Users can set Citrix Workspace app for Mac to work in full-screen mode across multiple monitors. Port 55556 is the default port for SSL connections between mobile devices and the Citrix Ready workspace hub. Disabled – Use this option to disable Citrix Workspace Updates. Click. Nutzungsbedingungen der Apple Support Community. GOOGLE RENUNCIA A TODAS LAS GARANTÍAS RELACIONADAS CON LAS TRADUCCIONES, TANTO IMPLÍCITAS COMO EXPLÍCITAS, INCLUIDAS LAS GARANTÍAS DE EXACTITUD, FIABILIDAD Y OTRAS GARANTÍAS IMPLÍCITAS DE COMERCIABILIDAD, IDONEIDAD PARA UN FIN EN PARTICULAR Y AUSENCIA DE INFRACCIÓN DE DERECHOS. Special keys are those that do not create input by themselves but act as modifiers or Controllers. Citrix Workspace app for Mac provides several options and easier ways to substitute special keys such as function keys in Windows applications with Mac keys. If your Citrix Desktop is full screen on one monitor, click the black bar at the top and click the Window button. Users are notified when a session successfully reconnects (or when a session is disconnected). The enhanced client depends on the keyboard layout synchronization feature. Positive integer – The user is reminded these many times before being forced to update. Ändern der Darstellung virtueller Desktops Wie Du mehrere Monitore mit deinem Mac verwendest, findest Du hier: Externe Monitore mit Ihrem Mac verwenden - Apple Support Auto – The Citrix Workspace Updates system decides when available updates are rolled out to users. Drag the Citrix Virtual Desktops screen between the monitors. The session reliability timeout policy setting has a default of 180 seconds, or three minutes. Citrix Workspace app 2101 for Mac. Keyboards and the ways keys are configured can differ widely between machines. Special keys include Control, Alt, Shift, Command, Option, arrow keys, and function keys. Citrix Casting is disabled by default. Session reliability reconnects users without reauthentication prompts. In earlier releases, you might change this setting using only the registry keys on the VDA. For those users, configure the authentication through Citrix Gateway. This feature is disabled by default. 2. Depending on the configuration of the user device, some key combinations might not work as expected, and alternative combinations are listed. When one of your users selects an application, a shortcut to that application is placed in the App Folder on the user device. Policies and client drive mappings change appropriately when you move to a new user device. I am trying to get dual monitors to work using Citrix Viewer on Mac OS. You can choose to show or hide the remote language bar in an application session using the GUI. Automatically subscribe all users of a store to an application by appending the string KEYWORDS:Auto to the description you provide when you publish the application in Citrix Virtual Apps. By default, this value is set to 80. If the connection fails, an error message appears. Session reliability can be enabled or disabled using Citrix Studio policies. du kannst Citrix mit mehreren Bildschirmen verwenden, allerdings wird das Fenster auf jeden Monitor maximiert, mit dem es überlappt. No warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy, reliability, suitability, or correctness of any translations made from the English original into any other language, or that your Citrix product or service conforms to any machine translated content, and any warranty provided under the applicable end user license agreement or terms of service, or any other agreement with Citrix, that the product or service conforms with any documentation shall not apply to the extent that such documentation has been machine translated. Documentation, There was an error while submitting your feedback. Optimized virtual channels are available to redirect most popular USB devices, and provide superior performance and bandwidth efficiency over a WAN. Using the built-in trackpad or Magic Mouse gestures to switch to a different Space. The setting changes take effect immediately. Sweet. You can change the settings in an active session. Slow – Available updates are rolled out to users on low priority as determined by Citrix Workspace app for Mac. Citrix Workspace app provides the full capabilities of Citrix Receiver, as well as new capabilities based on your organization’s Citrix deployment. Werden automatisch zwei Schreibtische generiert? Dieser Inhalt ist eine maschinelle Übersetzung, die dynamisch erstellt wurde. The setting change takes effect after restarting the session. These features, enabled by policies in Citrix Studio, can be used to vastly improve the user experience. For more information, please visit the Workspace app FAQ page. Sucht man im Internet nach „remote desktop multiple monitors“ findet man nahezu überall den gleichen Tipp: mstsc /span. If the Web Interface of your Citrix Virtual Apps deployment does not have a Site, create a Site. Then, you can configure self-service mode, which enables your users to subscribe to applications through Citrix Workspace app for Mac. By default, Auto client reconnection timeout is set to 120 seconds. After successfully adding the device, the, In the list of hubs, select the name of your workspace hub.