Rhubarb is a good vegetable to grow in your garden if you want to keep deer at bay, as it is toxic to them. 0 0. I put turnips in my food plots and they eat them like apples. Of course they don't eat the whole thing, they eat … Answer + 6. Hungry deer are unpredictable and at times may eat even the most “deer-resistant” fare! Click to see full answer. Tomatoes are inexpensive, and deer love them. Jimsonweed, a nightshade, is so toxic it often grows in cow lots untouched. I have had rabbits and raccoons take bites like that out of my tomatoes. There are even some stems at the top of the plant that have been gnawed off, not just the ones closest to the bottom of the pot. Many solutions exist that keep deer away from your tomatoes, but … Join. I live close in Bethesda, typical Bethesda lot, and I've never seen deer come to the house - they stay in the nearby woods. Snack: two cucumbers with hummus. If they can get into your crop, they’ll destroy entire tomato plants with ease. Howdy, I’m Hank the Hunter or more like Hank the Average Hunter. The relative simplicity ... Carlson's neighbor in Nebraska. Before you eat them, peel the skin off or … DO rabbits eat Cucumbers? I have 2 pots of tomato plants with green tomatoes on … Firstly, you need to take a peanut butter jar of any quality you want for deer hunting. Most of the professional hunters use the peanut butter to attract the deer so that the hunting becomes convenient to you. When food is scarce, deer eat just about anything, including prickly-stemmed okra and hot peppers. What is the message of the book of Joshua? When asking yourself what do deer like to eat or if you’re considering the idea of how to attract deer to your yard, one of the first things that comes up is a set of rules you should follow. They only really get it when it falls to the ground. Carrots aren’t better than formulated deer products, but they are a decent option for when you run out of commercial feed. Get an idea of how many deer will be eating from your feeders, and fill them accordingly. It is very fantastic to see monkeys eating tomatoes because I usually see some body feeding monkeys with banana ,lotus fruit and some more fruits. Given free reign, adult Japanese beetles will skeletonize or eat entire leaves, buds or flowers of roses, Virginia creeper, dahlias, grape, green beans, linden and apple trees and scores of other landscape and agricultural plants. Adult vegetable weevils, which are beetles with well-developed snouts, and their larvae feed on all parts of carrot plants. Insects eat holes in leaves. iceberg) as they contain lactucarium which can be harmful in large quantities. They’ll graze on all parts of the tomato plant and will leave little behind. In the wild, fruit is the equivalent of a rare treat. I've been hunting for metal for more than 10 years and now I want to share my experience as well as opinion about devices available on the market today. Thank you Becky! They’re extremely sweet, and they’re somewhat nutritious for deer. Other plants toxic to deer : Rhubarb and cucumber leaf are toxic to deer. DO rabbits eat Cucumbers? Although bb's sound like a good solution to your squirrel problem, the bright green bb sized poop is from the green horned tomato worm's vivacious appetite. You are a keen hunter and love all things hunting and the great outdoors. I have also heard that some people use fabric softener dryer sheets on smaller rodents like mice, etc. Availability of food is another major factor in what they eat. Only if seedlings have just sprouted will slugs eat the whole plant. Some gardeners report that deer don’t favor onions or tomatoes, but other gardeners insist they do. The scent of onion plants interferes with a deer's alert sensor, because it masks the smell of nearby predators. Yes, squirrels eat tomatoes, no drought necessary.