If you take a shower, put on fresh clothes, and are still smelling a strong, fishy smell from your vagina, it may be a sign of an infection in your uterus, vagina, or perineum due to … This may appear as brown vaginal bleeding with clots. To help a woman with an infection. Bleeding can start right after the abortion process or until several days after. Clots are passed on and off and might cause cramping. Thick brown discharge daily and a really fowl smell of old BO and blood for the last 4 years (you can smell it outside of my clothes after a shower). After a few days everything seemed normal and the bleeding stopped. The brown thick blood that is very little now, smells bad. A woman may also experience painful intercourse, burning sensation, dryness; the discharge may be yellow in color and have a foul smell. Uterine polyps are also called endometrial polyps. It has a foul odor. Having a brown discharge after period sometimes is just a side - effect, while on some occasion it is something that you should be worried about. I had an abortion about 4 1/2 weeks ago and am experiencing cramping on and off throughout the day, accompanied but some blood and whitish thick discharge. About 3 weeks ago I noticed a foul smell. It implies to a malodour of the period blood which is different from the natural smell of the blood. last thursday i had a surgical abortion at 11 weeks. Name: Kate. Abnormal vaginal bleeding can occur after a suction, manual or medication abortion. I am due for my follow up visit now but I am very concerned because I am having a light brown’ish smelly discharge for the last three days, its quite alot aswell, I have had to … It is usually not foul smelling and resolves in few days. If you are pregnant then a little bleeding after intercourse can be possible. I'm at the end of a natural miscarriage. Add message | Report. I have not had intercourse for the last three years and was married for 10 years before that. About 6 weeks ago I had a medical abortion. If you feel weakness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever that lasts more than 24 hours or is higher than 100.4 F/ 38 C, pain in your belly, if your belly feels sore or tender, if the bleeding increases or takes longer than expected or if you have vaginal discharge that smells bad, you might have an infection and you should seek … About 20% of women experience brown discharge during pregnancy. This lasts a few hours, and is most painful when the pregnancy is being expelled. Question: I have have a medical abortion (the pills) about 3 – 4 weeks ago. An abortion can mess up our hormones, cycle, period. Brown discharge is actually a reddish-brown discharge from the vagina that can happen throughout pregnancy. Your vaginal discharge could smell pretty foul because of the clots and mucus being expelled. It probably does smell bad,as its not "fresh blood" but old blood,also if you normally use Tampons,you will notice the smell more like this as it "drying" in the air slightly.If you are still worried,see a Out-of Hours Doc tomorrow. Foul smelling period Image source: realhealthvision.com. The smell is not present while bleeding on my period after first day. Here’s the deal, postpartum vaginal odor can be normal, except when it’s not. You will find that the bleeding is a little heavier than a normal period and there may be some blood clots too. I can smell … Sometimes a little longer depending on how pregnant you were. The discharge is unusual than normal. Brown discharge is basically old blood from the uterus that is expelled. Bleeding after C-section smells bad. This can happen when cervix gets slightly scratched while having sex. HTH. Abortion is legal and an option available to women not in a position or who do not wish to have a baby, so please don't feel bad. Induced abortion sometimes could be a cause for brown bleeding. I underwent an abortion (vaccum method), bled for 2 weeks, then had a regular period 4 weeks later for 5 days (my usual duration) and now, 2 1/2 weeks later I am bleeding minimally, and it's dark brown. But you should call a doctor if you have heavy bleeding or severe pain. Pain during and after Early Medical Abortion (abortion pill up to 10 weeks) Misoprostol (the second medication), causes strong cramps which can be very painful, and heavy bleeding, which can start 2 hours after using the tablets. Dark brown bleeding that continues for more than a few months often indicates something called “retained products.” Technically, “retained products” is an abortion complication , but I like to think of it as more of a minor problem that can occur after any pregnancy. Uterine Polyps. Yes, abortion has a smell, pro-life leader Abby Johnson confirms. Discharge along with unpleasant smell could due to some infection as you are pointing out.There is … It smells like I've had the same pad on for way too long. But I strongly believe that there is nothing wrong with you. This has been going on for 5 days, and initially it was bright red and then it changed to brown. When you had an abortion, this brown spotting can come and go for weeks after an abortion procedure, which is perfectly normal. Smelly discharge usually indicates a problem in reproductive system of a woman, and this could be due to the following causes: All women are warned to be on the lookout for post-abortion abnormal vaginal bleeding, as this can indicate infection, hemorrhaging or other complications. first of all, please no hate, every woman is entitled to her own choices ; i had my reasons for this. Sorry girls but I need to ask this. I had a medical abortion (the pill) just over 2 weeks ago. ... More bleeding than this is not normal and could be dangerous. STDs. I am still bleeding quite heavily with small clots, but i have noticed that over the past few days the blood has become very smelly, like a cat poo smell (nice) lol. I understand how hard an unplanned pregnancy can be and all women must make the best choice for them personally. The odor, in fact, shows that the brown discharge isn’t normal. then two days ago my cramping got worse and more painful now it hurts whenever i move and i can feel the pain in … Bad odor: If there is a foul smell along with brownish discharge, then it is not period blood. It doesn't feel like a regular period with all the accompanying cramps and … After taking abortion pills the products of conception are thrown out of body for couple of weeks in form of bleeding and discharge.Usually in most of the cases this is sufficient and leads to complete evacuation of products. Even though that's not the case. You might experience some unpleasant symptoms after an IUD insertion — but it doesn't always mean something's wrong. Im 36. Bleeding which soaks more than 2 pads in an hour for 2 hours in a row. After labour pains and throwing up all my medication, I had heavy bleeding with clots for 6 days, which I know is normal. The nurse only told me about the pains and bleeding, and nothing about off coloured discharge. Should you still be experiencing a heavy bleeding with big blood clots 2 weeks after an abortion, you should see your doctor without delay. I went in for my check up but I forgot my ID and couldnt get in. Bad-smelling fluid coming from the vagina. mummy2olivia Sat 24-May-08 22:24:38. Due to urinary tract infections, it has a fishy odor. And it isn’t a pleasant one.Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood director turned … What To Expect – You can expect clots of red, brown or black color. Hi there and welcome. In threatened miscarriage women may have continuous bleeding and abdominal pain. 2 weeks ago I had a medical abortion. It is normal for period blood to have a smell, but different factors can affect this odor, including bacterial infections. Induced artificial abortion & brown bleeding. The place I went was about 3 hours away and I cant afford the gas or the time to go back again. Many women pass the pregnancy between 2 and 4 hours later - … Pain while urinating: If you experience this then it may be because of kidney stones. If women used medical abortion pills (mifepriston, RU-486) or if had illegal abortion, it may result in some of the uterine contents being expelled for days and weeks after the abortion. i had mild cramping and dark brown bleeding with small clots for a few days, it seemed normal enough. Dear XXXXXXX Thanks for the query. It's normal to have some cramping, spotting, and even light bleeding after an insertion. This may be a sign of complications, and especially so if the blood is bright red after the first 24 hours post-abortion, as compared to a darker red, or if it accompanies a stabbing, persistent pain. Don’t be surprised if you experience increased bleeding 4 to 5 days after a medical abortion, complete with clots and strong cramps that will last for several days. Infections following medical abortions are very rare. If a woman is bleeding a lot after an abortion, especially if the blood is bright red and has few clots, it means the blood is fresh and flowing. You are experiencing heavy bleeding. Now, yes. Symptoms of choriocarcinoma after miscarriage include bleeding and pain, and a high beta hCG (pregnancy) level that doesn’t drop after miscarriage, according to Medline Plus 1 . Symptoms of infection include continued bleeding, foul-smelling discharge, fever, chills and abdominal pain. Blood Clots After Abortion. It is rare for any serious medical problems to occur after an abortion. If you are travelling back to Ireland or Northern Ireland and experience any of the symptoms below after an abortion, seek medical attention. It may also be the outcome of implantation bleeding which means pregnancy, but when the brown discharge is accompanied with bad smell, it can indicate vaginal infections. It is recommended to consult a doctor immediately, if… Discharge doesn’t stop even after few days. However, it is important to know when to go to a doctor concerning a foul-smelling discharge. Prolonged and heavy bleeding. I've still a few small clots. Foul smelling period is an uncomfortable and unpleasing experience to have. Bad smelling blood after an abortion..normal? The Polyps can cause a discharge as well as bleeding after intercourse, heavy menstrual bleeding, and abnormal vaginal bleeding. You experience brown discharge after termination of pregnancy (Abortion) or a miscarriage. Also inform doctor if you pass white, grey or green discharge in bleeding. I was about 5 weeks along, I dont know if that maters or not. The truth is it’s difficult to tell when your bleeding will stop after a medical abortion, but in most cases, bleeding should be lighter or stopped in 2 weeks after an abortion. Often there is no bleeding for the first few days immediately following the abortion, then hormonal changes may cause bleeding as heavy as a period around the third or fifth day and increased cramping. Bleeding may be spotty, dark brown, and include clots. In this article, learn more about period blood smell. When it happens, it may stop at some point and then start again. Bleeding, which lasts for about 1-2 weeks after abortion, often includes blood clots. After your abortion you will normally experience vaginal bleeding for around two weeks afterwards. About 4 days after the bleeding stopped I started to get brown discharge, and I'm wondering if this is normal? It is possible for some of the old blood to come out later and then stop. Feeling ill or weak. It may start from early pregnancy and continue until the 37th week, i.e until labour.