People using a physical console will need to purchase a physical CodeBreaker/Gameshark device to use the codes. To find all the latest cheats, guides, hints and tips, visit first! Since 1996, has been the world's #1 source for game cheats, codes, guides, hints, news, and tips for Playstation 4 (PS4), Xbox One (X1), Wii U, PlayStation 3 (PS3), Xbox 360 (X360), Windows PC, iPhone, Android, Facebook games, and more. Card Set 1 Max Physical Defense Codes. Final Fantasy VI Advance GameShark Codes . ive tried everywhere. 50006406 0001 3008324E 0000 . For more codes not listed here, visit When the original GameShark was released, it came with 4,000 preloaded codes. Card Set 2 Have Card Modifier Codes. google_ad_width = 146; Refer to the following table to view all of the various Gameshark Codes for Final Fantasy VIII. Chocobo Can Land Anywhere. equip option. If you keep on jumping without tripping, you can receive some gil, rare cards, and a key item. Now turn the Gameshark back on and Sephiroth will appear! google_ad_height = 90; 50004D01 - 0000 30078658 - 00FF 50002101 - 0000 300786A5 - 00F0 800786C6 - FFFF 800786C8 - FFFF 300786CA - 0001 80078DF8 000C. Since 1996, has been the world's #1 source for game cheats, codes, guides, hints, news, and tips for Playstation 4 (PS4), Xbox One (X1), Wii U, PlayStation 3 (PS3), Xbox 360 (X360), Windows PC, iPhone, Android, Facebook games, and more. /* Bar2aYunie Adds */ Nidoran (M) LV:20 HAVE CARD IN YOUR NEXT BOOSTER PACK 011700C4. Have all fake medals 0108CCD3. All Free. 3008270E 0000. For example, do not use a code for Amarant if you're on Disc 1; if you google_ad_slot = "6291591088"; Have 50’000 DP BCBCFB2CDB83. Card Set 1 Arrows On All Sides Codes. No Draws (Card Game) 8008324c 0000. Codes could be entered, but unlike the Game Genie, codes were saved in the onboard flash memory and could be accessed later rather than having to be reentered.The cartridges also acted as memory cards, with equal or greater storage capacity to the consoles' first party memory cards. Also see Cheats for more help on Final Fantasy VI Advance. Continually cast it until you have reached your maximum MP. 64 Codes . Maximum DP 43182893B134 5A9864938926. 5000FF02 0001 8008B7C4 6300 . 7th Player Codes 9. Products. Infinite HP all Bench Pokemon 01FFC9C2 01FFCAC2 01FFCBC2 01FFCCC2 google_ad_client = "pub-2864860518841569"; Unlimited Health to all Cards 0120C8C2. Misc Codes (AP, Money, Laws) 11. 4th Player Codes 6. Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. You can change your choices at any time by visiting Your Privacy Controls. some are from the same place and some are from others. If you missed any of these cards you can still manage to pick them up if you complete the CC-Group side quest prior to moving on to disc 4. 3rd Player Codes 5. gameshark codes 4 FF9; If this is your first visit, ... for the card game, if you're using pec, the newer versions give you cheats for all the cards to have max attack, defense, and magic defense, as well as arrows on all sides. now i need some gameshark codes to get all cards and exp/ap and ive looked everywhere. Hero Codes 3. You can also do this to all … 64 Codes . Find all our Final Fantasy IX Game Shark Codes for PlayStation. //-->, I'd rather die as a warrior than live as a beggar. Walk Through Walls. The rope gets faster after a while so good luck! I have a Gameshark Version 5, as it says on the disc, and yet the codes never work. Quote by: Amarant. Note: If you use the "Unlock all abilities" codes for each character, you MUST use another code (view the code at the bottom of the page) to enable the 80077EBC 6401. Game cheat codes for Final Fantasy 9 on the Playstation 1 platform. Max Evade 3008B585 0063. Refer to the following table to find out the different properties for the eight elements in Final Fantasy IX. 0 HP for Enemy's Active Pokemon 0100C8C3. No Key Items To unglitch your game in Ispen Castle if you use the above code. All Key Items. First enter the master code 80000000-0000 (makes all FFVII codes entered possible) then enter the Aeris resurection code 8009B376-FF03 then start the game with the code on.Now when the title screen appears turn the Gameshark off. Infinite Summons 4A9AED9C6EB2. D0073930 0800 800CCD38 0098 Plus great forums, game help and a special question and answer system. do anybody have final fantasy 9 gameshark code's for all items please share? 6th Player Codes 8. Depending on if you're playing this game on a physical console or an emulator will determine how you use the codes found on this page. 8th Player Codes 10. I found one of my old gamesharks for the Playstation 1 the other night, and I've looked up several codes for the North American version of FF9, mainly for the All items cheat. Have 1 of all Cards.