With 1000 pounds of fuel, the payload may be 400 to 600 pounds. Some potties have a flushing feature. For example, the 414 may be powered by a standard 310-HP engine, a 325-HP RAM Series IV or a 335-HP RAM VI or VII. With bigger turbochargers and intercoolers, much larger cowl flaps, new intake air scoops, and Scimitar props, the airplane becomes an entirely new animal within seconds of leaving the runway. Spins and aerobatic maneuvers are not permitted in normal category airplanes. Once in service the airplanes became popular as workhorses for small charter and corporate flight departments, as well as comfortable transports for private owners.Today, prices range from around $160,000 to over $400,000 for typically-equipped 414s with mid-time engines. Most prefer the upper teens and lower 20s, where they get about 190 knots on 32 to 34 GPH at 65 percent power. This is an excellent RAM VII Cessna 414 AW with extensive RAM VII modifications completed in 2004! Its an $800 part. The 375-HP 421Cs single engine ceiling is 14,900 feet. VGs are also available from Micro Aerodynamics (www.microaero.com) and V/G Systems, phone 800-328-4629. An AD issued in 1986 requires cylinders to be pressure-checked for leaks every 50 hours until the engine has amassed 500 hours.Four different pressurization systems were offered during the run of the 414A, so its essential that the maintenance technician working on a pressurization glitch confirm which system by aircraft serial number.PERFORMANCE, LOADINGService ceilings are above 30,000 feet, but few owners fly that high. Control forces are heavy but rock solid — good for an IFR airplane. In fact, it's the same fuselage as that used for the turboprop 425 (Conquest I). Distinguishing features are: retractable landing gear and three-bladed, constant speed, fully feathering propellers. The RAM VII changed all that. I have had my share of problems with turbos, turbo controllers, cylinders and cracked cases. One of the most important was the switch in 1979 to TSIO-520-NB engines, which have improved crankshafts. With full tanks-enough fuel for nearly 4.5 hours with IFR reserves-a well-equipped Chancellor will have room left in its weight-and-balance envelope to accommodate six FAA-standard people with their toothbrushes. Pressurization differential was increased to 5.0 PSI to enable the airplane to maintain cabin altitudes of 10,000 and 11,950 feet at cruising altitudes of 26,500 and 30,000 feet, respectively. Model 414 seats up to 7 passengers and 1 pilot. Muskegon - NYC. Six seats were standard; a seventh was available as an option. The gear system of the 414A is easy to maintain, with one spot to watch: When assembling the center bolt on the main landing gear scissors, the correct washers must be installed in the correct sequence or the bolt can pull out, allowing the main gear wheel to turn sideways. They dedicated an engineer to my problem and working with my maintenance shop, they developed an approved repair for my wing, possibly saving the ship from the scrap yard! True airspeeds down low are no better — in some cases worse — than many normally aspirated light twins, while fuel flow is much higher. A 414 appears to be a good choice for anyone who wants a pressurized airplane with a big cabin and lots of baggage space. Although not required on my serial number for many thousands of more hours, I had the spar strap mod installed and I can’t emphasize enough how happy I am that I did it. With its bigger nose and lockers, the 414A can carry 1500 pounds. The Cessna 414 is an American light, pressurized, twin-engine transport aircraft built by Cessna. Of course, any airplanes safety depends a great deal on the proficiency of its pilots. (RVSM rules have generally limited 414s to 28,000 feet.) Cruise Speed: 224 … We spoke with Michael Cook and Todd Voshell who direct maintenance at Rapid Air, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, which has been operating 300 and 400 series Cessna twins for over 25 years. With its bigger nose and lockers, the 414A can carry 1500 pounds. Any purchase of a Cessna twin- pressurized and non-pressurized-requires greater detailed analysis, airplane by airplane, than any other models. No popular single-engine airplane could carry a greater payload a farther distance at a faster speed than the Cessna 210 Centurion.” Of course, any airplanes safety depends a great deal on the proficiency of its pilots. All told, Cessna built nearly 1000 of the airplanes-roughly a 50/50 split between early tip-tanked 414s and wet-wing 414A Chancellors-during 16 years of production. This makes room in the mains because all return fuel and vapor from the engines is routed back to the mains rather than to the tank selected. Its important to note that a 414 is 7 knots slower than its little brother, the 340, which has the same engines and many of the same systems, but a notably smaller cabin. Interior restored in 2017 including recovered seats, carpets, and sidewalls. Speed brakes/spoilers are available from PowerPac Spoilers (www.powerpacspoilers.com) and more advanced intercoolers come from American Aviation (www.americanaviationinc.com). They were the last of the pressurized, piston, 400-series airplanes Cessna developed, and pilots and mechanics will tell you that Cessna got it right with the Models 414 and 414A. The current concern is with wing spar cracking in high-time airplanes; with a series of ADs calling for inspections and modifications to the spar-compliance is expensive. They said that the Cessna inspection procedure manual for the airplane is one of the best such manuals written. Theres enough room in the aft cabin, the nose and wing lockers of a 414 to hold 930 pounds of baggage. It has a range of 1,328 nautical miles and a … In the years following its introduction, the airplane saw few major changes. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Fuel Burn @ 75%: 38.0 GPH. Areas to watch on the pressurization system are to make sure the nine drain seals are changed regularly as they deteriorate and become brittle and to regularly check the pressurization ducts off of the heater, forward of the forward pressure bulkhead as they can develop major leaks. The big cabin, wider than it is tall, makes for comfortable seating and copious baggage space is the 414s forte. Best Cruise Speed: 224 KIAS. Standard usable fuel capacity of early 414s was 100 gallons (50 in each tip tank). The fuel system in early 414s is complex, especially with wing locker tanks installed and proper fuel management requires attention to detail. One of the most important was the switch in 1979 to TSIO-520-NB engines, which have improved crankshafts. Membership in and attending the Twin Cessna Flyer Organizations Pilot Seminars should be required. Theres enough room in the aft cabin, the nose and wing lockers of a 414 to hold 930 pounds of baggage. If you’re already operating a reciprocating single or twin, the 700’s turbine-like performance and economical operating costs will definitely surprise you. Fuel Burn at 75% power in standard conditions per hour, 197.4 lbs. Browse a wide selection of new and used CESSNA Aircraft for sale near you at Controller.com. (As of this writing there is an alternative method of compliance published by the FAA in CE-05-35. Horsepower: 2 x 310 HP. The empty weight is 4373 lb and the gross weight is 6350 lb. The engines were adapted from those used on the 401 and 402 models-the differences were intercoolers and provisions for bleed-air cabin pressurization. The main tanks are an integral portion of the sealed wet wing. Controls consisted of on/off/crossfeed valves and a fuel flow computer/indicator was added. A simpler fuel system was among a host of improvements unveiled in 1978 with introduction of the Model 414A Chancellor. With the O&N tanks in both nacelles, I can carry up to 260 gallons of fuel, good for over seven hours of endurance. Twin Climb - ISA - Cessna @ 6,350 lbs. Pay attention to the fuel system in tip-tanked 414s.A simpler fuel system was among a host of improvements unveiled in 1978 with introduction of the Model 414A Chancellor. Maximum takeoff weight was 6350 pounds; max landing, 6200 pounds. Admittedly, the 414As wet-wing fuel system is an improvement and is simplified. (As of this writing there is an alternative method of compliance published by the FAA in CE-05-35.) However, only upon acquiring the 414 did I finally attain my goal-virtually complete independence from the airlines for domestic travel. The top of the line for the 414 is the series VI. In 1976, Cessna redesigned the 400 series, beginning with its best seller, the 421. Four variations are available, all of which offer a boost in useful load, increased TBOs and new props. All told, maximum useful load was boosted about 200 pounds and an eighth seat was added to the options list. Limiting speed for the extension of 15 degrees of flap was raised from 164 to 177 knots; V lo and V le were increased to an impressive 177 knots, from 143 knots. The Cessna 414 is powered by two Continental TSIO-520-N engines of 310 hp. With the RAM IV, useful load is over 2100 pounds, which enables one to carry full fuel plus 900 pounds. A potential buyer should carefully investigate the compliance status of the airplane by flight time and serial number, especially if the airplane is high time. Engines were 310-HP Continental TSIO-520-Js, and propellers were three-blade McCauleys. The airplane is approved for day and night VFR/IFR operations when equipped in accordance with F.A.R. Combining spacious cabins and relatively small, efficient engines, the 414 series can carry lots of fuel or a small crowd with their belongings but not both. Aerostars, Dukes, and the 58P Baron will outrun the 414, but the penalties are comfort and noise level. Despite that, cylinder head cracking has been a persistent problem for the -N and -NB engines (as well as for other IO-, TSIO- and GTSIO-520s). Also, a zero-fuel weight of 6515 pounds was published to preclude excessive wing bending loads. It can fly six people on a 2-hour trip in a comfortable pressurized cabin or it can fly two people some 1,200 miles. Weather in this area of the country has temporarily shut down businesses for the foreseeable future. It's because of this rather limited load-carrying ability that many operators opt for some modifications. The top of the line for the 414 is the series VI. © Belvoir Media Group, LLC. The engines were adapted from those used on the 401 and 402 models-the differences were intercoolers and provisions for bleed-air cabin pressurization. Once in service the airplanes became popular as workhorses for small charter and corporate flight departments, as well as comfortable transports for private owners. Best Range (i): 1,090 NM. One owner reported discovering mis-drilled holes in the spar of his airplane when it was opened up to install the spar strap: ADs 2005-05-52 and 2005-12-13 are current. Often viewed as a top-of-the-line aircraft, the Cessna 414 and 421 gave owners the most bang for … A pilot in a hurry will see 205 knots on 38 GPH at 75 percent power rich of peak, although few operate that way anymore. The 414 and 414A truly provide a great family or business aircraft. Four different pressurization systems were offered during the run of the 414A, so its essential that the maintenance technician working on a pressurization glitch confirm which system by aircraft serial number. It’s most comfortable at those heights and will still turn in the magic 200 knots. The difference is that an -N engine uses 38 inches of manifold pressure, rather than 36 inches, and 2700 RPM to produce its rated 310 horsepower. The exhaust system AD must be followed carefully, including the 30-day checks whether the airplane flies or not. However, some years, unexpected maintenance can eat your lunch. The drill is to run the engines off the mains (tip tanks) for 90 minutes before switching to the auxiliary tanks. Limiting speed for the extension of 15 degrees of flap was raised from 164 to 177 knots; V lo and V le were increased to an impressive 177 knots, from 143 knots. Go figure. The Twin Cessna Flyer (www.twincessna.org) is headed by Larry A. Operating and maintenance costs are attractive when compared with those of competing airplanes, such as the big-brother 421 and Beech Aircrafts Duke. According to Cessna, 4.2-psi cabin pressure differential could be maintained by either engine operating at 60 percent power. Owner-pilots give high marks to cockpit room and layout of systems controls and enthuse about handling characteristics. Four years later, Continental incorporated some changes to the -NBs cylinders, valve lifters and piston pins, and increased the engines recommended TBO from 1400 to 1600 hours. Continental also published overhaul procedures to enable -NB engines to get the TBO boost.Despite that, cylinder head cracking has been a persistent problem for the -N and -NB engines (as well as for other IO-, TSIO- and GTSIO-520s). Owners of 414As can opt for the series V conversion, which includes Continentals 350-HP liquid cooled Voyager engines, which have a TBO of 2000 hours. All told, maximum useful load was boosted about 200 pounds and an eighth seat was added to the options list. Today, prices range from around $160,000 to over $400,000 for typically-equipped 414s with mid-time engines. Operating and maintenance costs are attractive when compared with those of competing airplanes, such as the big-brother 421 and Beech Aircrafts Duke.In a study of accident records some years ago, the 414 stood out as the safest light twin. 1070 aircraft were produced from 1968 to 1985. The engines are Continental Model TSIO-520-NBs and are rated at 310 horsepower each. Specifications Boost pumps seem to be a weak point, requiring what seems to be frequent replacement. With GAMIjectors and lean-of-peak operation owners report a reduction of about 3 gph per engine at all power settings as well as cooler operating temperatures.Single-engine performance at sea level is average; about 240 FPM for the 414 and 290 FPM for the A model.