1892 - 1964 After years of political activity and serving on many commissions he was elected Governor in 1963. May, 1919 GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE PERMIT HIGH SCHOOLS - CLASS REPORTS NATURALIZATION INDEX CARDS CASH BOOKS MARRIAGE RECORDS 1908 - 1942 CIVIL CASE FILES Records from probate case proceedings. Assessed valuation of personal and real property for determining taxes. RECORD OF WILLS FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT PROPOSALS AND SPECIFICATIONS Chrome Postcard Emmett Kelly, Jr. at the Kodak World's Fair Pavilion Autograph New York, NY General recommendations, suggestions, and complaints received by the Board of Trustees. Both districts were housing developments geographically located outside the jurisdiction of the City of Casper, Natrona County, Wyoming. Included are names and addresses of stu-dents and their parents, parents occupation, pupils date of birth, names of schools, immunization and disease record, medical exams and nurse's inspection record. CORRESPONDENCE - ELEMENTARY - SECONDARY EDUCATION ACT, TITLE II Record of business licenses issued for retail liquor, gaming, (faro, pool hall, etc. 1913 - 1969 1983 - 1985 Various records separated from civil case file, such as depositions, petitions, motions, summonses, subpoenas, affidavits, exhibits and transcripts. MORTGAGE RECORDS Emmett Kelly Jr Autograph . 1880 - 1920 Entries list name, date and type of filing, filing fee and case number. 1868 - 1938 BOARD OF TRUSTEES MINUTES RESOLUTIONS Photographs capture moments in time and offer an unparalleled view of the past. ca. ca. Record of brands registered with the Sweetwater County Clerk. Loose records include samples of original instruments, including a Desert Land entry, bill of sale, pre-emption claim, Desert Land Act declaration, and a homestead certificate. 1935 - 1969 CIVIL CASE FILES Information includes name of person discharged, personal information, branch of service, type and date of discharge, service record, and date of recording. Records include boundary board correspondence, petitions, notices, maps, press releases, certificates, etc. 1907 - 1911 1898 - 1912 List of property that was not listed for taxation. 2-7, 9-10, NOTICE OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. The land book was probably used to determine assessment of land. 1898, 1917-1918 school year, 1949-1950 school year, undated school year. Information includes name of applicant, location and description of brand, and recording book and page in state brand book. Contents may include transcript of grades, national academic test scores, biographical data, and health records. Records of mortgages on real property. 1917 - 1918 This series consists of a list of teachers involved in the program, information sent to them, those granted certificates in Red Cross, statement of accounts, mailing lists, and a Red Cross Libraries Book List. The volumes contain information on certificates issued to teachers, the certificate number, type of certificate, dates of issue and expiration, and examination scores for certification. SCHOOL LAND PROCEEDINGS 1916 STUDENT CUMULATIVE FILES - HULETT Files may contain immunization record, transcripts and birth certificates. Statistical and quantitative information on students, teachers, facilities, and finances. BIG HORN RIVER ADJUDICATION – WASGAKIE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT CIVIL CASE NO. MILL LEVY ELECTION - SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. NATURALIZATION EDUCATIONAL RECORD 1888 - 1965 Releases and discharges are also recorded. Required by law in 1923, these reports summarized individual violations, proceedings, complaints and disposition. Register of instruments recorded in the County Clerk's office. JUDGE'S CRIMINAL DOCKET Information includes date, license number, to whom issued, address, fee, length of term, type of license, date of expiration, and remarks. Index of proceedings by subject. 1868 - 1934 (Not inclusive) Also included are contracts and agreements for transportation, and district rules, regulations and policies concerning transportation of pupils. Information includes names of mortgagor and mortgagee, description and value of property, amount of mortgage, terms of agreement, releases, and certificates of discharge. PERMANENT RECORD CARDS - GRADUATES Correspondence about property values and assessment procedures. The cards were used to record the registration of teacher certificates with the county superintendent of schools. 1959 - 1966 DECLINATIONS OF NOMINATION Smith acquired properties in Crook and Weston Counties and joined the Republican Party. Later records also include dates and places of birth, occupations, number of marriages, race, dates and places of divorce, and names and places of birth of parents. Criminal cases are mostly game and fish violations. COUNTY COMMITTEE FOR REORGANIZATION OF SCHOOL DISTRICTS Correspondence concerns teachers, isolation payments, and generally the operation of the school district. CRIMINAL CASE FILES Maps and plats of towns, subdivisions, tracts, school districts, transmission lines, private property, etc. 1921 1919 - 1920 Various mining records recorded with the county clerk. 1921 - 1955 The records include summonses, orders, motions, petitions, and sometimes transcripts, supreme court appeals and evidence. WARRANT REGISTER SCHOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARY MAPS Pages list name, place of residence and amount of taxes owned. The handwritten journal lists teacher's name, certificate number, type dates of issuance and expiration, registration date and fee. Correspondence mainly reflective of the duties of the clerk, such as answering requests for recording information, quoting recording fees or acknowledging the receipt of fees. 1874-1901, 1974-1981 MARRIAGE RECORDS Original agreements (1909-1942), bridge contracts (1911-1914), easements (1922-1923), franchises (1928-1930), and leases (1926- 1940) between the county and second parties. Morgan was again called to serve as Acting Governor from December 20, 1886 to January 24, 1887, a period of thirty-five days, when Governor Baxter resigned from office. Information may include student's name, parents' names, father's occupation, residence, birth date, school's name, teacher's name, grades, attendance, and scholastic test scores. EXAMINER'S REPORTS - DISTRICT NOS. Even though the territory was in its infancy a history of Wyoming was being planned, there is an explanation for the delay in writing that history is included in these records. BUDGETS Summaries by civil and criminal court proceedings. Information includes name, residence, age, and place of birth. 1927 - 1969 CHATTEL MORTGAGE RECORD 1891 - 1899 A special beer license No. DIRECTOR OF ELEMENTARY EDUCATION 7 only), 1946-47 and 1947-48 school years 28, 9, and 3 to sell surplus equipment and buildings, to purchase equipment and supplies, and to construct a school at Fox Park (District No. May include notes on roads, bridges, property, water levels, structures, reference points, various computations, and names of the surveyor and crew. Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, nature of charge or complaint, disposition, fine and court costs. I looooovvvve ioffer.com. LEGISLATION CORRESPONDENCE 1885 – 1978 Because it is a daily record, a case may appear throughout the volume until it is resolved. Information includes names of mortgagor and mortgagee, description and value of property, amount of mortgage, and terms of agreement. CIVIL AND CRIMINAL DOCKET APPEARANCE DOCKETS MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES - SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. Instruments may include letters of administration; inventories and appraisements; bonds of executors, administrators and guardians; wills; court orders and decrees. 1868 - 1920 The case files are not maintained by the Wyoming State Archives. Records from 1889-1890 include bills, correspondence concerning bills and purchases, school construction, purchase of school site, insurance, reports from principals, applications for teaching positions, and correspondence related to applications. Criminal cases reviewed by the Supreme Court on appeal. See also Miscellaneous Records. FREMONT COUNTY VOCATIONAL JUNIOR COLLEGE ESTRAY NOTICES JUDGE'S PROBATE DOCKET Case files include summons, petitions, precipes for execution, undertakings on attachments, various motions and appeals, transcripts of testimony, replevin filings and orders, bonds and orders. COUNTY BUDGET 15 1/2'' tall. Find out how national news affected local communities, get the scoop on social events, read obituaries and see what life was like across the state at any given time in Wyoming’s history. DOUGLAS INCORPORATION PAPERS The former Governor continues to be active in the Democratic Party and was recently appointed United States Ambassador to Ireland by President Clinton. RESTRICTED TO SCHOOL DISTRICT AND STUDENT OF RECORD. Bar docket provides basic information relating to cases appearing before the court, during a specific term, whether civil or criminal. Various district court filings in the adjudication of water rights in the Big Horn River system. 5 on August 2, 1958. Proceedings of the board to approve or deny brand applications. Lists of all the notaries commissioned in Wyoming. Index to plaintiffs and defendants in appearance docket, court journal, judgment docket, and execution docket. Narrative and statistical reports on the activities, duties, and services of public health nurses. Record of students' academic year. 1952 - 1995 LIEN RECORD Affidavit of Approval of Decision and Order, Findings of Fact, and Conclusions of the Boundary Board to Reorganize School District Nos. 1868 - 1967 1918 MONTHLY REPORTS 1962 - 1970 General incoming and outgoing correspondence concerning a variety of subjects. Entries list case number, names of plaintiff, defendant and attorneys and note the proceedings or actions taken on a specific day. List of persons qualified to serve on the jury. September 1882 - March 1908 These names were probably taken from assessment sheets. STUDENT FILES – NON-GRADUATES The examiner's reports give a financial statement of county's receipts and disbursements. SCHOOL MONIES LEDGER MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS Statistical and quantitative information on students, teachers, facilities and finances. Records of mortgages on real property. Proceedings of various hospital committees. 1897 - 1969 Correspondence on tax levies for the coming fiscal year, and requests for funds via tax levies. Permanent record cards for pupils attending Split Rock CCC School, grade 8, listing subject grades and promotional status. 1976 STUDENT CUMULATIVE FILES EMMETT KELLY SR. SIGNATURE OF FAMOUS CIRCUS CLOWN, "Emmett Kelly, 1966," 3 x 5, bold, dark blue ink, light stain along bottom border, otherwise in fine condition.. Emmett Leo Kelly (1898-1979) was an American circus trapeze artist and more famously a hobo clown known as "Weary Willie." Trial dockets record the progress of civil and criminal cases. 4, 6, AND 18), SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. EIGHTH GRADE EXAMINATION AND DIPLOMA RECORD, DISTRICT NOS. APPLICATION FOR DEPOSIT OF PUBLIC FUNDS The petition is a request by parents for isolation funding to enable their child or children to attend. 1942 Files contain various records documenting case proceedings. TEACHERS' INSTITUTE REGISTER, CHEYENNE Summaries of civil case proceedings. 1961 - 1962 1935 - 1954 1968 - 1979 Proceedings of county commissioners’ meetings. Statement of alleged criminal actions charged against individuals. 1934 Index to oil placer notices. Register of records recorded in the county clerk's office. ABSTRACT STATEMENTS Certificates issued when delinquent taxpayer redeems property sold at a tax sale. Organizational meeting of the district and adoption of rules. 37. 1891 - 1920 Civil case files include filings pertaining to small claims, garnishments, attachments and judgments. GRADE AND ATTENDANCE REGISTERS CASH BOOKS Financial entries total grocery, laundry, and medicinal supplies purchased from local businesses. Information includes payee, amount, and expense classifications. 1939 Charts showing distribution of taxes from towns and school districts to various county and school programs. Reports are a summary of student enrollment and attendance and do not give names. 1973 - 1985 Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, complaint, charge, plea, dates of various filings, judgments, and fine. 1947 - 1965 For the 1912-13 and 1913-14 school years, the school district submitted two, the first certifying the number of teachers employed by the district and the second, listing the teachers and giving the type of certificate held and its date of expiration, the teacher's salary, and the beginning date and length of the school term. TRIAL BALANCES: 1909-1924; 1933-1967. 1908 - 1959 INVENTORY AND APPRAISEMENT RECORD Civil cases pertain to divorce, settlement of claims, and disputes over property rights, agreements, and contracts. 1941 - 1943, 1957 - 1968 1909 - 1910 Criminal docket books are summarizations of case proceedings. Tally of election votes won by candidates within each voting precinct or within the county altogether. 1933 - 1936 CORRESPONDENCE - ARCHITECTS MILITARY DISCHARGES Records give the name of the defendant, date of crime and proceedings, nature of charge, and description of crime. June 1889 - May 1890 Docket sheets provide a chronological outline of civil case proceedings. APPLICATIONS FOR CERTIFICATION COUNTY SURVEY RECORD Various elementary grade records for high school graduates. Walt Disney Autograph, Pogo Grade 4.5 VG + Golden Age Funny Animal Comics, Grade 8.5 VF + Pogo Golden Age Funny Animal Comics, Pogo 1.0 FR Grade Golden Age Funny Animal Comics, Emmett Kelly, Kelly Spurs, Emmett Kelly Clown, Walt Disney World Patches & Pins (1968-Now), Grace Kelly Photo COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT'S RECORD INHERITANCE TAX RECORD 1888 - 1906 Volumes contain oil and gas lease agreements, some with information on releases, acknowledgements, assignments of interest, general agreements, subrogation agreements, and royalty deeds. Record of liens filed with the Carter County/Sweetwater County Clerk. Contracts issued by District Nos. 1 AND THE STUDENT OF RECORD. REGISTER OF COUNTY AND PRECINCT OFFICERS Lists of qualified and registered voters in each precinct. Attachments, writs, summons, warrants, and complaints issued in civil and criminal cases. 1928 – 1932 [not inclusive] Checks written for salaries, services and school expenses. Always fantastic quality, speedy delivery and value for money. Cumulative files include health records and permanent record cards for students who attended Powell High School. ONLINE ONLY AUCTION - FRIDAY JANUARY 22ND. Evaluation materials include description of school district and statement of philosophy, map of the district, board policies and regulations, school district budget, and pupil report card. Ca. He served from February 28, 1885 to November 11, 1886 and served a second term when appointed by President Benjamin Harrison from April 9, 1889 to October 11, 1890. 1936 - 1980 1980 - 1981 PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES Administrative matters, such as retrieving information and filing fees comprise much of the content. Record of county certificates of indebtedness issued by the county commissioners. 1911 - 1942 Tally of votes cast in general election. STATEMENT OF FEES CBS News. WATER RECORDS Included with the correspondence is a school district policy manual with a statement of philosophy and a self-evaluation study. 1917 CRIMINAL APPEARANCE DOCKETS PROBATE CASE FILES Nellie Tayloe Ross was born November 29,1876 near St. Joseph, Missouri. 1963 - 1964 Record of medical diplomas filed with the Sweetwater County Clerk. 10 (HARMONY) WARRANT REGISTER - SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. Information includes names of plaintiff and defendant, nature of dispute, dates of miscellaneous filings, judgment and court costs. 3 for various expenses. 1908 – 1945 1888 - 1891 1888 - 1889 FREMONT COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY ANNUAL REPORT Files document cases other than traffic offenses. AUTOMOBILE INSTRUMENTS INDEX Photostatic copies of various instruments filed in Uinta County. 1899, 1900, 1922 - 1924, 1965 RESTRICTED, HOMESTAKE SCHOOL BLUE SKY FILINGS SMALL CLAIMS TRIAL DOCKET 1893-1954 (Not inclusive) MORTGAGE RECORDS Certificates attesting to a teacher's attendance at a County Teachers' Institute held each summer "for the instruction and advancement of teaching." PROBATE APPEARANCE DOCKETS Criminal cases pertain to felonies, misdemeanors, and capital offenses. TVGuide.com. Record of the administration of estates in Carter/Sweetwater County. MISCELLANEOUS RECORDS 1915 – 1962 Index to assignments and bills of sale in Weston County. The order sets forth the condition of reorganization. VOUCHER RECORD Matt and Carol Mead have been married 19 years, with Cheyenne as their home. Record of judgments processed, delivered and satisfied in civil court. Certificates, orders, notices, and releases of attachments of real estate to court actions. 1874 - 1972 ANNUAL REPORTS Index to plaintiffs and defendants in civil cases where judgments were awarded. CLASSIFICATION REPORTS A PROPOSAL FOR THE REORGANIZATION OF HOT SPRINGS COUNTY SCHOOLS RESTRICTED ACCESS. PRESIDENT GEORGE WASHINGTON - RECEIPT SIGNED 07/10/1771 - HFSID 347979. 1938 - 1970 1911 – 1927 NATURALIZATION RECORD 1911 - 1935 Information includes sex, age, address, and name of parent. Applications, certificates, statements of corroborating witnesses, and licenses. 1933 - 1941 The form is used in anticipation of meeting retirement requirements. RESTRICTED TO STUDENT OF RECORD AND SWEETWATER COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 3, SCHOOL EVALUATION MATERIALS - SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. Civil docket books provide summaries of case proceedings. 1941 - 1975 Entries do not always specify the nature of the monies. RESTRICTED TO GOSHEN COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. Record of property transactions in towns. EXECUTION DOCKET INDEX See also Photo Records. SCHOOL DISTRICT TREASURERS' BONDS 1930 - 1971 (Not inclusive) REAL ESTATE NOT LISTED FOR TAXATION Two sets of alphabetical indexes are provided, one set covering both civil and criminal cases from 1977 - 1979 and one set covering criminal cases from May 1977 to December 1978 (probably for J. P. Brian Kahin). RESTRICTED. Auction Listings provided by For the 1914-15, 1915-16, and 1916-17 school years, only the second form, listing the teachers, was submitted. Incoming and outgoing correspondence between the Superintendent of Schools and the Department of Education concerning Americanization classes taught in the Laramie Public Schools for immigrants seeking to become naturalized citizens. Index to chattel mortgages filed with the county clerk, listing filing number, mortgagor's name, mortgagee's name, date of filing, description of property and dates of assignments and releases. Information includes date and location of party convention; and name, residence, occupation, and desired office of each candidate. Forms list date, name, age, nativity, occupation, residence and cause of death. 1878 Gives name, age, and party affiliation. 1966 - 1969 Docket sheets provide outlines of court proceedings. Correspondence about various administrative, fiscal, and social issues. 1922 - 1952 RESOLUTIONS 1961-62, 1969 Record of filings with the county clerk's office. BONDS AND LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION, EXECUTORS, GUARDIANSHIPS AND TESTAMENTARIES Information includes names of mortgagor and mortgagee, description and value of property, amount of mortgage, and terms of agreement. Records pertinent to bus operations and related workshops. Business conducted at the meetings included election of school district trustees, adoption of a budget for the next fiscal year, approval of the required tax levy, and the establishment of new schools in the districts. 1902 - 1911 RESTRICTED. MINING DEED RECORD Files for graduates and non-graduates. February - April 1896 1954 - 1970 CIVIL AND CRIMINAL DOCKET Provides names of plaintiff and defendant, date of hearing, judgment, fines and court costs. 4, 6, AND 18) A small library of books, pamphlets, and other published items about the state is also maintained as a reference collection to aid in the study of Wyoming history. Information includes instrument number, names of grantor and grantee, recording book and page, dates of instrument and filing, type of instrument, consideration paid, and legal description of property. 19 Index cards to civil and criminal cases of Justices Robert E. Pfister and George A. Clarke. Mecum. RIVERTON HIGH SCHOOL – STUDENT FILES AND PERMANENT RECORD CARDS 2 - 10 1918 - 1925 Cumulative files of students who attended West Elementary School. COUNTY EXTENSION AGENT MONTHLY REPORTS CENSUS, SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1980 For 1887 the assessments show only the miles of track on sidings and main lines for all railroads. 7 (JELM) ABSTRACTS OF TOWNS 1868 - 1878, 1883 - 1899 1923 - 1968 Terms of contract and salary are indicated. 1867 - 1987, 1993 - 1995 1882 - 1887 1927 - 1935, 1979 - 1984 1906 - 1945 Information includes name of defendant, charge, summary of proceedings and filings, plea, judgment, fine, and court costs. CORONER'S INQUESTS Included are several equalization reports. Also reported are visitations, building and equipment conditions, library volumes and any remarks by the teacher. 1894 - 1989 1889 – 1951 overall DELINQUENT TAX LISTS However, the permanent record card is at the high school. 1927 - 1954 Also contains the criteria for implementing the program and teachers’ self-analyses. The Board was created in 1983 as a legal power to address the joint water and sewer interests of the Skyline Ranches Improvement and Service District and the Westland Park Improvement and Service District. Reports about services and programs. 1932 - 1968 1927 - 1955 School district treasurers were required by law to post a bond. Brands registered in Weston County. Lists of voters, party affiliations (Primary only) and tally of votes cast in Primary, General and Special elections. Some cemeteries are included. There are financial statements for some years. COMBINED CIVIL AND CRIMINAL DOCKETS Case files contain various records presented in civil cases. Certification that the State Examination, required by law, was administered to pupils and sent to the Department. 1958, 1962 Petitions and corporation records for Pine Bluffs (1909) and Burns (1916). The early entries, are federal cases in Miner's Delight and the Shoshoni Indian Reservation and naturalization proceedings in Miner's Delight and Atlantic City. District No. GRAND JURY RECORDS 1915 - 1970 (Not inclusive) Record of the administration of estates in Carter/Sweetwater County. POWER OF ATTORNEY Register of funerals in the county. BIG HORN RIVER ADJUDICATION/PHASE III CASE FILES (CASE 86- 12) – SURFACE WATER RIGHTS Brief notes and informal grading on conditions of local schools. Wilbur A. Hitchcock of Laramie was architect for the project. Copies of deeds conveying property to the county in lieu of payment of taxes. BRAND COMMISSIONERS Monthly report on the number and type of licenses issued and the amount of fees collected. TEACHER'S DAILY REGISTER - SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. SCHOOL LAWS Hickey attended the University of Wyoming and after graduating from the law school in 1934, immediately opened a law practice in Rawlins. 1914 - 1955 Articles and certificates of incorporation for corporations operating in Weston County. PROBATE CASE FILES INDEX Civil docket sheets provide an outline on civil case proceedings. Forms provide biographical information on the baby and parents, race, number of children born to mother, and child's date of birth. Some files also contain dockets. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT JOURNALS TREASURER'S REPORT FOR SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. Records include location notices, deeds, proofs of labor, annual assessments of work, and leases. The record does not reveal how the tax was determined. EIGHT GRADE GRADUATES WATER APPROPRIATION RECORDS This record is a double entry index to judgments resulting from civil cases. PROFESSIONAL BOOKS READ ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION Report on case and court costs in trial of State of Wyoming vs. Oscar Zingheim. DISTRICT COURT JOURNALS PROBATE CLAIM DOCKETS LEDGER 1907 - 1949 Monthly lists of prisoners boarded by the county. Listing of candidate's campaign expenses. DEAN MORGAN JUNIOR HIGH PERMANENT RECORD CARDS PUPIL’S CUMULATIVE RECORD Summaries of civil cases in which the final judgments were executed. VACANT SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS POSITION STATE ATHLETIC BOARD CORRESPONDENCE Actions taken in a particular case may be recorded throughout a volume or volumes. PLATS A list of names drawn up by the County Clerk to be used in the selection of the grand jury and petit juries, giving names and place of residence. Information on the card includes date school began, terms of teacher's contract, type of certificate held, normal training the teacher had taken, the Teachers' Institute attended, and the teacher's name. Cumulative folders of graduates, non-graduates, and transfer students. 1970 - 1982 After joining the Republican Party, Barber was elected Secretary of State in September 1890 and served until January of 1895. AGREEMENTS 1898, 1903 - 1924 Summary of civil and criminal proceedings. 1913 - 1970 (Not inclusive for all districts) WEED INVENTORY SURVEY – OREGON BASIN AREA SURVEYOR'S FIELD NOTES Plats of Goshen County towns and Valley View Cemetery, and plans to the Goshen County Library and Museum in Torrington. Also included are marriages and coroner's inquests. 1914 - 1981 Dockets provide summaries of criminal case proceedings. Note: certification data can be found from the certification records of the State Department of Education. LIEN RECORD Buy Autographed Music, Movie, Celebrity, Historical Memorabilia and Americana Collectibles. In addition, the assessor gathered personal information on an individual's qualifications for jury service.