Posted by 4 months ago. “The Arctic Code Vault was just the beginning of the GitHub Archive Program’s journey to secure the world’s open source code,” GitHub vice president of … how to be a Arctic code vault ccontributor....i have few repo before feb do i know i am a github arctic code vault contributor.....till now i didnt get any popup(in hightlights) of that badge. Nothing to … If you’ve logged onto GitHub recently and you’re an active user, you might have noticed a new badge on your profile: “Arctic Code Vault Contributor”. 0. To recognize and celebrate these contributions, we designed the Arctic Code Vault Badge, which is shown in the highlights section of a developer’s profile on GitHub. GitHub recently launched a project called GitHub Archive Program along with the GitHub Arctic Code Vault, which was introduced at GitHub Universe 2019. Watch 1 Star 1 Fork 0 MIT License 1 star 0 forks Star Watch Code; Issues 0; Pull requests 0; Discussions; Actions; Projects 0; Security; Insights; main. GitHub Arctic Vault, Code and Memory. But I had no fucking clue what that meant in the slightest. Though . I had a very cool surprise today while checking my GitHub profile. On February 2, 2020, GitHub took a snapshot of all active public … Branches Tags. . That made me chuckle, and I now have a nice little badge under my contact info. Excuse me? Switch branches/tags. The archive is located in a decommissioned coal mine in the Svalbard archipelago, closer to the North Pole than the Arctic Circle. A little notification box was telling me that I earned a badge for being an “Arctic Code Vault Contributor”. I opened up GitHub the other day to find I had a new badge called Artic Code Vault Contributor. A couple of days ago I was surfing GitHub when I stumbled across something that caught my interest. Mr-Perfectuz / Arctic_Code_Vault_Contributor Template. GitHub Arctic Code Vault is a data repository preserved in the Arctic World Archive (AWA), a very-long-term archival facility 250 meters deep in the permafrost of an Arctic mountain. Sounds pretty awesome r… The major purpose of this project is to conserve the open-source contribution for future generations by storing them in an archive built and save it for a thousand years. Some projects I contributed to have been selected to included to be part of the Arctic Code Vault project, and I am officially an Arctic Code Vault Contributor!. I Googled, “What is the Artic Code Vault?”. So I did what most people do when they’re trying to shake the dumb from their brain. The GitHub Arctic Code Vault is a data repository preserved in the Arctic World Archive (AWA), a very-long-term archival facility 250 meters deep in the permafrost of an Arctic mountain. Thanks to the GitHub Arctic Code Vault - a subsection within the Arctic World Archive, buried deep in the permafrost of a mountain - an entire world of open source software code will be preserved in cold storage for, well, as long as needed. The archive is located closer to the North Pole. Close. Introducing the Arctic Code Vault Badge Millions of developers around the world contributed to the open source software now stored in the Arctic Code Vault. Wat? "GitHub Inc. said today it has delivered a copy of all of the open-source software code stored on its website to a data repository at the Arctic World Archive, which is a very long-term archival facility buried 250 meters deep in the permafrost of an Arctic mountain." Yes, the Arctic is no longer just housing massive archives of seeds and treasure troves of dinosaur bones. Some of you might be thinking, “of course! The Artic Code Vault”.