The veins become varicosed anywhere, but particularly upon the lower limbs, especially following pregnancy. Updated March 30, 2020 Homeopathic Remedy Fluoricum Acidum (Fl-ac) According to Mc Lachlan, the left hand is affected rather than the right and the pus tends to point on the dorsum of the finger. This solution is then repeatedly diluted in alcohol and then succussed in between each dilution. About Star homeopathy. Trituration. It is a very deep-acting medicine, and an antipsoric, antisyphilitic and anti-sycotic. NOT FOR HUMAN USE. Such distinctive signs must always be examined, in order for a proper diagnosis and precise, timely treatment. Precautions while taking B jain Acid Fluoricum. Sensation of a splinter under nail. Suppuration. Fluoric Acid is one of the best treatments for patients who have been afflicted with sexual misconduct, and have virtually ruined themselves. Best used for Exostosis, hard, stony Glands, Varicose and Enlarged Veins and Malnutrition of the Bones. Nymphomania. There is worse from wine like Zinc., but also worse from red wine, which is peculiar to Fl-ac. is also distinguished from Sil. Seminal discharge tardy but free, and without bad after-feeling. Tubercles in skin of forehead and face, suppurating, syphilis infantum. The web spaces between the fingers and toes soften and decay. Constriction in the throat with difficult deglutitions, in the morning hawking up of much phlegm which is mixed with blood. Bilious vomiting after slight errors in diet, with increased alvine discharges, preceded by tormina. Dr. Reckeweg Acid Fluor Dilution के लाभ और उपयोग करने का तरीका - Dr. Reckeweg Acid Fluor Dilution Benefits & Uses in Hindi Dr. Reckeweg Acid Fluor Dilution इन … Sleep. The left eye is also comparatively small, and depressed in appearance. Is less affected by excessive heat in summer or cold in winter. सामग्री / साल्ट: Acidum Fluoricum . Stomach. As the acid dissolves glass, the distillation must be performed in platinum vessels, and the acid can only be preserved in bottles of the same, or in bottles made of gutta-percha. Nose. Apoplexy. If one is unable to think of a suitable remedy for varicose veins, one should try to diagnose on basis of the constitution of the patient. as naturally as Sil. That patient is often < from warm things, < from covering, < from warm air; suffocates somewhat like Puls. 30% तक की बचत. Protrusion of the anus during an evacuation. It is suitable after Sil. Tuberculosis of the lung is also passed from one generation to another, but it would need to be treated separately, as a fourth category. The excruciating pain in lower back and loss of power in the lower limbs shows an unmistakable action on the spinal cord and its meninges. Actaea Racemosa (Cimicifuga - Black Snake Root), Kent - Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy, Kent - Preface on Lectures on Materia Medica. Websites for nonprofits by Elevation Web. Dr. Reckeweg Acid Fluor Dilution. Hydrofluoric Acid, Fluoricum Acidum, Flouricum Acidum, Fluoric acid, Fluor, Fluor-ac, Hydrofluoricum Acid, Acidum hydrofluoricum, Hydrofluoric acide, Flour ac, Flouric Acid Fl-ac. H. F. Made by distilling pure fluor spar (Calcium fluoride) in a state of fine powder with sulfuric acid. WARNING. Small red spots here and there, worse by warmth, better in cool place. Fluoricum acidum prevents warts from forming. Disposition to be exceedingly anxious, causing perspiration. Fluoric acid has Varicose veins and ulcers, obstinate, long standing cases, in women who have borne many children. Substancia FLUORICUM ACIDUM de homeopatp�a. All Rights Reserved. Baldness. if given in the beginning, that is, the suffering would be unnecessary; but if you commence with Puls. Lameness in left hip. Patient is compelled to move about energetically. Flatus and eructations. Typically in a Fluoric Acid patient, when the patient has the urge to pass urine but withholds, he will experience a headache associated with a sensation of warmth all over. Homeopathy started to develop during the end of the 18th century, although some fundamental ideas have been known for a long time in Indian … Symptoms seem to go from below upward. The backbone may also feel numb. It is a naturally occurring mineral. There, is some insanity in it, but especially the fatigue and mildness of a the brain. The feet burn and the patient exposes his feet out of the covers. Splenalgia. Hydrofluoric acid. Pressure from weight in the stomach, between meals. Please upgrade your browser or download modern browsers from here! Nails grow rapidly. The ears become numb, the scalp becomes numb, there is a sensation as if the back of the head were made of wood. Solution. Fluoric Acid is also very good for the relief of the swelling of the body due to liver disorder, with which there can be sensation of warmth, presence of bile in the stools and distension of the abdomen. The appetite must be tickled; there must be some inducement to eat. Fluorine, along with other Halogens, belongs to Group VIIIA of the Periodic Table. If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use. In a Pulsatilla patient who does not respond to Pulsatilla anymore, Silicea or Fluoric Acid can be used to a significant advantage. Numbness and lameness in left forearm and hand (morning). Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course of medication. Thus it is compatible with Silicea and Mercury, which are not compatible to each other, and should not be used together. In Sulphur, the patient experiences morning diarrhoea. All these signs are found together in Fluoric Acid, which is a very effective remedy. [5] Congestion of blood to the head -(forehead). It must be remembered that Fluoric Acid is a slow-acting remedy and it should be continued for two to three months for better response. For informational purposes only, not intended for, and neither should it be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice. Here its effects are rather novel. There is a tendency to breaking down of a slow character, where the circulation is very feeble and the skin is near bone or cartilage as in the cartilages in the ears, and in the cartilages of joints. Always keep a gap of 15 minutes before or after meals when you take medicine. Calcarea fluoride is found on the surface of bones, in the enamel of teeth, in elastic fibres, in cells of epidermis, thyroid, aorta, kidneys, skeletal muscles, skin, hair, nails, etc. Why you say, I am trying to describe a Pulsatilla patient. When switching from The skin becomes very hot. Compatible: after Ars. The ends of the hair are dry, the hair mats and splits and breaks, becomes ragged in masses and lustreless. Mind and Disposition. The most vicious kind of chronic diarrhea with this low feeble constitution, in insidious complaints. There can also be numbness of the hands and the feet. Fluoricum acidum is a remedy of the syphilitic miasm. Men: Fluoric acid has with this state an overwhelming sexual erethism. It takes that form in one who is a sort of debauchee, running after alt sorts of things to tickle his fancy, but it takes another form in a man who stays at home with his good wife. Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course of medication. Brain, atrophy of. These symptoms are better seen in less severe cases of poisoning. Sepia corresponds more closely to the condition of the uterus and ovaries, and such conditions, as the woman alone can have. You take a patient who is hot-blooded, who is always suffering from the heat, from too much clothing and too warm a room especially in the evenings, a patient that is tearful and sad, and may be a blonde. "Doctor, there is one thing that I regret very much, and that is, I do not seem to enjoy my children, my home, my companions, my husband and my friends. It may be noted that hydrofluoric acid encloses fluorine, a substance that is stored in the bones and teeth. Frequent passages of flatus and eructations (with constriction of the anus). Clinical. Perspiration. Bending backward, and bending head back better. Headache. Clinical. There is a state in which a man is never satisfied with one woman, but continually changes and goes from bad to worse until he is a debauchee. Stop use and ask a physician if symptoms persist for more than 3 days or worsen. "whole left side of the head retarded in growth, left eye seems smaller.". The whole hand was swollen and hot, better in cool, open air. Dreams toward morning. Privacy Policy Oxalic Acid, Hydrogen Oxalate. and Sep. (aversion to one’s family), Ox-ac. Skin. It cures fig warts. It occurs in nature in mineral Fluorspar. Warm, drinks bring on a diarrhea, or flatulence, or disturbance in the stomach, and cause indigestion to manifest itself in various way The symptoms are worse standing and sitting and better in the open air. and Merc. Tuberculosis, chronic nephritis and carcinoma, lupus, etc., have been treated successfully with injections of Formic acid of a dilution corresponding to the 3d and 4th centesimal. They can benefit from Fluoric Acid, Picric Acid, Lycopodium and Sepia, depending upon their constitution. Nipples itching, sore, cracked. Fluoricum acidum. Find out for which conditions and symptoms Fluoricum Acidum is used… Its use in syphilis must not be overlooked. Liver induration of. It takes a long time for this remedy, in the proving, to develop its symptoms. Respiratory Organs. He has no fever but it is a chronic state of giving out heat without thirst, or increase of temperature. Puls. Dullness and pressure in occiput. ... and are leading notes for its use. Itching on left breast and right side of nose. General heat with nausea from the least movement, with inclination to uncover oneself and to wash oneself with cold water. Compare: Coca (fatigue), Coffea (toothache), Cit-ac. Now, if we take into consideration its great depth of action, we will see furthermore that it is suitable in some brain diseases. In the coped state however, they avoid breaking relationships. At times, in the beginning of a gonorrhea, this condition of priapism and intense uncontrollable sexual desire, with swelling of the foreskin is overcome by Fluoric acid. Hydrofluoric acid has the property of dissolving glass; this property is used in a common test for the presence of a fluoride. ac. Hob-nailed liver of alcoholics. It will take off the wire edge of the disease, and it will be followed by some medicine that is complementary to it, always to be determined by the symptoms that arise. Very often the trouble will come back in the throat, and the ulcers consist of little gummatous growths. has at times something of Puls. Complaints of old age, or the prematurely aged, with weak, distended blood vessels. HPUS indication of Hydrofluoricum Acidum: Varicose veins. Prepared by distilling pure Fluorspar (Calcium Fluoride) in a state of fine powder with Sulphuric Acid. Itching in the larynx, which causes him to hawk and to swallow. About Dr. Reckeweg Acid Fluoricum. Headache: That symptom is all that is given in the text; but remember something that is analogous to it, viz. Itching, redness, swelling of (right) nipple. Cannabis sativa has the same symptom, but it is especially useful in robust cases. It forms hydrofluoric acid and di-sodium silicate. Contact Seller Ask for best deal. In case of Fluoric Acid also, there is morning diarrhoea that tends to be chronic, intractable and debilitating. Sleeplessness without inclination to sleep, a short sleep suffices and refreshes him. In the heart sensation of soreness, jerking. घर पर मुफ्त डिलीवरी * असली दवा, लाइसेंस्ड फार्मेसी से. Uncommon buoyancy of mind, fears nothing and is self-satisfied. Hydrofluoric acid. Violent jerking, burning pains, confined to a small spot. He takes an aversion to his children and to his dearest friends and his wife, that is, he has lost that true and noble and orderly affection and friendship and companionship which ought to exist, and he fights against it. Loss of strength. Fluent coryza. Product details. Panaritium, also simple onychia. Fluoricum Acidum treatment for Abdomen ailments: Soreness over liver. Hunger predominates. 1. This will respond to Fluoric Acid only. The mineral fluorine, however, has maintained medicinal uses for years, though some believe that excessive amounts of it can cause health problems down the road. and Caust. Flouric Acid. While it has in its nature some febrile action, it is not for this purpose that it is oftenest called for its most typical febrile action is very slow and insidious. It is a very deep-acting medicine, and an antipsoric, antisyphilitic and anti-sycotic. Peritonitis. Pinching in the region of the spleen (extending to the hips), eleven AM Pressing pain in the region of the spleen and left arm. Numbness of limbs even when not lain on. Forgetfulness of dates and of his common employment. Hydrofluoric acid. Glabella region bloated. Fluoric acid will prevent the manifestation of disease in sycotic subjects, will prevent formation of fig warts. Pain along the sutures. Lingering, low forms of ulcers and eruptions. Coldness of surface, numbness, mottled skin, blue nails, are present in all degrees of the drug’s action, and are leading notes for its use. Sensation as if danger menaced him. In this respect, it is a very interesting remedy. Fluoric Acid is very useful in this situation. Goiter. Fluorine, along with other Halogens, belongs to Group VIIIA of the Periodic Table. you can mitigate the case and prepare it to receive Sil., providing the two would appear to be on a plane of agreement. Stool pappy, yellowish-brown, fetid, with tenesmus and prolapsus ani. Sensation of weakness, like numbness in the head (and hands). We may use Fluoric acid in felons, particularly in bone felons. Caries of the temporal bone; discharges offensive smelling pus periodically." Fluoricum Acidum | Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke. CLASSIFICATION Fluorine is the lightest member of the halogen group of elements [group 17 of the periodic table, formerly group VIIa], along with bromine, chlorine, iodine, and astatine. It takes a long time for this remedy, in the proving, to develop its symptoms. The woman will say. In the man it is more commonly Fluoric acid, in the woman more commonly Sep., but this need not necessarily be so. When switching from Mercury to Silicea, Hepar Sulph must be used in between. Both hands and feet sweat profusely. Fluoric Acid is the best remedy for varicose veins and associated ulcers. By डॉ K.K. Mind: In mental depression and melancholy, with great sadness, in young men who have destroyed the nervous system by vicious practices, by secret vice. It causes an increase in muscular endurance. Limbs go to sleep, although he does not lie on them. About Acid Fluoricum/Hydroflouricum. In the evening the extremities burn and are feverish, because that is the time of the feverish state; but in the morning and in the daytime there is coldness of the extremities. The numbness is absent in the areas under pressure of the body and weight-bearing areas. Available in 12X-30X, 7C-30C, 200C, 1M from $8.99 Purchase options . Also Known As: Fluoricum Acidum, Fluoric Ac, Hydrofluoric Acid. Forgetfulness of dates and of his common employment. Abdominal symptoms better by tightening clothes (Nat-m. opp. Fluoric acid also acts upon the muscles. It is insidious in its action and its symptoms are slow in approach; it is like the deepest and slowest and most tedious diseases, the miasms, and hence it is suitable in the very slowest and lowest forms of disease. Heaviness above the eyes, with nausea, worse on motion. The cold ameliorates its symptoms. has been too frequently repeated by persons who do not know that Silicea does its best in a single dose and that it is a long acting and slow medicine. Drowsy and sleepy in the early evening. The soles perspire, and the palms perspire, and the sweat is acrid, making the parts sore; excoriation from the sweat between the toes. Thirst, craves refreshing drinks, Aversion to coffee. (diarrhea worse from coffee), Rhus t. and Ruta (coccygodynia), Sil. The Halogens have the feeling of betrayal and hurt, and in the failed state react in a repulsive manner, by rejecting, throwing off. Those needing Fluoricum Acidum (Fl-ac.) Dosage and rules while taking Dr. Reckeweg Acid Fluoricum. Compressing pain in the temples. Heat in the face, desire to wash it with cold water. Similarly the hair loses its lustre and becomes weak and lifeless. Hob-nailed liver of alcoholics. Congestion of blood to the head (forehead). Fluoric Acid patients develop boils on the skin which do not heal easily. In fact, they are patients of Fluoric Acid. Especially adapted to chronic diseases with syphilitic and mercurial history. He blows small pieces of bone out of the nose; great pain in the nose; nasal bones all destroyed, and the nose becomes flat as though only a soft piece of flesh with perforations. Red, swollen, inflamed nose. Characteristics. Fluoricum Acidum treatment for Stool ailments: Bilious diarrhoea, with aversion to coffee. The mineral fluorine, however, has maintained medicinal uses for years, though some believe that excessive amounts of it can cause health problems down the road. Fluoric Acid is the best remedy for this disorder. Nevus. In contrast to Natrum Mur and Sulphur, patients of Fluoric Acid react badly to coffee and tea. Headache, crushing weight on vertex; worse music, motion; better lying down; in rapidly growing childrenSynonyms: Phosphoric AcidSource: Mineral KingdomProv… That is a peculiar symptom, and it sometimes leads to the study of Fluor, ac. Ailments from loss of vital fluids 2. Toothache. Forgetfulness of dates and of his common employment. Generalities. Throat. Fistula. About Acid Fluoricum/Hydroflouricum Flouric Acid is especially adapted to chronic diseases, acts especially upon lower tissues, and indicated in bedsores, ulcerations, varicose veins, and ulcers. H. F. Made by distilling pure fluor spar (Calcium fluoride) in a state of fine powder with sulfuric acid. corresponds to more acute disturbances, or to the earlier stages of chronic disease, the more active or violent operations of chronic disease. Hydrogen fluoride is used to make refrigerants, herbicides, pharmaceuticals, high-octane gasoline, aluminum, plastics, electrical components, and fluorescent light bulbs. A lady spilled some of the acid on her hand and though treated at once with turpentine a few spots escaped on one hand, and these soon gave her great pain, intensely pulsating. H. F. Made by distilling pure fluor spar (Calcium fluoride) in a state of fine powder with sulfuric acid. Increased ability to exercise his muscles without fatigue, regardless of the most excessive heat in summer or cold in winter. Gonorrhea. Fluoric Acid resembles Sulphur in one aspect and Natrum Mur in another. The posterior nares feel expanded during a walk. FLUORICUM ACIDUM Hydrofluoric Acid. Dullness (towards night) in the occiput. A lady spilled some of the acid on her hand and though treated at once with turpentine a few spots escaped on one hand, and these soon gave her great pain, intensely pulsating. Elevated red blotches. From the feebleness of the circulation one might suppose that numbness would naturally be present, and it is true. Causes eye irritation. ac. Fluoricum acidum is mainly used for hair loss in spots in a person of hot temperament, who is worse in any warm environment and constantly desires cold environment. Get Latest Price Request a quote. Apathetic, listless, indifferent. Hydrogen fluoride is also used for etching glass and metal. The Sepia state is like this, but Sep. is more frequently indicated in women. Weakness in the fibrous tissues of the body lead to problems such as varicose veins and teeth and bones weaken and decay easily. If ... PHOSPHORIC ACID (UNII: E4GA8884NN) (PHOSPHORIC ACID - UNII:E4GA8884NN) PHOSPHORIC ACID: 3 [hp_X] in 1 mg : HYDROFLUORIC ACID (UNII: RGL5YE86CZ) (FLUORIDE ION - UNII:Q80VPU408O) FLUORIDE ION: 6 [hp_X] in 1 mg: CALCIUM PHOSPHATE (UNII: 97Z1WI3NDX) (CALCIUM CATION - UNII:2M83C4R6ZB) … Simplexes are available as 100 sweet sucrose pills per vial (lactose and gluten free), or liquid remedies – 120 doses per bottle, mild-tasting water/ethanol mix. Motion worse. The nails grow more rapidly. Head. Constant redness of the hands, especially the palms of the hands. Falling off of the hair, the new hair is dry and breaks off. Edematous swelling up to the abdomen. The modalities of the two are different, Fl-ac. Kanchan Homeo Stores. During respiration wheezing (hydrothorax). Homeopathic potencies accredit their strength and efficacy to the electromagnetic signatures of the original substrate; these are scientifically created dilutions and succussions of medicines such that generally not even a molecule of the original substrate or medicine is present in the medicine. Fluoric acid (Fluoricum acidum). runs toward Sil. Varicose veins can bleed too, causing significant discomfort. It is not in fever. The nails are crippled, likewise corrugations in the nails; the nails grow too fast and grow awkwardly; that is, they are deformed and crippled, too thick in some places, and too thin in others; break easily, brittle. In those patients in whom the diseases progress to a stage where other remedies do not work, then certainly one has to look for profoundly acting remedies, Fluoric Acid is one of them. Sensation of burning and burning pains in parts; heat evolved from the body as a chronic state. Mind and Disposition. Increased flow of saliva. Pain in right knee-joint. Hemorrhoids. Disposition to be exceedingly anxious, causing perspiration. There is feeble circulation in the hands and feet and they become cold. Such medicines are very deep. Skin: Whenever such is the case, we know that a remedy has great depth of action and that it is very long acting. In such a serious situation, Arnica, Aesculus, Lachesis, Sulphuric Acid, Nitric Acid or Fluoric Acid can be put to use for the treatment based on the symptoms and the signs as well as the constitution of the patient. A patient sits in the corner and says nothing and does nothing, eats when food is offered, is led to her room when the time comes, resists nobody, answers nothing; such a state is found in Pulsatilla, and is closely allied to this remedy. Dropsies. (fistula, onychia, bone diseases, coccygodynia), Brom., Iod., Spongia and Kali-c. (goiter), Staph. Eyes, affections of. Some patients are labelled as Sulphur or Natrum Mur but do not respond to either of them. An orderly man considers his wife his best friend and he would rather stay with her than go anywhere else. Burning pains on small spots of the skin. It splits at the ends. It is a combination of Lime and Fluoric acid. Teeth, defective. The scalp loses its sensation, the hair falls out and crusts form. Flouric Acid. Flouric acid is also effective in early decay of teeth. उत्पादक: Dr … Usually, one loses one’s appetite when thirsty, but this is not the case in Fluoric Acid. Less susceptible to the summer heat. Fluoric ac is carefully prepared by taking hydrofluoric acid and dissolving it in alcohol. Vertigo with sickness of the stomach. Fluoric Acid symptoms aggravate on exposure to heat, with hot drinks and in the morning. Updated March 30, 2020 Homeopathic Remedy Fluoricum Acidum (Fl-ac) Hydrofluoric acid. Heart. Constipation, stools infrequent and hard. In the morning the mouth and teeth are full of mucus. Pityriasis. Sensation of numbness in the forehead. Acute prickings, as with needles, in the fingers. Mahajan On Nov 7, 2017. H F. Made by distilling pure fluorspar (Calcium fluoride) in a state of fine powder with sulphuric acid. You are most likely familiar with fluoride as we use it every day in our toothpaste. Back, pain in. In the coped state however, they avoid breaking relationships. Teeth are deficient in enamel, black, rough, unsightly-looking. Hydrofluoric acid. Stool and Anus. Here also we may make the same point of distinction between it and other remedies, relief from cold applications. Itching under the ribs (left) Difficult respiration (afternoon and evening). It acts on the bones, especially the long bones, causing caries and necrosis, and favors the expulsion of the necrosed part. This solution is then repeatedly … Often a boil develops on the face that does not soften for a long time. in old cases with exostoses, caries and necrosis, cases that have been mercurialized, and treated by other drugs until ulcers have developed or those affections of the nose that we have often observed in syphilitic states. Peculiar symptoms are: Increased ability to exercise his muscles without fatigue. Toothache worse from cold drink, or better until water becomes warm in mouth. Followed well by: Sulph., Nit-ac. There are times when this priapism demands Canth., but that remedy differs wholly in its nature from this. Thus it is compatible with Silicea and Mercury, which are not compatible to each other, and should not be used together. Gleet. But, in the case of Natrum Mur, the hair is affected all over the head. In prescribing it for varicose veins, polypi, catarrh, Dr. J. H. Clarke orders an ounce or two of a solution of Formic acid to the proportion of one part of the acid to eleven of distilled water. Tongue deeply and widely fissured in all directions, with a large, deep phagedenic-looking ulcer in the center. Sil. To him there is no place like home. and Staph., which often follow each other and rotate in this way. Disposition to be exceedingly anxious, causing perspiration. Alopecia. Soreness of all his corns. It is a strong feature, of this remedy to be worse from drinking tea and coffee. Dulness (towards night) in the occiput. Highly seasoned or strong-tasting food are preferred and short naps re… Fluoricum acidum may be used as a Homeopathic or used simply as a micro-nutritional (mineral acid). Sensation as if danger menaced him. Elemental fluorine is produced from it. Stop use and ask a physician if symptoms persist for more than 3 days or worsen. The perspiration is offensive; offensive, acrid sweat between the toes. Also Known As: Fluoricum Acidum, Fluoric Ac, Hydrofluoric Acid. C2H2O42H2O. Pressure, as if it were behind right eyeball. Varicosis. Contact Us. Aversion to his own family. Head. Fluoricum Acidum (Hydrofluoric Acid) Especially adapted to chronic diseases with syphilitic and mercurial history. Headache better by profuse flow of urine. The teeth feel warm (left upper jaw). Veins: An excellent and very useful feature of this remedy is its ability to produce varicose veins and varicose ulcers. This state of desire forces itself upon him, not only when he is with the opposite sex, but at all times. Skin: That is a clinical state, but it is significant. Avoid eating tobacco or drinking alcohol during the course of medication. A crust forms, but there seems to be no healing beneath the crust. Complaints of old age, or the prematurely aged, with weak, distended blood vessels. 577 लोगों ने इसको हाल ही में खरीदा . It was not red like the spots touched by the acid but was sore to touch, and when pressed there was a sensation as of a splinter under the nail and in the cellular tissue. Rapid caries of teeth. We don't support your browser. are similar all along the line as to the nature of their symptoms. Old cicatrices become red around the edges, covered or surrounded by itching vesicles, or they itch violently. Old cicatrices become redder and itch. The extremities become numb and there is numbness of the feet and bands extending upwards; numbness, with or without dropsy; numbness in spinal affections; numbness in brain diseases. For instance, large amounts of this mineral acid are used in industry to cleanse metals as well as polishing, frosting and engraving glass. "A constant, irresistible desire to walk in the open air, its does not fatigue," is characteristics of Fl-ac. Here, as in case of other diseases of the bones, the discharge is offensive. Charitable Solicitations Registration Frequent passages of flatus and belchings, which relieve. Intolerable burning in the urethra during and after urination. Obstruction of the nose. Terms and Conditions. The Halogens have the feeling of betrayal and hurt, and in the failed state react in a repulsive manner, by rejecting, throwing off. Fl-ac. Many a time has this remedy taken away that ulcer of the root, closed up that fistulous opening, cured the pain, saved the tooth. Women are very susceptible to developing varicose veins due to multiple pregnancies and childbirths, causing pressure on the deep veins in the lower part of the abdomen and pelvis. If pregnant or breastfeeding, ask a homeopathic practitioner before use. Pain in right shoulder-joint. Chest. Sexual passion and desire increased with erections at night, during sleep. View Complete Details . Neck and Back. It is used for varicose veins, ulcers in the mouth, gas troubles, liver affection of alcoholics, Goitre and Hair fall. Fluoric Acid should be promptly started to avoid the possibility of paralysis, which can occur suddenly. Now, that is the second step; the patient has gone from a warm to a cool state; the overheated state has been lost and he has gone into Sil., but when Sil. Itching of the head. Fullness and pressure in epigastrium. Sixty percent of the hydrogen fluoride used in manufacturing is for processes to make refrigerants. "Feeling of indifference towards those he loves best.".