stun gun prototype salvage? Nous voudrions effectuer une description ici mais le site que vous consultez ne nous en laisse pas la possibilité. Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4 Gear 5 Gear 6 Gear 7 Gear 8 Gear 9 Gear 10 Gear 11 Gear 12 Gear 13 Advertisement - Remove SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with … Click on the link above! Join our public Discord Server. The drop rate on character shards outside of cantina is close to 33%! Submit Show Feedback. best to buy stungun v in shop crystals and the blue shard thing, cuffs 3 go for guild carbanti if needed anlso guild store and that's it, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. They lowered the drop rate this week because we had double drops Weekly shipments features Old Republic characters which may mean that Jedi Revan will be back within the next week or two. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Although I do now feel a bit less good about my farming, knowing that purple drops are probably a bit above 20%. I think there should be hard modes that have guaranteed drops instead of possible drops but cost twice as much stamina to do. For carbs and hypos you can safely request them, because they both come from challenges so people have extras. Want to get in touch, share your tips, or discuss the game? The inventory is like your fingerprint in the game in my opinion. Well done, friend, and thank you! IT is horrible lol. Dark Side … If you want to get involved, click one of these buttons! More simply, a little more accurate than just the average, because it takes sample size into account. 10-player raids should now see 2 gear items, and 20-player raids should now see 4 gear items from each boss. JediGhost117. Bosses now drop 33% more loot than before, in all difficulties. Cunning Phoenix Support that allows Phoenix allies to share their Unique abilities with each other. I have heard purple gear drops at 20% regardless of the energy cost of the node. If you REALLY need 1 piece of purple gear, I'd take the lowest required stamina and farm away. Home / swgoh arc trooper drop rate. The search function was not my friend last night when I asked, and I appreciate you answering the question for the millionth time. Galactic Chase is a type of event that lasts for 5 days where you can earn blueprints for a ship by doing battles on a particular type of node (Hard, Cantina, Fleet, etc.). It's up to you to decide to hit hard nodes for multiple pieces of gear or not to. From SWGoH Help Wiki. Learn everything about gear farming, drop rates, how to buy gear, what shops are good value, and how to optimize gearing characters in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes (swgoh). Cost: 0 Required Unit Level: 1 Required Unit Stars: 1 Gear Tier: 7 Contents. Wink's Gear Purchasing Guide! Gear 1 Gear 2 Gear 3 Gear 4 Gear 5 Gear 6 Gear 7 Gear 8 Gear 9 Gear 10 Gear 11 Gear 12 Gear 13 Advertisement - Remove SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with … If you REALLY need 1 piece of purple gear, I'd take the lowest required stamina and farm away. Become a Patron! Jump to:navigation, search. But i have no proof of that at all, so take it with a grain of salt. SWGoH Shard Drop Calculator BETA. What's the drop rate on the lowest level purple gear? Alignment / Role / Affiliations Light Side Leader Phoenix Rebel … Then we answer patreon's choice in our 4th segment along with To that end we will It's bad enough when it happens with purple gear, but when it also happens with blue and … Big controversy lately regarding missing Grand Arena rewards especially with double drops. Visit swgohevents.com for more tools and information. The 2 numbers listed are the upper and lower bounds for a Wilson score with 95% confidence. Only used lowest crystal cost for refreshes, 100 (Cantina) for Signal Data and 50 (LS/DS/Fleet) for all Gear. swgoh arc trooper drop rate. Lol lack of a answer either means ppl don't know or it is obvious lol. 1 Acquired from; 2 Used to craft; 3 Used for Characters; Acquired from. Lol i was just doing an 8 energy node for mk 6 biotech prototype salvage spent about 280 energy on it and went 0 for 35 i guess that would be....annoying to say the least since i need 12 more of em. STAR WARS © & TM document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Lucasfilm Ltd. All rights reserved. Have you found any significant differences between purples besides the ones you noted? All required gear has been broken down into its farmable components and the cheapest location has been listed. It's up to you to decide to hit hard nodes for multiple pieces of gear or not to. They’re on 10 energy normal nodes and 20 energy hard nodes (Barriss and Plo Koon). The drop rate for these shards/blueprints are 4% per energy amount per … 23 posts Member. If you do all of this and finish first in Squad Arena, you'll take home 615 free crystals. I try not to sim stun guns and cuffs. Thanks. If only using 1 refresh most purple and yellow gear is 25 crystals each, when doing 2+ refreshes … ! 0. Press J to jump to the feed. I'm curious, when you click on an empty gear slot and check drop locations do the nodes pop up in any particular order say for instance highest probability first? SWGOH Tools and Guides. Power 31624; Speed 152; Health 33,930; Gear Levels Full Gear List Relic Tier List Stats Table Player Data Top Players Advertisement - Remove. There may have been a reduction in drop rates in cantina, but it is hard to tell so far! My data is a blend of normal nodes and hard nodes, taking CG at their word for something that a developer said in the spring of 2016, that hard/normal and energy required for a node had no bearing on the drop rate of an item, only that item's rarity. Feel free to have a look at his results, the link to his findings are in his post; Since drop rates are equal to all nodes i usually choose by the following criteria: This is likely wrong, but it's what I do. At 6 energy per attempt using 144+ energy and getting 2-3 thermal detonators not once, not twice but 3 days in a row is pitiful.