Klebold said she still loves her son and does not believe he was a monster but cannot forgive herself for not realising something was wrong. I can totally believe Eric capable of killing Dylan. When Dylan’s English teacher told Sue and Tom that Dylan had turned in a disturbing paper with “dark themes and bad language,” and said that she planned to show the original to Dylan’s guidance counselor, somehow the teacher didn’t show Klebold the paper and the Klebolds didn’t press the issue. My 2010 Daily Beast essay, The Last Columbine Mystery. He had admitted being unable to control his anger. A look at how the parents of mass killers cope after the incidents. I feel that Dylan was a victim of some kind of malfunction going on in his brain,” she said. Read it. The event changed the future of the parents of both the shooters, including that of Sue Klebold. His name can be found all over the town including on the Jewish Community Center. The telecast comes nearly … "Every formula that you can think of for being successful parents and raising decent kids, that is what the Klebolds fit into,'' he said. Tom Klebold was so concerned with Dylan's education that he kept his son out of the neighborhood high school, Chatfield, and sent Dylan to Columbine. They gunned down students who fled or cowered under tables, shot those who pleaded for mercy, laughing and spouting racist insults as they went. But despite her son’s appalling place in history, Klebold still cannot but love him. A ‘Gentle Boy,’ His Parents Told Investigators, Klebold Was Enrolled in an Elementary School … ___Their son, Dylan Klebold, 17, would have graduated from Columbine High School this spring and was planning to … Linda and her husband Tom met with the Harrises and Tom also met with the Klebolds. So this page is somewhat moot: you should just go read Sue's excellent book, and/or google the many interviews she did when it came out. bold and Eric Harris killed 13 people at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999. But she also counts her son as one of the victims. Sue Klebold decided to speak up now because she wants to tell other parents the signs she missed and what she would do differently. Dylan lived here with his parents Tom, a former geophysicist who ran a … Dylan Bennet Klebold, born in Denver, Colorado on September 11, 1981, was the youngest of Thomas and Susan Klebold’s two children. You won't get closer to the source than this. She is the author of A Mother's Reckoning, a book about the signs she missed of Dylan's mental state. Long after I created the first draft of this page (2004), Sue Klebold published her wonderful memoir, A Mother's Reckoning. In that incident, previously reported in the media, the two teenagers were caught stealing equipment from a van, but authorities released the boys to their parents' custody, instead of keeping them in jail, and put them in a diversion program. School officials, law enforcement, and the adult community learned a lot after Columbine and are doing a better job of detecting trouble. At this time I completed an interview with Dylan’s brother, Byron Klebold (DOB 10-23-78). With the Klebolds' consent the teacher said she would turn the writing assignment over to the guidance counselor and see if he thought it should be followed up from but Sue said that … Byron indicated he is no longer living at the residence but returned to the residence when he heard about the incident at Columbine. “I was never for a moment thinking that he was a danger to himself or to anyone else,” she said. There is just no evidence that he did. However, if you dig a bit—and I certainly have—some really useful information has come to light about them. The basis for it was for a combination of pain and suffering, added by them being accused of having been irresponsible for not “keeping an eye” on their children. Published 17 years after the massacre, her new memoir is A Mother's Reckoning. Update Feb 2017: Sue Klebold posted a brave and insightful TED Talk: Eric and Dylan's parents provoke the most debate at my events, yet unfortunately, this will be the shortest section on the site. Sue Klebold, Dylan Klebold's mother, believed that like many parents, she was sure she would have known if something were wrong with her son -- but all that changed after the tragedy. Ever since, Sue Klebold, Dylan’s mother, has lived with the indescribable grief and shame of that day. I reported on all four meetings in the Afterword to the paperback edition of the book, and focused on the Harrises in this article I adapted for the Daily Beast. This transcription has corrected Dylan’s writing to some extent in terms of spelling, punctua-tion, and capitalization (the words Dylan invented or used in unusual ways are left as he wrote them and have been set in bold). It was based on a long conversation Brooks had with Tom and Sue Klebold. His parents were pacifists and attended a Lutheran church with their children. “I could see his behaviours were changing. Transcript for What Happened to Dylan Klebold Over Time: Part 3 This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate. Exclusive: In her first interview since the 1999 school massacre, Sue Klebold tells the Guardian she loves her son but felt ‘self-loathing’ for failing to anticipate his actions, Read Emma Brockes’ interview with Sue Klebold, First published on Fri 12 Feb 2016 17.00 EST. the-everything-frame-of-mind:. The mother of one of the Columbine high school massacre killers has spoken for the first time about her sense of guilt for failing to spot any signs that might have prevented the atrocity. Consistent with self-inflicted wound. There have been only three significant articles: David Brooks' 2004 New York Times column, Parents of a Killer.