Jingle definition, to make clinking or tinkling sounds, as do coins, keys, or other light, resonant metal objects when coming into contact or being struck together repeatedly: The keys on his belt jingled as he walked. David E. Talbert, Director of Jingle Jangle: A Christmas Journey, on Magic Man G and the influence of African American culture and music. Jangle definition is - to make a harsh or discordant often ringing sound. People like to have the jingle jangle of cash in their pocket and it is comforting to know you have health insurance when you are mid-air with the ground hurtling toward your face after having been bucked from your bike. But what kinds of … 1. (7) the shrill jangle of the door bell (8) A minute later, the door opened, causing the bell above it to jangle . Urban Thesaurus. The official Urban Dictionary API is used to show the hover-definitions. Jingle Jangle | "Description for something that is beautiful, easy, carefree and/or simply beautiful" (Urban Dictionary) (9) We waited another minute, till finally we heard keys jangle and a masculine throat-clearing. The Urban Thesaurus was created by indexing millions of different slang terms which are defined on sites like Urban Dictionary. Description for something that is beautiful, easy, carefree and/or simply wonderful. Urban Dictionary: jingle jangle. ... "the jingle of coins"; "the jangle of spurs" jangle. Jinglejangle definition is - a jingling and jangling sound. Define jingle-jangle. Urban Faith talked with Talbert about his new movie, its nods to the Black church, and advice he’d give to aspiring filmmakers of color. jingle-jangle synonyms, jingle-jangle pronunciation, jingle-jangle translation, English dictionary definition of jingle-jangle. To make a tinkling or ringing metallic sound. These indexes are then used to find usage correlations between slang terms. How to use jangle in a sentence. Tambourine Man, play a song for me. jangle: 1 v make a sound typical of metallic objects Synonyms: jingle , jingle-jangle Type of: make noise , noise , resound emit a noise n a metallic sound “the jangle of spurs” Synonyms: jingle Type of: sound the sudden occurrence of an audible event (10) Presently the bell at the door jangled as a group of customers left the cafÔö£┬«. Tambourine Man, play a song for me. jingle jangle: Urban Dictionary [home, info] Words similar to jingle jangle Usage examples for jingle jangle Words that often appear near jingle jangle Rhymes of jingle jangle Invented words related to jingle jangle: Search for jingle jangle on Google or Wikipedia. See more. Jobs are a necessary evil anymore. How to use jinglejangle in a sentence. gles v. intr. In the jingle jangle morning I'll come followin' you. (Bob Dylan: Mr. Tambourine Man). I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to.